LAKSHMILA: the saga of love and sacrifice

LAKSHMILA: the saga of love and sacrifice

64,953 3,014 94

The only purpose he had in his life was to serve his family and brother. he was slave to his family .His mother gave him motive to serve his elder brother because according to her he was born for this only. but, little did he know far away from his kingdom there one more motive was breathing for whom he had to live.Becoming second priority of your lover hurts alot but she agreed to become his second priority throughout her life, she waited for fourteen years for him and she would wait till fourteen lives to get him. There were many test of their love but they emerge victorious. This story is about how a servent ended up becoming the king of powerful empire which still is capital of an important State in india. This story tells unsung tales of the great epic Ramayana. This epic is About hidden heroine behind Lord ram's victory over Ravan.…



23,168 1,189 31

This is the story of sheshnaag and ksheer sagar. sheshnaag who is all mighty himself and ksheer sagar who is the princess of vaikuntha, sheshnaag who consider himself slave of lord vishnu and ksheer who is the heart of vishnu.Sheshnaag is like a blazing fire and ksheer is rain which can calm any kind of fire down. Purpose of their birth is different. Sheshnaag is born to end the universe during pralay and ksheer is born to restart the universe after pralay.…

LAKSHMILA: opposite attracts

LAKSHMILA: opposite attracts

18,790 1,282 46

He did not have bed of roses in his life, he faced hardships from starting. she is the flower who can still grow when the entire forest is burnt. Their prospective towards life is different. they both had horrible past which made them who they are today.what happens when two poles cames face to face?he doesn't know how to smile and she doesn't let smile go away from her face. he hated being pampered and she want someone in her life who can pamper her. will they both move on in their life together ?will they ever be able to forget their pastThis is the story of fire and rain.This is the story of lakshman and urmila.This is the story of lakshmila.…



2,529 69 3

This book will be containing random stuff on Lakshmila. stories would be slightly different from Ramayan. I don't intend to hurt anyone's sentiments as I myself respects this epic granth alot. It is just my affection for my most favourite couple Lakshmila.please give a read to his and shower your love on this book of mine like you all did on my other books.…