The joys of Iowa
🥰Give me a chance to show u my fav story's! 🥰

🥰Give me a chance to show u my fav story's! 🥰

15 0 5

This is some info about the books in my fav book list! I can not guarantee that I will find a book that you like. If you don't quite know what you are looking for look thro my book list to see if you like any of them. Enjoy!! -mistywood…

Betrayal, Forgotten,  Remember.

Betrayal, Forgotten, Remember.

27 1 8

A story of betrayal, dragons, adventure, memory loss, and a come back. Everly had it all good grads, A strong dragon, strong personality , great big brothers and great friends. Until now. With a betrayal of her best friend, the lost of her memory,and the war that is going on, Everly and Ren, a soldier that saved her, must try to get her home, friends, and life back. All the while being tracked down by HIM, and constantly scared for Everly's life.Join Everly on the quest of a lifetime.…

stuffed animal club

stuffed animal club

74 4 4

Stuffed animals club. It's a group thing. And things are decided as a group. It's were people can talk about stuffed animals or what ever.Don't look at this if all you want to do is make fun of people. Be nice or get out.Sorry bad disruption I am bad at this I think. 😅…



69 21 18

I think that a lot of people like to hide behind a mask. Not a physical one though, I personally tend to put my mask on a lot. So I think that poems show your true feelings, or how you feel in side. If I am feeling sad I know that I can always turn to poetry. It is always there. I just need to write it.Hey all! These poems might be depressing! Love ya! 😋😉😋…

Poems and short story's

Poems and short story's

17 4 6

This has everything I wantThis is what I think is my bestPlease don't judge Don't call me a pest I am merely doing my bestI know that this is badbut I don't force you to readI simply want to be freeI write to let my worry's freeI write to set my mind at ease But I never forced any thing upon theeBut I ask for no judgment No mater how dark it isCuse my brain is a prisonAnd with writing I am free!I am super sad I blame my dad. He acts like he is god and that I am the 'perfect' daughter. But news flash for him is that I cry at night because of him. I am not 'straight' I am bisexual. I hate showing sheep and just want to show horses and goats but all he wants to do is live out his dreams through me. I am tired and some time think to dark. I guess that u could say me being wimp is a good thing cause I am to scared to do any thing drastic... you know what I mean. But I guess poetry makes me happy expressly when people love it even though it is kinda sad!The short stories are usually only one page and my poetry is what is mostly on here and nun of them have names so who ever wants to name one give the name and see if any one else likes it or can improve it.…

Dark love

Dark love

17 5 7

Layla goes to new York with her brother. They get separated, she gets drug into an ally, and falls in love? Who dose she fall for, and dose she know him from some were?}he started getting closer to me. My face was getting more and more red."What.. what are you doing?!?!?!" He puts his hand on the wall behind me, his other hand goes into my pocket."No need to get flustered, something just... caught my attention." He pulled something out of my pocket and moved a step closer to me, one move and we would have been kissing....{*Complete ***this was a story I made for a school project. Hope you enjoy it as much as my class did!**…