Stories by nothing

Stories by nothing

516 134 48

What is my voice? What does it matter? Where is the point in all this work if at the end of the day I'm still such a burden to society, to other people, to the ones I love? I consider myself nothing at this point because I really don't matter and who really would care. So I am nothing, and these are my stories. This is basically a collection of short stories I've written about my feelings towards well everything in general. Be careful if you are reading these stories touch on some really touchy subjects and if you are easily set off by anything these stories may not be for you.…

Cuentos de nada

Cuentos de nada

10 1 1

Mi nombres nada y estas son mis historias…



18 3 3

This is the purest of rants Things that truly piss me offEnjoy…



23 3 1

Thoughts in this head of mine…

11 2 1

Just done

Just done

10 1 1

Welcome to what goes on inside my head.…

Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter

13 1 1

I was in an interesting mood when I wrote this one. It's a bit twisted. Not gonna lie. VERY twisted. Messed up even for me. So yeah you've been warned. Twisted is taken to an EXTREME.…



6 0 1

shit i guess. idk not a great writer over here.…



14 1 1

The name explains it. If it doesn't then A.) this is not your type of story or B.) you will understand it when you read it or C.) Like I said not your type of story man just don't read it move on with your life no hard feelings fam.…

The real me

The real me

12 0 1

Another story. so many. why do i keep writing lol. oh well the world may never know.…



6 1 1

A story i hates but here it is anyways up on wattpad so yeah read my horriable writing i guess…

Eternal sleep
Thanks for the reminder


6 0 1

Why I'm scared of the dark


7 1 1

Swirls of thoughts

Swirls of thoughts

4 0 1


Today's thoughts
Trust Equals Bullshit

Trust Equals Bullshit

68 0 7

When you put your trust in someone and it hurts remember there's always two sides to the story. And there not always what they seem.…

If I die

If I die

10 1 1

Just my current thoughts…