Ivypools journey

Ivypools journey

15 0 2

As ivy grows on the tree, the flying shadow looms above. The ivy will need to cling to the bark and reach high to bring down the flying darkness.…

Name that apprentice!
My Boy, The Golden Boy

My Boy, The Golden Boy

17 1 4

Jordan wants nothing more than to finally see her boyfriend Max. The only problem is that he's Hollywood's Golden Boy. They decided to keep there relationship a secret. Max was "dating" Ginger Voxx. Jordan needs to see him. Does he need to see her?…

Love in the clouds

Love in the clouds

40 5 3

A car, a girl, a boy. What could go wrong?…



6 0 1

I live in you computer. Wishing I could come out. I am a code. My name is Lily563. I am in Brian's computer. I was not meant to love. I was meant to destroy your computer. But what if I wanted to go against the code 24/7 365 days.…