A tigers help

A tigers help

36 0 3

Cover made by frills-of-justice : https://frills-of-justice.deviantart.com/You were one of the best female ice skater in germany. You were called the icy princess because of your cold charackter outside and your elegant and wonderful performance on ice. You never really intended to get that, the name and the image that is. It simply came from abuse through your coach aka. your dad so you tend to avoid people and build walls around yourself. When you meet yuri who from all of the people notice that wanted to help you.!This fan fiction will have mentioning on abuse!I don't own any of the Characters or the songs mentioned.…

Tears in The rain

Tears in The rain

10 0 3

Abused and abandon you sat on the porch,Watching the rain pouring into the sea,In cold Russia, not noting the cold anymore,He watched the Rain pouring against the window,Seeing a girl lonely walking through it,Nothing to protect her from the merciless water.A story where the easy to annoy tiger shows a sweet caring side.…

Broken Ice

Broken Ice

44 0 5

You stopped skating and tried to distance yourself from the ice,You tried not to get involved with everything,Maybe you weren't good enough,But from the look of it,he sees it differently.…

Love between Coding

Love between Coding

28 0 3

You knew him longer then he seem to remember,Being in the Agency wasn't that bad for the first few times until you found out what they do with your found informations. You left shortly after with a silencing contract.Now 17 years old, having to switch schools because of your behavior against..."difficult students" you joined Sky university, which gave you your freedom in the IT section.Still having trouble with your abusiv father, you glady took that freedom.What you didn't knew was that HE goes to the same School.What would happen, when you and him meet again? What would happened if you both had to work on an programm for school together?Will he remember you?…