My big book of poems

My big book of poems

157 13 3

hey everyone! i'm Bianca! you can just call me be! i am also known as poet_from_another _universe! so i desisted that my first book will be "my big book of poems" i do take requests! oh! and i almost forgot! -------WARNING: SOME MAY BE TRIGGERING, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK-------Writing poems are a passion for me so i decided to ask thus wonderful public what they think, i might not be posting much because of grades..but, i will get them up as soon as possible! i would love for you to give me some advise on writing! i am 14 years old and my teachers have been telling me what a good writer i am when i find passion for it! so, thank you for reading! and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! peace out my shining stars!…



543 6 6

Just another oc book!…

Invite only rp's

Invite only rp's

388 1 1

Title says it!…

Bianca's short story challenge!

Bianca's short story challenge!

17 0 1

Hello everyone! Here's a new thing I've been thinking about doing! So, what this is, is you send me a topic, or a picture, and I'll write a short story ( or like, a scene) on that topic or picture. I feel like this'll be fun! I hope you all participate! See you then, shining stars! ✨…