Random pics or vids found online

Random pics or vids found online

51 6 4

Random pictures or videos found online, either funny or sad or means nothing…

Starlight Academy(A Zodiac Roleplay)

Starlight Academy(A Zodiac Roleplay)

827 27 9

Inspired by @kokoapps roleplay books and @_UnicornChan_ Zodiac book, this is my first roleplay bookConstellix, a place where magic is common, there are different kinds of magic, the main elements are Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Light, the Light element is the rarest of all the elements, it is said that they were extinct a long time ago. The elements depend on which zodiac they are. But they still hadn't learned how to use their powers so they have to go to a magic school called "Starlight Academy", they can make lots of friends but can also make rivals and enemies. Covers are made by @kokoapps and @_UnicornChan_ , I want to thank them for helping me to make the covers.That's the end of the description.…

Book..... ..... of Randomness

Book..... ..... of Randomness

654 93 35

Book about some of my experiences(or some random things you might think it isn't worth reading) It's mostly about my life in 2017😑…