Something Wild

Something Wild

32,912 1,349 46

What if Lotor didn't go crazy? What if he didn't go back to finish off the Paladins nor Voltron in general? What if he disobeyed all the galra know and ran instead?Not to be hunted. But rather to find sanctuary with the altean romelle says he has killed off. To stop his hunt for quintessence and to stay for his people. What if a old face returns and a new feeling opens a whole world. A romance that was past being a rebound and into a love one thought would never happen. But what if Lotor, two years later, was caught and forced to take the Paladins to his home now. And learn more of the prince. To give him the proper way to explain himself. To let him prove his innocence. To give him the second chance to stay with a family.…

Hell Fire

Hell Fire

354,583 15,399 61

When the team is in devastation of the lost of their leader and brother, they are stressed, tired and desperate. They get word that their leader is in need of help of a rescue in capture of the galra once again...But what if it was a trap instead...Prince Lotor was given all the information he needed on the team but found much interest in the blue paladin specifically, wanting him as his own. The galra has power over the universe, and soon power over Voltron as well, with no Paladins, no Voltron. And no Voltron. No hope. Just hells fire. God have mercy on him...…

My wonderwall

My wonderwall

13,781 1,141 38

After five years of graduation, a reunion is sent out to all the graduates from high school. With new faces of new lives and new memories to come. When Keith sees a handsome stranger with a gorgeous woman who has a baby in her arms he doesnt think more of a nice face that seems so familiar. But when he learns that it's not a romantic relationship of the two a hot feeling crawls on his face. But his hand is attached to his fiancés. Five years. A lot can happen from pain or from success. Five years is so long that it almost can seem like yesterday as well.…

Stone Cold

Stone Cold

84,320 4,333 64

A man with a dark past of pain with no memory of his mother's face and only knowing the rage in his father's eyes and motive to make a bright future. He finds what seems to be a legal adult at a dance club late in the night. Little did he know it was a seventeen year old drop out that is more than just that, he was a thief, a kid from the ghetto, a flirt... But also a middle child that had to be a father and a mother to his younger siblings. With a mom out of the picture and a dad that lived with them that was just as welcomed as a rabid raccoon. Both struggle in different situations but with the same things. MoneySanityHope? What if they were each other's rocks that they needed to hold onto for so long? Or maybe they just needed a lawyer and lance just finds interest in someone new?**Remake of "Nothing you do, Nothing you say" ***…

The last paladin

The last paladin

143,072 4,949 36

When the justice league find a alien space craft at the bottom of the ocean and fish it out, they find a boy unconscious that should've drowned or died of hypothermia. Instead they pulled out something that was broken and have no idea how to fix it- or him...They find out things about him that the impossibles become possible, he is the living proof.But finding the blue eyes boy was only the beginning. Warning: major character death*rewrite*…

Wreak Havoc

Wreak Havoc

7,175 429 5

You know who they are. The heathens to heroes and the saviors to villains. Voltron was the team that brought hope to the damned. Until they where torn apart five years ago. But it never stopped them. Two vengeful assassins with different pasts have an escape the hell of a prison they've made friends, enemies, even made grown men beg while they where teen. They feared nothing but the sake of each other. Red and blue took over a prison and made it their turf. Until they break out and gain the allies they lost five years ago and reunite with their team. Family. But with the justice league upgraded as well from the time. It's just the beginning of a war. The havoc that's been coming since the first move of this game.-Sequel to heavens-…



36,433 2,040 34

Why are my lungs so tired...Why can't we speak at night...A threat is on the streets, two, they're given names yet there is nothing of them. As they roam streets of bright lighted cities, barely are given faces to find until a clear sighting in Tokyo. Giving the justice league a reason to send their team of sidekicks as under cover teens that are to visit japan as students, to find the criminal meta humans. Leandro and Akira I give all my gold... to translucent minds...…

I'm still here

I'm still here

2,187 131 11

-Weekly Updates- As a delinquent on the verge of loosing his entire future despite what his guardians try to help him, make him the best of what he can be. Keith Kogane can't see it. He rather be free to follow his own rules than the laws. Until one day he finds a forbidden map and his home is burned down by the ones whom Keith was warned off. Pirates. But they weren't after him, they were after the map that lead to the legendary planet filled with treasures... Keith and one of his guardians, Shiro, go on a ship that was corrupted secretly by a crew. The last think Keith needed was to see a member in a different way, as that member struggled as well with the boy. But corruption of dreams is a powerful motivator. // TREASURE PLANET AU//…



59,131 2,869 51

He didn't know how long he's been alive for, there was flash backs of 1800's but he's lived his life in the present, surrounded by the same people who have told home the same thing of watching out for strangers. So he never told them about the necklace he's had for as long as he could remember. But now Lance was stuck living a life he didn't know what to do with, no childhood memories, only one belonging. A necklace that hung near his heart with a blue crystal and a silver tag with a quote. 'I love you longer than my years,'My oceanHe had no idea what it meant... But it's all he has to a clue of his past.…

Ready as I'll ever be

Ready as I'll ever be

130,281 4,504 21

It was like it was the end...Maybe cause it was, almost the end... Or did they come back to repeat the end. The leader and his paladin are taken from their team and ripped from their lion into a cell. Shiro does everything in his power to keep his team mate out of the galra's clutches by fails when Lance is ripped from the cell they're forced to share. He never saw Lance after that. But there's other plans in stored for Lance by the temporary emperor himself.It's time to step up or time to stand down...…



1,333 76 4

Legend tells that mermaids are not the seducers of the sailors but truly they are the warriors of the sea, messengers of the devil, to protect the seas treasure, the oceans jewel, the jewel that rules the tides, what controls the sea and its darkest creatures, a gods power. Sailors search for the treasure, desperate for the power... But power is what divides the innocents into selfish conquerers. As the most feared pirates split into enemies, making the seas a dangerous battle field for anyone, Pirates to the British soldiers and even those who fish for their families. Not everyone comes back when the tide and the moon battle for this treasure. Until they both find out a hint of what, where, the treasure is... Now it's only a race to gain a power of a god.…

Experiment Voltron

Experiment Voltron

11,904 486 16

Four years ago the flock escaped the school. Two years ago, the empire let Voltron go as a test. But they lost the four experiments, red, blue, yellow and green in the test and they escaped with the help of eyes and years of the inside. The Flock and Voltron where always suppose to meet as that is why Voltron was created to be superior to all experiments, made to kill their originals or for the original to kill them as they where threats. Both prey and both predator. One will survive from the instinct that they where made to have.…

Slow dance with you

Slow dance with you

376,112 17,581 52

It's not common for when something in a small town happens to just let it be, no it's a big deal. Especially when you send the worst text to the captian of the soccer team and the star hitter of the baseball team. When he has a game. When his whole team saw the text. When the text is one if the gayest things to the wrong person. 'I'm not your experiment, I'm your boyfriend and your mine, but I can change that to ex real quick,'Keith was to angry to notice at first when he threw his phone across the room. But the next morning he finds out he sent it to Lance McClain, who freshly broke up with the most popular girl in school. But Lance let him on a little secret. "Help me get revenge on my ex and family and I'll help you with yours,"…

Look out above

Look out above

64,090 3,211 47

I haven't... I haven't seen the sun, not in a very long long time...I remember how it felt against my skin, the heat, how it would use to blind me.I haven't seen plants, trees, grass, the ocean, a lake, an animal. I've never been outside, it's the same for all of us, us survivors. The world went to hell, to war 72 years ago against brains and brauns, scientist created a bomb that was suppose to end the war but instead it destroyed the world. But there where survivors, we've been living underground in our base camp we call "underworld", it's total hell down here.Recently some of us go back to the surface 20ft above, some don't come back, the ones that do come back, they talk about people, people like us but far from a civil mind, we call them the rabids. I never thought I'd see one, ever, that when it's safe to go up that I'd get to see the sun again, people call me crazy cause I still train myself to go up even if I'm to small, I don't fit their expectations. Not all of us do. But shit goes down when we capture a rabid from the surface.…



11,618 471 12

When Lotor comes back from a reality he's found a home, he isn't alone anymore, he has generals who have his back, a genius he can call family, a Druid that is his second in command and a secret weapon. But the war continues after his failed attempt to stop another war in a different reality. He takes his fathers suitable title as he earn the throne after redeeming himself to his people. But conflicts still lay ahead when in the future he looses his lover to the enemy. And will stop at nothing to get him back.…



71,573 3,593 22

For months now, the young justice league noticed their mentors coming back from a mission either injured or distressed and never knew who was the villain that could actually hurt the legendary league. Aqualad thinks they could face the criminals their mentors are against and go out to find who ever it is. But it's one someone... It's a whole team. A team with allies. VoltronRenegadesMarmora. Organizations that are all one team of allies. And Voltron is the ones that strike and make more than a dent. Only six teens. Another five that step in once in a while. A snipper that is never seen. A blood thirty assassin alien. A cyborg made of alien metal. An alien witch. A secret weapon. And a hacker. And that's only part of the heavens.…

Are You Proud of What You Made Me?

Are You Proud of What You Made Me?

3,526 248 11

Keith thought it was over. His lifeHis familyLance But it was for the universe. For freedom. That was until a fighter with a powerful blast took down the shield Keith saw his chance to live again and got out of there as the fighter saved him and was attacked. Lotor. Keith didn't want to look back and flew straight to the red lion that was piloted by his boyfriend. But Lance was the only one that saw the galra princes fighter go down in flames diving to a ice planet. The blue paladin goes on his own to see if the savior of the former red paladin was alright, he owed him that much. But what happens when Lotor doesn't remember what he's done.What he is.Who he is.What happens when Lance is the only one that is willing to help him... But also finds himself wanting the galra hybrids company more and more...…

Star in the Universe

Star in the Universe

154,085 7,693 45

Everyone had been hearing rumors but no one believed that an alien species was gonna come and take over until the day it happened. It was chaos. Families fending for themselves. Galra taking humans for slaves and killing those who fight back or are weak. Lance McClain is taken prisoner by the strange alien race who's taken over his world after he witness his family killed only holding onto his baby sister as his only family left. But what if two galra take mercy on him. A soldier.And a prince...(Au where Lance never went to the garrisons)…