Healing Heart

Healing Heart

11 0 4

I was never one to embody the clichés around dating, mostly because before Heart I could never understand them. How someone could read their partner's face like a book, and never get tired of it. How they could forgo the imagination of finding another partner, of another life, of eloping with a beautiful, dark-eyed foreigner on a shimmering vacation. I get it now. She looks stunning, if a little tired. I stare a little too long at her lips, remembering the name of her lip shade: "Too close for comfort." She bought it on a whim during a weekend trip with one of our mutual friends, Sadie. Thought it would pair well with her dress for one of our dance club's ballroom nights. And, as I distinctly remember, it's the only shade that I haven't kissed her in. Before I know what's happening, tears are rushing down her face. "Cameron, you're not allowed to look at me like that."Her voice is deceptively steady, but quiet, despairing. The latter notes I picked up hesitantly, because the onset of her velvet speech has stopped me in my tracks. We're not dating anymore. She picks up where she left off:"I'm here because we never talked about what happened."…

Golden Locks and Glasses

Golden Locks and Glasses

202 11 9

Oliver was always the quiet new guy in town. At school, girls crowded him relentlessly, but he was never interested. He had never really looked at girls until he saw Aurora. And then his heart stopped.Aurora was an introvert. The girl with golden hair and glasses that preferred to read when others were gossiping. She was never picked on, but never befriended- just always left alone.…



38 0 14

His name is William. My fiancé--the one I've never met in person. A Duke's son. I would elaborate more, but the system in which some people do things is rather complicated. And please, don't ask me to explain something I don't fully understand.…

Peculiars (Book 1 of the Inevitable Trilogy)

Peculiars (Book 1 of the Inevitable Trilogy)

11 0 4

For eons, the human world has been an escape for peculiars. Everything is different there- no order, no peace, and for some reason peculiars enjoy witnessing the chaos. In addition, humans are much more physical. They shake hands while peculiars simply nod, they must speak words while peculiars may communicate telepathically. Completions have the innate ability to connect on the deepest level, something humans could never understand. And yet, peculiars still learn a thing or two about love when they visit.…



7 0 10

This is something I started writing almost five years ago. I'm going to break it up to publish as chapters and leave it in it's raw state until I have enough renewed creativity to fix it up into something grand. For now, enjoy:)…

Kip and Alice

Kip and Alice

33 0 20

I had always thought about what I would do when I met the person that I would spend the rest of my life with. I wondered if I would ever meet that perfect person in the sea of millions I would encounter in the world. And then there was Kip. She wasn't my type. Technically I liked the princesses, the ones wearing too much makeup. The ones that needed me for support, for their raging emotions. And then I realized that she was my type. Her and no one else.…