Poetry of a soul  |✔|

Poetry of a soul |✔|

10,077 1,258 34

ꔰꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꗥꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔰA collection of relatable poetries, My entries for NaPoWriMo versification2023. Words woven into poetry you can connect to and feel heard.Hop on the journey with me.Cover by - @BADASSBITCH 💜ꔰꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꗥꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔹꔰPublished: 10-04-23Highest ranking:#1 in poetrycollection out of 10.1k stories#1 in poetrycontest out of 1k stories#2 poems out of 94.3k# 11 in poem out of 192K stories# 3 in wattpadpoetry out of 1.2K stories…

A glimpse of my diary |✔|

A glimpse of my diary |✔|

1,408 245 11

✧·····················*﹡❋ ❋ ❋﹡*·····················The Title says it all, it's a glimpse of my diary.Some of the poetries holding a fraction of my thoughts.Poetries regarding facing life, and dealing with your emotions. They are in their raw form, so everyone can relate. Not flooded with fancy words, so even people with no experience in poetry can understand.Enjoy🖤Beautiful cover by @-BADASSBITCH- ♡♡✧·····················*﹡❋ ❋ ❋﹡*·····················✧Published:7 April 2023Highest ranking:# 1 poetries out of 501 stories # 2 poesia out of 14.1K stories # 7 poems out of 94.3K stories #23 in poetry out of 315k stories (8 april)#16 in poem out of 192k stories (10 april)# 8 poembook out of 15.5K stories (10 april)# 8 in poetrycollection out of 31.8K stories (10 april)# 34 thoughts out of 82.7K stories (10 april)# 55 quotes out of 55.4K stories (10 april)# 10 myself out of 8.5K stories…