Hard to say NO |✓

Hard to say NO |✓

22,942 5,175 84

Highest rank 1# in Chicklit 10/05/18 |Book 1 of sequel NO| Trailer inside! Emma Skys has had a traumatic experience, and when the whole school finds out about it because her best friend betrays her, she acts with revenge and takes someone away from her. They both cross the line, but Emma keeps a hold onto that essential person that isn't hers to keep. Many feelings come in the middle as friendships break apart with a blink of an eye. Hunter Lane is the quarterback player of the school team and is the centre of everything, he holds them both together, but the one thing he doesn't have under control is his past. He will have to choose from his heart for once. And will finally have to confront his past and accept the wrong decisions he made when he loses the most important thing he had. If you kill someone because they hurt the person you love, does that still make you a murderer?…

NO reason to stay

NO reason to stay

1,619 411 21

|Second book of the sequel NO| Emma Skys has been accepted at two different universities across the state. She decides to go to San Francisco's University leaving her life behind in Santa Monica, including the boy she loves. This new package gives her a new flat roommate, Claire Bailey, and a boy. This boy has become a big part of her and when her old feelings return, she has to erase someone from the painting because there can only be one. She is furious after Hunter disappears when she needed him the most. She got shot because of him and is now willing to forget all about it and move on with her life. Hunter thinks otherwise when he presents himself when Emma has just begun to settle into her new life when a new opportunity arises in his direction.…

Es complicado decirte que NO (HARDTOSAYNO)

Es complicado decirte que NO (HARDTOSAYNO)

862 252 21

highest Rank 14# en jovenes, 09/05/18, Este libro originalmente está escrito en Ingles pero como soy bilingüe lo estoy traduciendo personalmente en Español ¡Espero que os guste!Emma Skys ha tenido una experiencia traumática y cuando todo el colegio se entera porque su mejor amiga la traiciona, actúa con venganza y le quita algo. Ambos cruzan la línea, pero Emma se queda con algo que no es suyo. Hunter Lane es el centro de todo, las mantiene juntas, pero lo único que no tiene controlado es su pasado. Hunter finalmente tendrá que enfrentar su pasado y aceptar la mala decisión que tomó cuando pierde lo más importante que tenía. Si matas a alguien porque hiere a la persona que amas, ¿eso todavía te convierte en un asesino?…