The Girl With The Scarf || Alastor Moody

The Girl With The Scarf || Alastor Moody

502 35 4

Alastor Moody had always been reserve, even for a Slytherin. It's not that he didn't have time for friends, but his rough exterior had deemed him less approachable to his peers as he quickly learned to adapted to his loner life. However, all that change when he noticed a red hair girl whom was never without her vibrant colored scarf.K.M bell story Juniper Spring is not a witch inspired me to write this.(Under Editing)…

24:00 Hours | Harry Potter Fanficton (#wattys2018)

24:00 Hours | Harry Potter Fanficton (#wattys2018)

1,582 150 14

"What would you do if your nightmare inevitably came true?"Posie Garland was long out of the question of being normal, her magical ancestry had proven to that as she was born with the pressure of being the only child of a rather prestigious pureblood family. This have come with it own set of difficulties and seemingly endless responsibilities. Posie faces the day to day struggles of living up to her parents imagine of being nothing less but the best.But what happened if her dreams started to come true? To Posie, the opportunity couldn't present itself sooner, as she quickly get knotted up with the thrills of her gift, a somewhat escape from her numerous responsibilities.However, when she started to awake in the nights in cold sweat from horrid dreams of death. Posie couldn't helped but hope that it was just another nightmare. But as the clock started to twists and events in her dreams come to past, it just looked as if her responsibilities just gotten bigger as she wonder how she could help prevent it.But can Posie really defend against these horrors and keep her friends safe while also fighting another personal battle of her own?Updates every Tuesdays/Saturdays (on a short break due to exams)I will like to thanks @DeaJonnes for the amazing cover.[Place Second In The Cosmic Award]…

The Cost Of Freedom

The Cost Of Freedom

53 4 1

A short story for a contest.@hannahsueWherein a man recounted his time in Jamaica and had found out that the most beautiful of places hide the most scariest of truth.…

Darkest Before Dawn || Naruto Fanficton

Darkest Before Dawn || Naruto Fanficton

253 7 3

Before there was light, there was a thick velvet-black, sweeping the sieve land. Shadow overlapped each other, swathing uncanny nightmares. Then, like thunderous waves , unrolling like barrels came light. Beautiful; warm and blinding. But before there was light, one reign more than ever, the thickest, darkest and haunting of blackness rampages the land.The darkness before dawn.Mito Uzumaki had seen it all, death, betrayal and loss of innocence a bit too soon. The war have taken everything from her, her family, childhood, her innocence. She had heard repeatedly, that one day her halo would come, ripping through the thick grey clouds gracing her with light and happiness. However, Mito is tired of waiting as she finally decided she'll find it herself.The Awesomely wonderful cover is by Otomelover_x…