47 5 1

When the galaxy teeters on the brink of civil war, where chaos threatens to engulf everything, you have a choice: either succumb to the corruption or stand firm and do what is right, even if it means standing alone.However, Elora Suduri was never truly alone. From the moment the Republic became the first Galactic Empire to the day she fulfilled her destiny, she was part of a larger movement, one committed to changing and saving the galaxy.The Axis network thrived under Luthen Rael's leadership, but without men and women willing to take real risks to correct their errors, it would have crumbled long ago. So, Elora did what she had to do.Played with her life on the edge of a knife, for a sunset she might not get to see.--Cover by the amazing @Abeth98 ♡©️ 2024…

The Countess ━ OBI-WAN KENOBI

The Countess ━ OBI-WAN KENOBI

2,174 183 19

LEILANI SERENNO bridged the past and the present, born into a family of cruelty and then groomed to fulfil a role in the grand scheme of things. She was a puppet manipulated by her brother, ensnared in a larger narrative orchestrated by the Force. Yet, a crucial error changed everything-what was meant to render her compliant instead transformed her into a leader, one feared enough not to be feasted upon. She became the will of the Force.While OBI-WAN KENOBI only ever focused on the future, constantly fearing the moment he'd have to let everything go. His mind was a storm of thoughts, neurons racing through the shadows of his memories, as he navigated the world. An impeccable pilot, who didn't like to fly; a devastating warrior who rather did not fight. A negotiator without a peer who preferred to sit alone in a cave and meditate.TOGETHER, they were everything. Past, present and future, the most important pieces of the game. Complementary; two parts of a whole.---cover by the amazing @Abeth98 <3©️ 20241st on #countdooku; 04/25/2024 ♡…



1,122 133 16

I'm telling you a story that J. K. Rowling forgot to tell... The tale of Severus Snape and Isobel Lily McGonagallMy father & mother...... Two of the greatest wizards, the world has ever known, were lured together by a bond, one, formed by an unbreakable vow, one that they could not dodge. It is a tale of pride and romance, acceptance and disgrace, pain and happiness, ease and stubbornness and hues, aplenty. Your dreams will show you what you need to know, let your senses lead the way. For all I know, for your sake, be careful, do not get too caught up in it.…

Anne Valois ━ REIGN

Anne Valois ━ REIGN

3,100 205 12

A történelem új szálait fonva, Stuart Máriának és II. Ferenc Francia királynak gyermekei születnek. Jakab lesz az első, később csatlakozik hozzá Valois Anne és Catharine. Anne-t a skót udvarba küldik, majd később Angliába ér, így megismervén a királynőt és az osztrák főherceget. Tizenhét éves korában visszatér a francia udvarba, ahol szülei segítségével küzd meg intrikákkal és saját magával.! A történet kitalált ugyanis Mária, Skót királynőnek és Ferenc királynak nem születnek gyermekeik, ezzel egyetemben pedig Tudor Erzsébet sem biztosít örököst Angliának, hanem a "Szűz királynő" néven marad fent a történelemben. Halála után Mária és Lord Henrik Darley egyetlen fia, I. Jakab egyesíti a két országot.Befejezve: 2020 Augusztus. ✔️🥇1 in #középkor🥇1 in #skócia🥇1 in kisregény 2022. augusztus 14 🏅…