The Hidden Child (#WATTYS2015)

The Hidden Child (#WATTYS2015)

596 111 6

-UPDATES TWICE A WEEK- -BOOK OPENING SEPTEMBER 21ST-Staring out my window and daydreaming is like a hobby to me. Why do people sit around all day, checking their phones, and not discovering the world? It puzzles me... ~Hope~*~ Hope Thompson is a bright spirited, optimistic, young girl. But her talents and imagination are limited to sitting in front of a window. Daily wishes of seeing the outside world, and not just from the apartment's attic. On New Years, she meets a boy who'll change her life forever. From fake IDs to hopping rooftops, they'll have one of the wildest adventures in their lives. Let's see what happens when a Hidden Child meets the big, dangerous, world full of new opportunities and new places to explore.~I accept covers, and if I like it better than the one I have now than I will change it. I also accept fan art (which I will probably get none) Now to the serious stuff: PLAGARISM AND COPYING THIS BOOK WILL GET YOU REPORTED IMMEDIATELY!!!! I WILL ALSO BLOCK YOU!!! IF ANYONE SEES ANY ACTS OF COPYRIGHT OR PLAGIARISM, PLEASE INBOX ME ASAP!!!…



100 11 3

*UPDATES ONCE AND SOMETIMES TWICE A WEEK*Ashlynn Torris was seperated frrom her family when it all happened. Left to take care of her 5 year old sister alone. Ever since that day, everything crashed down in chaos. Everyone is left to scavenge, hunt, just survive on their own. There is a fight to survive. Fight, Hunt, and do whatever it takes. Or die. But when President Violet makes her announcement, everything changes. ~*~ "Dear Civilians, I have an oppurtunity for all of you. The first 100 people to make it to each corner of America. Arizona, Florida, Maine, and Washington, the places where we have our headquarters. Will be provided with food, water, shelter, luxuries of the life you had before. But remember, only the first 100 people who make it to Arizona, Florida, Maine and Washington will be accepted! Anyone else will be killed if they try to get in. Thank you for listening, your challenge starts at sundown. You all will be gathered at Kansas and Nebraska. " ~*~ This challenge creates chaos, everyone desperately wanting, needing, to get to one of those corners. People will terminate you, just so that less people can make it to the corners before they do. Insanity has been broken, who knew the time before it was more sane. With the help of a friend, can Ashlynn make it to the borders? Or will it be to late?~*~ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO @YANABEAR101. COPIES WILL BE BLOCKED AND FLAGGED FOR COPYRIGHT. DO NOT COPY!!!!!!!…

Cookies & Milk

Cookies & Milk

96 12 2

A collection of sweet, heartwarming short stories and poetry. From blossoming freindships to sad tragedies, you better snuggle up with some Cookies and Milk for this!~*~ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO @YANABEAR101. PLAGARISM IS AGAINST THE LAW, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FINED!?!?!?!?! PLEASE REPORT ANY COPIES A.S.A.P!!! Cover By: @Jenna8787…