Harry on the Prairie

Harry on the Prairie

471,933 21,346 41

Harry on the Prairie ~ A Harry Styles AU FanfictionWATTYS 2016 WINNER in the category of HQ LOVEAn excerpt published via COSMOPOLITAN online via September 14, 2016. ***********NOTICE: Mature/sexual content lies within these pages . . .you may experience feels in your nether-regions.***********Harry Styles lives alone on his farm a few miles outside of Cider Creek. He's 20 years old and mighty handsome --too handsome to be keeping to himself as much as he does, but that's how he's always been.Harry was 18 when he bought his farmland. No parents, no wife, only him. He came into town on the rare occasion that he needed something from the mercantile, but that was it. No church on Sundays. He was polite if someone approached him, but it was obvious to everyone that Harry just wanted to be left alone. So after awhile, the townsfolk pretty much gave up trying to include him in anything.He lived his life in deliberate solitude. It was better this way.Then one day, a letter came for Harry in the post. The postmaster had to ride out and deliver it special, as Harry never got any mail, and as a result, never stopped by the post office to check like most people did...…

Strong Enough

Strong Enough

246,379 13,177 40

While the first couple of chapters here may initially seem like some of the same old stuff, trust me when I say that this story will go where no fan fiction has gone before. Harry/AU character: Harry is physically how we know him in the real world, but not a famous singer. He's a college student.Sherry: An outspoken nursing student attending the same college as Harry.Kate: Sherry's best friend.These characters are different from your average fanfiction. No one is dark or emotionally shut off, and no one is suffering from extreme self-esteem issues. They don't meet at a party, and Sherry isn't a clueless virgin. They're two normal people who meet and are thrust into an unusual situation after an unexpected tragedy. These kind of things could happen to anyone.Brace yourselves, it's going to be a bumpy ride!NOTE: Please be sure to follow me so that you have access to any private chapters. xoxo…

The Hoarder

The Hoarder

265 18 1

Betty was a hoarder. A hoarder with good reason. . . #TNTHorrorContest…

Slight Pressure

Slight Pressure

1,840 42 1

Have you ever heard that phrase 'living the life of Riley?' It's a reference to a life that's carefree and easy. People assume my life is like that. Friends, college, hot boyfriend, the world on a silver platter. What a load of crap.My friends are questionable, college is a drag and my hot boyfriend? Turns out he's a cheating son-of-a-bitch who has left God knows what in my C U Next Tuesday. These are the things I'm contemplating as I stress out in the crowded waiting room of the campus walk-in clinic.*****Since this book is a three-way collaboration, we have created a new account for it under @PussyJockeys .The @PussyJockeys are:@Alessandra@Dirtyyarn@Styles_orama…