The Dragon Hunter

The Dragon Hunter

1,040 115 31

All her life Luna has wanted to join the Hunter's society, and when the chance arises she eagerly takes it. But with reports of more and more Beasts turning violent she, Nyx, Quin and Minx must find out what's happening and try and put a stop to it before more people get hurt. And when an ancient evil threatens to re-emerge and wipe the surface world clean they realise they're way in over their heads.There's no one to turn to, with the rest of the society gone and people too scared to act it's up to them to stop the darkness and protect their home. Yet when the journey turns up questions about Luna's parents, will they be able to put her past aside and destroy the beast that is slowly clawing its way towards the surface?Or will they give in like everyone else?(Updates most fridays)…

The Paladin's Oath

The Paladin's Oath

1,435 121 26

You shalt protect the weak. You are to defend those who cannot defend themselves.This is just one of the rules Blake must follow if she is to become a Paladin. But in a world of Monsters and Aristocrats, how can she be sure who to trust? And when she discovers the truth about the corrupted, how can she tell who is really the weak?Hooray!!! 500 views. I really appreciate you reading, so thanks!!!:)…

a game of chance

a game of chance

332 44 21

Six Players.Five Bosses.One Way Out.Jamie Lynn is just a regular teenager. So when his parents leave him alone for two weeks he invites round some friends to hang out in his family's basement and watch movies. He didn't expect for his best friend to bring a board game to play, and he certainly didn't expect for it to be cursed. Now he must fight against four regular bosses and the terrifyingly powerful arch boss to return to reality. But how can they win when their lives depend on the roll of a dice?Yay! 150 views! thanks for reading, I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy 'a game of chance'!XD…