Alone and Invisible

Alone and Invisible

165 39 5

Do you ever feel so alone that you just want to live under a rock until you die? Do you ever feel so invisible that you could walk through anything? I did Meet Grace Green a seventeen year old girl who has been abused all her life by her parents. Grace is now living on the streets of Sydney, who hides herself under a cloak her aunt Sophie gave her before she died from cancer. Her parents now tracking her down. Meet Xavier Black a seventeen year old boy who is in year twelve and finds Grace walking home from school. What will happen when they meet? Will Grace be alone and invisible forever?…

Snow White

Snow White

163 45 11

My name is Snow White. I'm seventeen and in year twelve. Before you ask if I'm Snow from Snow White and the seven dwarfs let me tell you I'm nothing like that. My name is Snow because my hair is as white as snow. It's always Just been me, my sister Skye, my mum and dad until one of our neighbours moves out and a boy named Nate moves in with his family and things start to get a little complicated.…