I'll Be There

I'll Be There

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I'm starting a Damie fan fiction. Not sure exactly where I'm taking it yet as I'm writing it as I go along. It's initially set in New York and will eventually be moved to Seattle. It takes place after the filming of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and builds on the relationship between Jamie and Dakota. In this story, they are in love but still good friends at this point. The rest is explained in the first chapter. :)I would like to thank my dear friend Athena for her ideas and contributions to this story. It wouldn't be what it is without her help.Disclaimer: Obviously, this is a fictional story and I do not own the people or places mentioned. Any relation to real-life is a coincidence. I started writing it because I enjoy writing and thought others may enjoy reading it too. This is where I found the cover photo: http://41.media.tumblr.com/6606e093f3a2ba627626d34ea5f38584/tumblr_nk8i332hbZ1tnjq7co1_500.jpg…