Harappa's Lost Seal (Under Edit)

Harappa's Lost Seal (Under Edit)

556 195 13

A warrior class of woman. A city on the verge of war. A leader who let politics dictate his life. A loyal brother. A story dating back to 2500BC. The Indus civilization in its glory and a love story which grew in it.The book is under serious edit. Disclaimer: The characters of the story have no resemblance to historical characters.…

The Mysterious Women Series : Black Mai (ON HOLD)l

The Mysterious Women Series : Black Mai (ON HOLD)l

661 166 6

"Don't you think , I should have been informed about this?" he had his back to her.She knew visiting her place would be a bad idea and now she was about to face the consequences, "I was planning to , but you would never believe "."It's nothing unbelievable my dear", his voice holding grimness as he turned to face her, holding an old photo frame.A look at the photograph let her release the breath , she didn't know she was holding.******************************************Vikram is an arrogant, playboy, ruthless person. He is everything, a rich spoilt child would be. To repair his image among the women clients , the trustees have decided to hire a new PR manager.This would be none other than Shanaya, a plain , intellectual lady and the best in her field. She is sweet but sassy and knows how to hold her own among the members of mass media. She must find out every secret of her boss before the media. But will the stubborn man allow her to do that?…

All Beccause Of His Son

All Beccause Of His Son

591 19 2

Imagine what would happen if Draco is forced by his son to marry Hermione.A widowed Draco gets really worried when his son is seriously sick . When he visits St.Mungos he is met with the 'know-it-all' Miss Granger, well she's a healer now. But the story gets twisted when his son as well as the always regally noble Narcissa Malfoy, his mom ; wants them to get married. ~~~|||||~~~~~~~|||||||||~~~~~~||||~~~"Daddy I want mummy home", Scorpio started another one of his tantrums.Draco knew who his son was talking about , yet he decided not to acknowledge the subject."No , you can't have her here".The little guy however had different ideas."Daddy loves mummy", he pleaded with his father.They were having dinner , where his grandmother Narcissa was seated and had been keenly listening to this conversation without making it obvious."Mummy doesn't want to be with daddy", Draco exclaimed softly."And who says that"? his mother retorted.Just great, he thought , so now I am to be a one- man army against both these daunting people. Merlin give me some strength.Disclaimer: - All the characters belong to the J.K. Rowling , but the plot is mine. So please don't feel free to copy it.…

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

54 24 1

Before anything I must inform you that the story is going to consist of a single chapter. So guys please don't keep your hopes up for a long story.Now with the summary:-How would you feel , when you return from a journey and there's no one to pick you at the airport. Your husband being busy with someone else you feel deceived. Yet something is amiss out here. A person so loving and caring could he deceive you ?Or is it just something else totally that you couldn't put your finger to? Meet Ashi and her family for an evening of emotional drama and a surprise.…