riddle school: the return of zone 5.1

riddle school: the return of zone 5.1

646 4 12

10 years after the events of riddle school the final vizion Phil and his family are living in peace or at least until the agents of zone 5.1 didn't track Phil smiley phred and Zack down and recapture them it is up to Jason eggtree Zoey Kelvin and Jack Whistler to rescue them will they succeed? or will they fall to the agents leader Shaw de lot.....…

riddleschool random moments season 3

riddleschool random moments season 3

8,501 62 200

welcome to season 3 of this random shit XD…

riddle school random moments season 2

riddle school random moments season 2

9,178 16 150

the same thing as the last one…

Ask and dare riddle school characters

Ask and dare riddle school characters

9,720 131 73

this will be my take on the riddle school ask and dare you can ask anyone and make them do anything and I mean ANYTHING >=) Hell I will even get in the fun ( canceled)…

Riddle School random moments

Riddle School random moments

10,573 101 100

The cast of riddle school doing random stuff ( updated every now and then) now taking requests…

riddle school the revenge

riddle school the revenge

1,697 18 7

15 years after riddle transfer 2 Phil eggtree and his friends are in for a new adventure as Daz the the twin brother of Diz seeks revenge for the death of his brother…

riddle school: the final vizion

riddle school: the final vizion

915 11 9

4 years after the events of riddle school the revenge Daz has returned and he's not alone his new partner is the son of quiz and Daz tricked him into thinking Phil killed quiz! will phil and his friends put a end to vizion? or will the Earth be more frozen than Mr freezes hideout!…

top 10 hardest boss fights

top 10 hardest boss fights

9 0 1

10 bosses that pissed me off…

theNiGHTMARE24's Q&A book

theNiGHTMARE24's Q&A book

11 1 1

ask me anything ( with some exceptions) and I'll happily answer them…

my personal favorite video game sound tracks
the only puppet I made

the only puppet I made

12 1 1

in school 2013…

don't read the description

don't read the description

22 0 1

don't read chapter 1…

facts about me

facts about me

15 0 1

just some facts about my life…