neither reason nor rhyme ✓

neither reason nor rhyme ✓

9,924 1,095 24

hazel is blind. henry helps her see.~ cover: @soundthealarm…

A Week In Rome | AWI series |✔

A Week In Rome | AWI series |✔

4,322 753 14

❝What brings you to Rome?❞❝A broken heart. You?❞❝I have three months to live. And I've heard gelato is pretty good.❞I traveled to Rome thinking I'd never be able to love again, only to find that home was in a whimsical boy who could speak to the wind.I traveled to Rome because I needed change, only to find an entirely new world inside ethereal emerald eyes.I traveled to Rome with a broken heart, only to leave it somewhere underneath a thunderstorm behind the Vatican. This is the story of my trip to Rome-a trip that filled my life with colors I didn't know existed and songs that could only be heard by my heart. All in a matter of seven days.~ book one of the "A Week in..." series ~ cover by @TheGreatSphinx| 1st place winner of 2018 Zodiac Summer Awards |…

A Week in Dublin | AWI series |

A Week in Dublin | AWI series |

338 65 5

❝it's time for my final act; it's time for me to disappear.❞In the sound and sneaky slums of Ireland lie untold stories of theft, drugs, and magic. Wait...magic?Jada, an independent and influential woman and the daughter of a wealthy business tycoon, has all the money anyone could ever ask for. She's a business expert and her father's industry's successor. Her world is different shades of black and white, void of the colors that make life interesting and meaningful. Charlie, despite being a poor street magician, doesn't have many complaints of life. He gets by, and that, to him, is a blessing. Possessing nothing but talent and a few belongings, Charlie is happy.Jada now travels to Ireland for a business venture, completely devoted to making profit for her father. She's not interested in how her goals will impact the third-class citizens in the city. Until she meets Charlie.What happens when a dull canvas like Jada collides with the exquisite shades of colors and hues that Charlie has to offer? A masterpiece, of course. ~ book two of the "A Week in..." series ~ cover by @TheGreatSphinx…

A Week in Room 412 | AWI series |

A Week in Room 412 | AWI series |

182 39 3

❝When I was little, I wanted to be a superhero. Now you've given me the chance to become one.❞In one week, eighteen year old Jiya gets a new heart. After being born with a chronic disease, her heart is beginning to give out, and the only way for her to survive is if she gets a new one. After waiting for years and having her father, who's the President of the hospital, pull some strings, she's finally first on the waiting list. Theo has spent most of his seven years of life in the hospital. His body is an enigma riddled with mysteries doctors have yet to solve. He's a ticking timebomb, they say. After Jiya gets transferred to Room 412, she crosses paths with little Theo, who captures her tarnished heart with his innocence. Within a week, they become the unlikeliest yet best of friends, but as Jiya and Theo have both learned: when the hospital is your home, to hope means to take risks.When Jiya is faced with the biggest risk of all, will she dare to hope? ~ book three of the "A Week in..." series ~ cover by @TheGreatSphinx…

The Guilty Type | COMING SOON

The Guilty Type | COMING SOON

237 30 3

❝Eli Hernandez is innocent. And whether or not you or any other useless lawyer in this building will help me, I will spend every waking moment trying to prove his innocence.❞As the daughter of an African American man and a Mexican woman, Maya Hernandez knows what life is like as a minority in the United States. From a young age, she notices the way that her family and friends are treated just a little bit differently. And when her brother is sent to prison for a ridiculously long sentence for a crime he didn't commit, Maya swears that she'll become a lawyer and do what she can to help people like him. She swears that she'll be the one to straighten the skewed justice system.Now, Maya has a chance to work with one of the most influential lawyers in the country: Alexander Solace. She finds that being a lawyer does not entail what she'd imagined. The justice system is even more twisted than she thought, and accomplishing her goals is going to take much more than just her passion and drive. As Maya navigates the problematic world she's become a part of, will she be able to undo the justice faced by her brother-by the thousands of people of color who are mistreated and misunderstood? Will she follow through with her plans, even when she's faced with danger, lies, and threats?And will she be able to do it all while avoiding her feelings for the man who somehow manages to ignite every nerve in her body: her boss and the elite lawyer, Alexander Solace?~ lovely graphic by @humorously…

un • ravel | poetry

un • ravel | poetry

1,383 253 23

he was made of a solar substance so splendid and sumptuous that ethereal stars envied his everlasting existence…

hiraeth | short stories

hiraeth | short stories

471 14 4

the home I never had,is the one I miss most. |a collection of short stories and thoughts. for you, written by me.…

Secret Silver | hiatus

Secret Silver | hiatus

2,394 337 27

❝she is fire; he is ice❞Cunning, forlorn spy Zara Dubois knew that her life would never be normal. After growing up as the daughter of the head of a spy agency, normal was never an option. It wasn't after her mother died that she learned her entire life had been a lie. The world that she once knew fell like shattered glass at her feet. Now, with her life in danger and a book of secrets in her arms, she's running from the very people who created the monster inside of her.Nerdy, comic book-obsessed boy Silas Bridges would rather keep to himself; he's as introverted as they come. His rather normal days are spent working at a rusty old bookstore, daydreaming about the girls that never fall in love with him and the heroic things he's never done. All Silas wants is a chance. He wants to be a hero, just like the ones he grew up reading about.Zara was certain that there was only one way out of the mess she had been born into:To stop her beating heart. Silas thought he was real heroic saving a girl from a burning building. Zara and Silas-both couldn't have been more wrong.***Lovely cover by @yookaz…

ace's summary shop | closed for catchup

ace's summary shop | closed for catchup

692 87 13

do you want to promote your book AND get help with your summary/blurb? enter for details!…

ace's star book reviews | closed

ace's star book reviews | closed

1,167 63 19

❝magic exists in the form of books❞title says it all. enter for honest & constructive book reviews!…

Blinded [One Direction] ✔

Blinded [One Direction] ✔

327,276 8,119 43

You know when people say it's okay to make mistakes? That it's only human? That rule doesn't apply to Charlotte McVerry. Every mistake she makes defines her life. Every wrong step gets criticized and plastered across dozens of magazines. You know how everyone is born into the world for a purpose? Charlotte believes that her existence doesn't have a purpose. Her parents could care less about her and she felt as if her life was controlled. She was only a puppet on a string, around for solely the use of her parents. Charlotte used to want to become a professional photographer and leave her life behind. She wanted to travel the world, not including the occasional business trips her parents took her on. But most of all, she wanted to experience love. She wanted to know how it felt to be cared about so much. She wanted someone to hold her and hug her and someone to kiss her. It didn't take long for Charlotte's opinion of love to change. In her mind, love became a cruel, heart-wrenching feeling that only brought tears. After falling for Louis Tomlinson of One Direction, her mind convinced her that she was wrong about love after all. That it wasn't all about hugs and kisses. That falling in love was a mistake. What Charlotte doesn't know is that every mistake serves a purpose.…

Letters to The Fighter ✔

Letters to The Fighter ✔

9,226 502 35

Some say that day and night meet at sunset, when the blazing sun departs, taking with it every last drop of light and when the moon calls upon its stars to illuminate the barren sky. In the story of Lucy, an aspiring writer, and Peter, a renowned boxer, day and night met because of an English project.Peter was supposed to be an inspiration for Lucy's project―nothing more and nothing less, but when this day and this night met, there were consequences. They didn't just collide; they stole what was left of each other's hearts.Now, Lucy writes to Peter, not in hopes that they'll reunite, but in hopes that he'll forgive her. Day never meant to break night's heart. It was fate that decided to play them like pawns in a twisted game against destiny. And Lucy will tell their story through her letters to the fighter.《 She was the unscathed picture underneath the picture frame, flawless in its being. And he was the shattered glass that hovered just above. 》Lovely Cover by : @shizunj…

Between the Lines

Between the Lines

3,259 190 15

We write so we can feel. We write because we need someone to listen. We write because our words have power. ~ A collection of random thoughts and poems ~these are the first poems I wrote, so they're very different from my new work, which is featured in "un-ravel"Beautiful cover by @solerdani…