Day-Lynx (EDITING)

Day-Lynx (EDITING)

1,045 314 23

After Death offered him another chance in life, a young artist struggles to live between two worlds: the human one where he fulfils his banal duties as an unknown artist and the supernatural world where he lives as a notorious beast whose head is hunted by countless masses.*** The Day-Lynx, a malformed lynx-like beast in Borealm Woods, has never done the Mountkirk locals harm. But the beast has become infamous among the citizens of the realm, leading both the villagers and outsiders to hunt it down and end its reign, even if they have to get their hands dirty. For years, it haunts the daydreams and nightmares of not only children, but even the toughest adults as well. When a bad incident strikes one of the villagers and involves the beast, the hunt for it ravages more than ever. However, some people are against the plan, including Rozell, an indie paintgrapher who's eager to portray nature in a more positive light. But only time can decide if his defiance can last long enough. And in the end, only the villagers can determine whether Rozell is only trying to avoid unnecessary trouble, or if he has chosen to save the beast instead of himself.• ONC 2021's Longlist Ambassadors' Pick and Shortlist Qualifier• 3rd Place in Fantasy - The Lucent Awards• 926/81.4k in Paranormal (October 2nd, 2021)• Featured in Gems Under 1k (July 2021) by Wacky Writers• Featured in More Than the Eye Can See (March 2022) by Speculative FictionThe surreal cover's credit goes to @Laentheon and her graphic shop, A Matter of Time.…

Allice in Mysterious Land (ON HOLD)

Allice in Mysterious Land (ON HOLD)

1,886 472 33

After a mass break-out of zoo animals raises suspicions, an illiterate boy uncovers a scheme to rid the city of all lower-class citizens... including him.*** In a land where discriminations are common and technology evolves faster than the living, adapting to the system is a must. The arrival of a scientist-turned-mayor in Dogson City also further pressures the citizens with the introduction of Contributier, a system that records the citizens' contributions and sorts them into Tiers based on their accumulated points. Those in the Low-Tier are soon regarded as societal waste, while those in the Top-Tier are glorified and feared like lions in the jungle.But chaos ensues once the local zoo experiences a 'zoo-break' on the mayor's first anniversary. And to further complicate the matter, several unfortunate citizens--including Allice, an illiterate Low-Tier boy--accidentally stumble upon carelessly spread-out secrets and schemes, making them the perfect prey for daunting human-faced beasts in the city.Now Allice and his companions must break free from the swamped situation they've fallen into. Or their future lies solely under the mercy of the beasts in the mysterious land.(UNDER CONSTRUCTION - 2021)• #438 out of 14.3k in Technology (July 2021)…



1,329 320 16

Life has many things in store for Raiden within a week. His parents' debts result in his house being confiscated. His sister, Ece, is missing, leaving anemone petals as his only guide. Shortly afterwards, his ex-crush, who's supposed to be dying at the hospital, is alive without any traces of her sickness, and decides to visit him at his confiscated house. Criminalities also have tons of schemes for the city that week. The city's explorers have found two ransacked homeless shelters. Their inhabitants who are also immigrants are nowhere in sight. Six heists are reported by six sites, both artificial and natural ones. Jewels are stolen. It's as if they're back to the ages when the largest crime is thieving jewelry. Those who observe both occurrences can't help but to question the link between those events. Are those coincidences? Or is something bigger than their comprehension takes place? The city and its individuals shall be stunned by the bizarre, fantasy-related secrets their environment has always held all this time, as they try to solve the matters at hand.👣 D E D I C A T I O N S : The amazing cover made by KatySantiago08. Check out her cover shop! And to all of you, who gives this book a chance by reading, voting, criticizing, or commenting it, your supports are more than appreciated. 👣 A C H I E V E M E N T S :1. Shortlisted in ONC II Round 3.2. 1st place in The Blue Rose Awards for the Untold Story category (March).3. #64 out of 346k in Mystery (October 2021)5. #206 out of #479k in Fantasy (October 2021)6. #208 out of #425k in Adventure (October 2021)👣 P R O M P T S : 1. Suspense Fiction #5 (Red Petals)2. Suspense Fiction #7 (Soul Sickness)3. Suspense Fiction #10 (Faceless Creatures)4. Thrilling Fiction #5 (Cursed Jewel)👣 WILL BE RECONSTRUCTED SHORTLY (LIBRARY FOR UPDATES :D)…



593 122 32

A collection of my short stories. •Death: 1st place on TVI Contest 1 by thevividimaginator•Imperishable: 2nd place on The Deathly Hallows Challenge by WattRowling•On My Way: Featured on the #Bronte200 anthology by the Ambassadors•The Invisible Quill: 2nd place on The Masquerade Awards' first prompt by Shreya_VA…