pics and videos

pics and videos

50 0 3

pretty self explanatory…

For you

For you

684 74 67

pictures songs and feelings…

My Babe

My Babe

38 0 2

This goes out to my Babe. Love you April …

What I think about and How  I feel.

What I think about and How I feel.

18 1 3

In this book I will show you what my six different disabilities cause me to think about and how these thoughts make me feel. I hope you enjoy it and that you can maybe even relate to it.…

How cp makes you feel

How cp makes you feel

257 13 7

This is a book to tell people how people with cerebral palsy feel. so it will be easier to communicate with them.…

My journey during Jr year

My journey during Jr year

53 0 5

This is about how even though I'm only six weeks into my Jr year of high school I believe I've started a huge personal transformation. I hope this helps some of you feel strong enough to do this.…

About Me

About Me

52 0 2

I'm writing this book to tell my new Dominant @JennaLake all about me and my life and why I love her.…