Grin And Bear It

Grin And Bear It

47 15 18

My earliest memory is one that played over in my head regularly. At three years old I had only started to experience the soft warmth of a smile. From that moment on I never wanted anything else. It was one of the most impactful moments of my life. Until I grew up I didn't fully know how.I can't remember everything I've ever done, every mistake I ever made. I remember the people I hurt though. When I hurt them the most and how easily I broke someone I loved the most without realizing it. It never occurred to me what I was really missing or how giving myself so freely to the wrong people kept me from the right ones.I just wanted someone who felt like I felt....Michael only ever wanted to make people happy. To be liked. For the most part it was easy.With a happy childhood he gladly gave himself away and molded his life to fit everyone's expectations. A good boy who did as his mother told and followed where his father lead. Where his life went didn't matter. It was useless to him. All he cared about was pleasing those around him. Anything else in between was just to receive the small gesture of a smile from everyone he met.And so that childhood came and went at the mercy of others.As he grew older so did the thin tightrope he traversed. With his easy high school years coming to a close his life slowly unravels without him realizing. Pulled in every direction he's entangled in the expectations he once craved. Not sure which path to travel anymore it's only a matter of time before the strands finally snapped. He grasps desperately for the one thing he believed he needed, only to find what he truly desired is already out of his reach.{Prequel in the "Living To Exist" series}…

Smoke Without Fire

Smoke Without Fire

91 21 11

Secrets followed Karalynn through most of her life. In an effort to appease those around her she created a brand new personality. Now, nearly twenty-seven, she's not sure who she is or wants to be. She can't even admit to the relationship she's kept secret from her own friends for three years. The guilt eats away at her but she'd never notice, deafening her own accusatory thoughts with loud music, dancing, and drinking. When her friends and family all start moving away the thoughts grow louder before she's lost and alone in their wake. As they spiral out of her control the reality she's faced with terrifies her. A lifetime of ignoring where she came from and where she's going finally backfires as she's forced to face the truth. With a little help from someone she least expected as an ally everything starts to fall into place. Until one final ghost from her past comes to remind her just who she really is.{Spin-off and book 3 in the "Living To Exist" series}…



78 15 1

An Amazon, Welcome To The Blumhouse, winner. A young girl is forced to do the unthinkable to escape a dark situation. After being held captive in her own home for more than ten years, she plans to finally stand up for herself. But freedom may be a power too great for her to handle.…

Moonlight Dance

Moonlight Dance

13 3 1

One night from bad to worse but who's the real terror?In a remote warehouse two souls engage in a dance of life and death. Under the cover of moonlight Tidus plays a dangerous game with a woman for the fate of the world. With revenge on her mind their goals may not be as different as she believes.…