The Eyes for Fortune

The Eyes for Fortune

354 11 11

Ethan is not a normal boy..... The fact that he lives on the streets as a beggar makes this clear. When he wakes up to a serious barrage of artillery fire on his village in the middle of the night, he knows it would mean death for him and his best friend Michael. But by a twist of fate and a special encounter, their lives are saved. Now they are stuck in a world they don't want to be in. A dangerous life where you can be killed in an instant.The unpredictable life of a pirate.…

Some Eyes for Fortune art

Some Eyes for Fortune art

10 1 1

This is a companion thing for The Eyes for Fortune.…

Crimson Moon

Crimson Moon

45 3 2

Jeremey is a normal boy. That is until he moves to a new school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He meets three people. all of them having the same pointed teeth and oddly colored eyes that he thought were exclusive to him.When he decides to travel to the woods with them one night, his life changes forever.Jeremey must now fight for his life and put a stop to the war he was chosen to end.Even if it would cost him his life.(Warnings! Gore and violence!)…