Explications: The Evillious Chronicles

Explications: The Evillious Chronicles

1,209 69 9

Les Evillious Chronicles sont un univers plutôt complexe en particulier depuis certains changementsMon but avec ce livre est donc de les expliquer, le tout avec les images du wiki anglais pour aider à se figurerVous pouvez aussi aller voir le livre de @Seikiramomo en parlant pour des informations complémentaires (Et forcément sur plus de sujets)…

The Evillious Chronicles: Irina's reincarnation

The Evillious Chronicles: Irina's reincarnation

33 2 2

In year 611 happened the Duel of Merrigod Plateau where Levia, Eve and Irina fused forming MaSometime later, a Doll was found and the soul of Levia was put in itWhen Ma birthed Nemesis, Irina's soul went to the baby making of Nemesis Irina's reincarnation…

Primordial Aeon

Primordial Aeon

101 1 1

In the beginning, there was nothing, quickly replaced by light, a sentient, true, shining and burning light which prevented everything to appear, then, the light called himself God and took a physical form, as soon as the first place without light appeared, Shadow, the darkness, appeared, after these two came some other beings, they took the name of PrimordialsThis is the story of Primordials, of how the greatest of beings intervened and of how evil slowly took its roots in mankind's heart, this is the Primordial Aeon…



44 3 2

Mythology, such a fascinating thing, isn't it ?Well, it is real, like really real, gods, deities, monsters, all of that exist and it's getting closerA young woman is seeing that coming, Amy Pallas, daughter of two deities, will have to stop the creatures that want to end the world…

Lucifer: An old threat

Lucifer: An old threat

77 2 2

In the beginning, The Angel Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and condemned to rule Hell for all eternity. Until he decided to take a vacation.The rest is history, Lucifer and Chloe met, they fell in love but were eventually separated by the departure of the Devil after understanding that he was too dangerous for Chloe.An older brother of Lucifer decided to use the situation to his advantage by starting his plan to bring death to the first angel's and Linda's child.And if Amenadiel can pay, it's killing two birds with one stone.…

La Chute

La Chute

52 1 4

"Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris"-Mephistopheles (Faust, de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)(Court aparté pour dire que les Archanges, lorsqu'ils parlent à d'autres Archanges ou d'autres Archanges utilisent souvent le diminutif du prénom)(Deuxième court aparté: les phrases ou mots écrits en italique ET en gras sont des phrases ou mots écrits en énochien, la langue des anges)Lucifer chuta du Paradis le premier, il fut envoyé sur Terre où, selon la légende, il se mit à corrompre les hommesMais si un deal lui était offert ?Un mois en tant que mortel contre le droit de revenir au Paradis…

Supernatural : The Great Return (En)

Supernatural : The Great Return (En)

269 8 4

So, I started some time ago to create a supernatural fanon story, now I post it…

Logbook (PlanetorPlastic, En)

Logbook (PlanetorPlastic, En)

11 0 1

For the PlanetorPlastic contest, National Geographic has among its ideas a world without oceans, if we do the opposite ?…

Journal de bord (2025,Fr)

Journal de bord (2025,Fr)

13 1 1

Pour le concours PlanetOrPlastic, National Geographic a proposé dans ses idées un monde sans océan, retournons le concept…

L'Ombre écarlate

L'Ombre écarlate

723 9 11

BonjourCeci est le premier livre d'un plus gros recueil composé de trois livres-L'Ombre écarlate-La Découverte des Anciens-Révélations AntiquesCe recueil sera appelé les Chroniques du Début…