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"beta " she turns to face him with blood shot eyes.he feels guilty for his doings. " I am sorry. it was a mistake. at that moment I trusted my maa .I am really sorry beta."" sorry for what Mr .ashish Mehta.for disowning me.throwing me out or for spoiling my life"" avni" he moves closer to her "don't u dare to come near or say my name .U lost that years ago Mr .Mehta " she says fuming in anger." I was unknown about the truth. I came to know about everything when hetal told me" he pleads"whatever Mr I don't care and I will never " she turns to go ." Ali ,juhi come let's go " "avni di " she stopped at her track.she felt liked her whole body rooted.she looked at the personit was her little brother aman.he runs towards her and gives her a bone crushing hug.avni first surprised but hugged back as she always wanted to hug himit have been years she hadn't touched her own brother. tears brimmed from her eyes ." I am sorry I never that ur my sister" aman let lot his tears.------------------------------------------------" avu itna gussa kyun hai" Ali complains like a ten old boy." so what u want me to do " avni glares at him" Angel plzz come on mere liye peeeeechhhh" " ok fine " mishti and Ali hugs avni.------------------------------------------------hey this is my first ffabout the favourite couple avneil 😍😍😍hopes u like itplzz do vote and comment I promise its not like other ff its entirely different story.plss let me know about it feedback so that I can continue…



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"u May kiss the bride"the priest announced. he looked at her .she is standing beside him.her face is expression. he looked at her lips.the perfect kissable lips.he doesn't have the courage .he took a a step closer.and kissed her forehead. the crowd clapped.still she didn't looked at him."doll."someone called her.---------------------------------------------"Ali ...I want to go back .pls..."avni said which out more like a whisper.Ali nodded his head and walked out of the room.followed others.after reaching the hall Ali closed his eyes.a tear escaped from it.he made a fist.riya stepped forward and touched his shoulder. "Ali..tum..."before riya could complete ali hugged her."it's first time she called me Ali.....she is hurt ....I know it.I couldn't help her.I don't deserve to be her friend ."Ali cried ."Ali..."Ali broke the hug and looked at the owner the voice.Ali held him by his collar."how could u do this to her.what have she done."Ali roared."Ali pls...."Ali gave him a punch.due which he fall down."shut up.don't u dare Mr Neil khanna."-------------------------------------------hello everyone. it's my second story.pls do read it .I promise to reach ur expectations. it's an entirely different story different storyline.pls give it feedbacks…