One Step Closer

One Step Closer

15,628 1,496 57

"What do you want?" - I asked hesitantly. The boy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and he just shook his head. "From you, I want nothing!" - he answered without a beat. "But you were the one who asked for help!" - answered him, making sure not to let him closer to the door. He won't get away from me this time. "Listen - I said as calm as I could -, please let me help you out. I can give you accommodation for a while, or money, but I want to know that you are safe. " - I tried to plead with him, and I hoped it will work. "You can't live on the street forever ." - I looked him straight in the eyes, and wondered what those eyes hold. He didn't seem to be focused today, like other days, he always had an answer , no matter how much I tried to help him, he always refused my help. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Meet Marian, 28 years old, nearly broke, but always optimistic girl. Helping others is running in her blood - although her helpful nature annoys the heck out of the receiving party most of the time. □□□Meet James, 17 years old, homeless kid. No address, no steady income. Very pessimistic, very sarcastic and always angry. He is filthy, he is agonisingly slow and eats like a wolf. □□□Greg is your average next door guy, with determination to keep his business afloat in a mainly women dominated area. He has no other interest but prove his family wrong, keep his flower shop open. □□□Cairo is the newly appointed CEO of a law firm in London. Being American, he finds hard to fit in the British society, and finds it even harder to make real friends. He is struggling with loneliness and has abandonment issues.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What would happen if these people eventually meet, interact and change the course of each other's life? Prepare yourself for huge personality clashes, some agreement, loads of fight and ....some smut... Maybe... who…

You too?

You too?

153 29 2

Daniel McClure was a loner. He felt always isolated from others. He didn't have a lot of friends and somehow said friends didn't feel like real friends either. He had only one true friend, who stood beside him, no matter what. He often pondered about the fact that he is different somewhat, and some extent he tried to get onto the bottom of it. He thought maybe he was just too shy to make friends or socially inept.Daniel never thought he will have to leave his parent's house. He thought he could live there as long as he wanted.One day, Daniel shared a simple sentence with her mother and that was the day when Daniel's seemingly perfect life crumbled down to its pieces.…



479 84 9

Today was my last day at the demilitarized zone or as we all called it, DMZ. Yeah, guess where I am? Yo, baby, you are all damn right. South Korean Army Facility at the DMZ. Last fucking day in this fucking hell hole. After the basic six weeks traning, naturally nothing happened. The sweet leader of the People's Republic of .... whatever they call themselves, well he was sitting on his fat arse and did nothing. I was so damn fed up with it. The next morning I've left, finally ... to never return to my fame, to my VIP's, to my boys. To my recording label. To my family. I took an airplane and never looked back. I wanted to be invisible. I wanted to be the person, who really I am. But first, I needed to find that person. In between my concerts,tours with my boys, my family, my fans, I just couldn't remember properly who I was. Til to this day, it's hard to distinguish between the fine lines where DG starts and where Song Taehyun starts.Sometimes I am not even sure who I really am.…