Chained to my demons

Chained to my demons

8 0 4

This story is miserable. It won't contain the fairytale ending your looking for.It won't have love and hope in it.It's gruesome and cruel to you.If your weak hearted I suggest you leave.It includes death.Blood.Backstabbing.And him.It contains the devil within it.Be careful when you open it.Because it also contains her.~Another file caught my eye.I wiped the dirt of the file name. My blood ran cold in my body.Fibinaci.But that was me.Me. ~"Amara." He whispered my name. I pulled away grabbing my gun and cocking it in a record time. I raised my eyebrow the same way I raised my gun and pointed it at him.~She was peculiar. Never seen one like her before. She walked with such confidence it wasn't taught or faked. She was born with it. ~I watched her as she cocked her gun. Her brow raising as she raised the gun to point it at me. To be completely honest with you dear reader. I was a little excited. ~"I got shot. It's not in." I whispered as I felt my legs give out. He put his hands under my legs and one under my head picking me up bridal style."It's okay I got you. I got you Amara."~I was taking control of my life.I have had enough with these stupid men who think just because they got a dick on them makes them any better then me.~…

Edges of tomorrow

Edges of tomorrow

354 63 21

But his eyes. His eyes sent shivers down my spine, they were sadist, mocking me. You know how in fairy tales there's always a monster? His worse far worse than the villain who poisoned snow white, or locked Cinderella up.He haunted my dreams, chased away my hope. He was the one you cower away from. The one you hide under the covers from.***"How about I take you somewhere Liz, how much do you think your worth? Five grand, ten grand? I say ten grand tops." "You like that Liz maybe you could suck my balls for me too.""I'm afraid this is the end of the line Elizabeth two opposite worlds, two different universes, we can no longer co-exist together, and when your all alone in a world that will never understand you my soul will be with you my love. we never stood a chance, I wish there was more time, I wish we had better circumstances but what twist fate had for us huh, we both know I know it was worth all the pain. "He looked at me one last time, engraving every feature I possessed into his mind. Wanting to remember me just as I was before everything fell at our feet."Pull the trigger. End this. End us." I held my breath, as I closed my eyes I couldn't look into the storm that raged in his. It would consume me. One...two...bang!***The FBI failed the world, they failed to make the world a little safer. To put the villain away, and that would have been the end for most stories. But not Elizabeth she took matters into her own hand, and she saw the monsters lurking in the dark.She had a plan. She needed to stick to the plan but what happens when the plan goes array? She knew right from wrong but what happens when those lines blur, what happens when you cross a line?And what happens when your at the end of the line. Will your feet stay glued to the spot or will you take the leap…