1,149 105 8

Born a hybrid 'dilute' in the slums of a Nok city-state, Mal finds it difficult to reconnect with his culture when his Nok father buys him and his mother's freedom from the Nok Elite house that had indentured his family for generations.Now an adult in the middle of Toban mandatory military training, Mal's dormant powers uncover a Nok plot to restart the war of extermination through carefully crafted PSYOPS to disrupt the ongoing, yet stressed peace between the species. Desperate to get the news to his father and end a war before it even begins, Mal travels with X'eno - a Nok mercenary who is his lover, and three Tobans - one of them being a rejected romantic prospect.…

Too Old For This | ✓

Too Old For This | ✓

153,983 9,869 32

Leroy Adkins is an underperformer. He barely graduated. He barely got a job, and he hardly socializes in his day-to-day life. Zachary Turner has been sick for as long as he can remember, and as he grows older the crushing realization that he never got to experience his youth or transition into a normal adult life starts to weigh on him.What happens when the two meet after a promise of cat cuddles, and the youthful giddiness of new romance and feelings bloom?They might just be a little too old for all of this.…

May-December | ✓

May-December | ✓

631,798 35,645 32

After filing his company for bankruptcy, Kyle's wife leaves him and his three-year-old son. Now a forty-two-year-old divorcee with no parenting skills or money, Kyle decides to move back to the small home town he grew up in. He should have lost all hope in love and romance, but there's something about Chaska, his son's preschool teacher, that just makes him feel like a college student in love again.…

Vampirism | ✓

Vampirism | ✓

245,038 18,530 22

Wern Muller is always hungry.Unfortunately, eating for Wern is not as easy as grabbing takeout. Wern can only feed on the traumatic memories of people and animals. It's an exhausting and thought eroding experience, but Wern has to eat, or very bad things happen. To make it easier, Wern works in places where he is in close contact with traumatized individuals.Haruto Sato makes Wern hungry. Sato, a user of the food bank where Wern works, is dripping in trauma. Wern can see the memories slither and hiss on his neck and shoulders. The memories whisper to Wern, enticing him like sauce on dumplings. Haruto could quench Wern's hunger for a full year...So why won't Wern feed on him?---[A Wattpad Editor's Pick.][An Open Novella Contest short-listed book.]…

My Type of Socializing | ✓

My Type of Socializing | ✓

546,226 34,511 32

Adam is a Neet. He never leaves his apartment unless he absolutely has to. He holes himself up, only giving attention to his comics and cartoons. However, things change when a noisy party animal moves in next door and becomes a pest. Adam is given no other choice but to confront his neighbor. A series of events pushes Adam outside his bubble and forces him to interact with others. And maybe, just maybe, he thought his neighbor, Assad, was a bit good looking.*****TW/CW: The MC of this novel has social anxiety and depression, and although there are no thoughts relating to violence or self-harm, the MC is consistently in a state of mind /internal monologue that can be mentally tasking for people with similar conditions.…

Fragments of His Being | ✓

Fragments of His Being | ✓

406,698 23,257 35

When Quinn discovers a boy watching his friend group play basketball, he gets filled with curiosity.A string of events will lead to him meeting Cody, and as he learns more about the small quiet boy, he starts to piece together the fragments of his being.[THE NOVEL]…

I Wish We Had The Words

I Wish We Had The Words

7,180 202 2

A letter to my younger self in partnership with RiseUp powered by Kids Help Phone to raise awareness of mental health issues in the Black youth population. If you're a Black youth in Canada who's feeling alone, in an active time of crisis, or who just wants someone to talk to, you can text RISE to 686868 to connect with a trained, volunteer crisis responder, at any time of day. Conversations are confidential, and no issue is too big or too small.…

Nerd Alert | ✓ [SAMPLE]

Nerd Alert | ✓ [SAMPLE]

6,023,805 147,354 12

[THIS IS A SAMPLE]Read the full story on Radish fiction. The link is in my Wattpad Bio.----Alexander isn't your typical nerd. He'll say what he wants, do what he wants, and verbally bash you while doing it. That's what Travis, a soccer player assigned to be tutored by Alexander, hates most about him. Confusing feelings, a drunken party, and a month of tutoring was all it took to get Travis to realize he was head over heels for the sharp-tongued Alex. Now, if only he knew where Alex's sarcasm switch was.…

The Genius | #1✓ [SAMPLE]

The Genius | #1✓ [SAMPLE]

2,035,670 50,349 13

[THIS IS A SAMPLE. READ THE FULL BOOK ON RADISH FICTION]----Wyatt Wilson has always been at the top of his grade. He's winning every quiz, debate, and academic Olympic under the sun. His teachers adore him, his mates envy him and everyone generally thinks his parents are genuinely proud of him. But that's not the Wilson household for you. Meet the Wilsons, a family of seemingly generational artists. Wyatt's parents aren't interested in grades and scholarships; they're interested in art contests, exhibitions and art style. Every Wilson can create art - except for Wyatt. As Wyatt struggles with being accepted at home, a new threat in form of a foreign exchange student threatens to take his place at the top of the class. Can Wyatt cope with losing the one thing that makes him relevant?-Cover by @EPrescott…

Acceptance | ✓

Acceptance | ✓

2,327,456 119,057 35

Andrew, a twenty-six-year-old literature graduate, has been through more drama than many his age. From suffering obesity to arthritis, and then anorexia after drastic attempts to lose body fat, Andrew grows more conscious of his body. He shields himself from the rest of the world in a reserved cabin tucked away in a small town where he dwells in solitude and self-pity. But things can't stay the same forever and Andrew's carefully planned out walls fall around him with the arrival of his uncle's fiancee's son, Ethan. Ethan will more than disrupt Andrew's 'perfect' life. He'll also teach him the sole act of acceptance.…

Cold Touch

Cold Touch

13,102 1,156 14

After being thrown out of university for unredeemable grades, Ashkii wanders into Remedy, a tiny bar off the street, to wash away his sorrows as he wonders what to do with his future. The bartender and owner, Giovanni, shows him kindness and becomes the most important person in his life. Feelings of gratitude and admiration soon turn romantic, and Ashkii isn't sure what it will take to get Giovanni to reciprocate how he feels.…

A Path to Nowhere

A Path to Nowhere

1,934 186 2

Bong Jung belongs to a family with shares in one of the biggest phone companies in South Korea. When his parents force him to move with them abroad leave everything he knows, his first instinct is to run away. He hops on the first train out of Scotland and gets off at a random stop.While wondering how to get back to Seoul, he realized that his parents have canceled his credit card, Jung stubbornly refusing to call them and home wanders about the city.Now he's lost in Leeds, a city in the UK, and forms a peculiar and important relationship with a train station guitar player. Doran Gilson had never met anyone quite like Jung, and how he's found himself obsessed and wanting the younger man in a way he's never wanted anyone before.…

The Tech Wiz | #2✓

The Tech Wiz | #2✓

886,964 53,072 30

Benjamin Maxwell is a Tech Wiz. He brings crashed computers back to life, gives gadgets whole new operating systems, recovers long lost data, and hacks into secure networks without even breaking a sweat.Benjamin already knows he has a secure place in his dad's tech repair shop after he graduates from high school. But what happens when Felix, a senior Ben has been crushing on since he got into high school asks him to join a young inventors contest as his partner?Will Benjamin realize his talent is worth much more than he's been giving it credit for?-Cover by @EPrescott…

Learning to Love | ✓

Learning to Love | ✓

852,927 43,104 46

Riches aren't everyone's taste and that's the case of Zeus Darcanius.Zeus Darcanius; rich, powerful and influential hasn't always been the confident strong-headed man he is. A pained past refusing to fade away continually hunts him, memories continually weighing down his heart making it heavy. The taste for riches only powered by the taste for revenge.Love and marriage aren't everyone's treat and by everyone I mean Julian Andrews. He finds himself swayed into an unhappy marriage he can't even remember how he got into. Love isn't something he's experienced until he finds something unexpectedly close with Zeus Darcanius.But what in the world is Zeus hiding?…

The Artist | #3✓

The Artist | #3✓

769,812 40,825 30

Caleb is an artist, he's a master in every possible medium, and nothing less was expected from him as a Wilson, an extended family of high aspiring artists. Caleb enjoys creating art, but he doesn't enjoy the pressure that comes with it, and the expectations his parents weigh on him. Creating art slowly became a chore, and Caleb lost the spark that made his work shine, but things change when he meets Toby, a new teacher fresh out of college in his high school's art department. Toby helps him rediscover his love for art, and Caleb comes to a realization that his feelings for Toby were starting to head towards an irreversible direction.-Cover by @EPrescott…

Bedazzled | ✓

Bedazzled | ✓

762,331 42,485 20

Jeffery is sick, sea sick.After a mysterious creature from the depths saved him from drowning, Jeffery just can't seem to keep his head out of the water. Bound in lust and put in a compromising situation, Jeffery makes an astonishing decision to go forth to find this merman.Cover by @coxkora…

Decisions and Mayhem | ✓

Decisions and Mayhem | ✓

619,356 34,737 25

Antonio Martinez has a hard time fitting in. For one, he wasn't born in the USA and as a result, has a funny accent the kids at school made fun of. New money was looked down on in his private school, and so the former top of the class had it out for him for stealing her spot.Antonio didn't think things could get any worse until his mother asked the son of her long-term boyfriend to keep an eye on him and his siblings - in other words, become their permanent babysitter.And that was how Antonio's social life was completely ruined.…

The Writer | #4✓

The Writer | #4✓

587,958 33,045 30

Xander is a writer - a wordsmith by nature and training. He's an upcoming talent that people are sure will receive future success. Despite his way with words, Xander finds himself unable to speak to his crush, Maxwell, who's a music student in the same college as him. Due to his lack of confidence, Xander does away with trying to talk to Maxwell and writes about a fictional reality where he's not so shy and he's able to date the man of his dreams.What happens when Xander losses his journal with this story? And what happens when it's returned to him by no other person but Maxwell himself?-Cover by @EPrescott…

Symphony | ✓

Symphony | ✓

521,397 32,403 55

Alejandro is what you would call a prodigy, a musical genius. Growing up as a blind student of the piano had always been hard. He'd had to prove time and time again that he was worth the effort and eventually clawed his way to the top.But his handicap threatens to shatter his future dreams and aspirations. How on earth is he supposed to play in a symphony if he can't read music?There comes help, there comes hope, and there comes the biggest compromise in the form of love from another man.-Cover by @Anzella…

Like Sugar | ✓

Like Sugar | ✓

621,684 35,316 32

Jared Abitol is ugly, past his prime, and desperate for love. Years of being hyper-aware of his own looks have made Jared develop social anxiety. When you look like Jared, love isn't easy to find. Jared might not have the looks or confidence, but he has the money, so giving up on love and settling for the next best thing, physical intimacy, is all he can do.With the help of a colleague, Jared reaches an agreement with a college-age youth called Darnell Miller. Jared pays his college fees and rent, while Darnell puts up with shitty sex with an older man.Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?It's not.-Cover by @nolakepner[NaNoWriMo winner, November 2018.]…