Et Cetera: Short stories, random thoughts, vignettes, deep metaphors, and more

Et Cetera: Short stories, random thoughts, vignettes, deep metaphors, and more

200 18 7

"'Wait. That's a helicopter, not a star,' I told her. 'You can't wish on helicopters; the wishes won't come true.''I know that,' Alexa said. She turned to me, wide brown eyes serious. 'But what else am I supposed to do when I don't see any stars?'" ~From "Childhood"---You saw it in the title: A collection of short stories, random thoughts, vignettes, deep metaphors, et cetera.…

The Absolute Value of Negative Me

The Absolute Value of Negative Me

1,338 339 30

"The cold feels good. The wind Bites; it brings tears To my eyes. My heart remembers.I'm cold, and my eyes are open. I stand in the wind, And I'm still alive."-Tired Heart--- I started this book because poetry was a way for me to get my dark feelings out. The first few poems are basically rants with line spacing; it's at about the 5th one that they get better. Three poems, "Life," "She Writes Poems," and "Anagrams" have been published on TeenInk, and I'm hoping to get more published. --- Cover by @MehatKansha…