Chapter1(part 1):I Guess...This Is Who We Are!

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There is always a point when we wonder "could this present be changed? "
Sometimes about the future too. But It's something that is always uncertain.... Why? Because present is what we can change. But the present? It's affected by "the past!".

Location : Pakistan (Wah cantt)

Chapter 1: I Guess.... This Is Who We Are.

Ibrahim's POV :

(July 2025,
location : unknown )

I still can't believe that I ended up like this. I was truly miserable at the moment. I coughed out blood while my tired eyes stared with a blurry vision. The gigantic and marvelous building still stood. I tried getting up when the building blew up. The blast threw massive amount of rumble here and there. I screamed! ... Not from the wounds but from the loss. I had lost her... I couldn't do anything... I yelled " Hania! "

Writer's POV: (YEAR: 3145)

The cars flew around in the wide sky and the traffic controlling robots could be spotted as well. The tall shiny glass buildings with the wide greenery behind looked terrific and dreamy.

Somewhere in the wide city a school bell rang and students quickly got off their flying hoverboards to reach their classes in time. In all the rush, a young boy with black hair tied in a small pony tail and round brown eyes could be spotted running along a boy with short brown hair and hazel eyes. They were both running with their screens opened up in front of them. They finally stopped in front of a door saying " Principals office". The boys looked at each other and took a long breath. "Are you sure that the PRINCIPAL called you?".The black haired boy mouthed a yes , took a small step and knocked at the door . "Come in Yousaf, you too Adam."
They both walked in as the door disappeared.
"Assalam o Alaikum(the Islamic greeting ) sir" said both of them simultaneously.
"Walaikum us Salam... you know you don't have to knock on the door right? I instantly get informed of whoever approaches my room." Yousaf the black haired boy smiled knowingly, "Ofcourse I know that sir, but I do it out of respect." The Principal stood up from his chair and walked to the wall labeled as coffee , water, tea, energy drink and juice . He then pushed the tea button and a screen popped up with many options of tea to choose from, but anyone could tell he was going to choose "my special". He meanwhile kept talking as well ,"You never fail to surprise me Yousaf just as you did last night".

Yousaf looked a bit confused "I'm sorry sir. But what about last night?". The man picked up a cup and hot tea poured in it from the extended portion of the wall, "Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you Yousaf?" he took a sip and sat back on his floating chair. He then continued" You applied for the project even when I told you not to. You already know , I want best for my kids ,right?". Yousaf nodded " Yes sir , ofcourse."

There was a moment of silence as the anxious boys looked at each other
" still applied even when I warned you of all the danger and threat that came with it. So , then I assume you were willing to taking the risk. Right?". Yousaf stood confident and smiled " Yes sir, I'm willing to face all sorts of consequences! " .

Principal smiled ,"Very well . There's no stopping you then. Congratulations Mr Yousaf on being chosen as a vessel to explore into history, into past. You know, you're the first person to be chosen from our whole unit" (future term used for continents)." He then took out his pen and viewed a document to sign it

"And....Here's my permission letter as well . Good luck . You too Adam, take care of Yousaf you know he's a bit too emotional and' try to be hero 'type."
Adam said, "yes sir " then both principal and Adam laughed while Yousaf stared at them both in embarassement. "Well?! What are you two waiting for? Its time for celebration. Go, take a day off , I have already informed Mr. Daud as well. He was over the moon , unlike you two. " Both of the boys nodded and ran out of the door while giving each other a highfive.


While on the other deeper side of the city the great bald king sat on his grand floating chair while a robot massaged his feet and his secretary stood by him waiting for any orders.
"Where is he?" ,The bald man said with anger, looking at his secretary."He ....he said he's on his way sir. I tried tracing him too but he doesn't carry any device with him while traveling to prevent getting caught so I can't trace him". Right then a tall, slim man came in the door ." Ahh...look who finally decided to show up." said the bald king. The tall man who came in ,smiled " Well you know me . A man being chased around the world can never be too careful,now can he? And I suggest you change your security system it took me just 70 seconds to crack it and that too without any of my equipment. " The bald man burst into laughter, 
"God! That was my men's very best work, you know. That's exactly why I keep on insisting that you  work along me. "
The tall slim man simply smiled and said,
"And you already know the answer , I'm more of a thief than a protector,  it's in my blood."
"Okay fine , I gave up years ago anyway. Come ,sit."

A chair moved from the corner of the room and stopped in front of the bald man's desk. The tall man walked up to it , sat on it and whispered "Like I already told you, after all my hardwork worth weeks I have finally figured out a way. You'll be unstoppable now . But the information is too expensive this time. " The bald man motioned his secretary to come towards him . He then took the tab from his secretary and started typing and swiping on it." Is that enough ?" . The tall man opened up his screen and moved his head in a no ,"Double it." The bald man typed again ,"Okay Gabriel but it better be worth it".
"You know I'm never wrong man ".
The bald man motioned his secretary to move back to his place ." I have found the coordinates in timeline 2020s. You can change your present completely if these two were removed from the path." Right then two faces popped up on Gabriel's screen, a girl and a boy. "So, what do you propose Gabriel? " "It's simple . Either convince them to give up on their dreams and walk a different path from yours or ...."
"or ?" Asked the anxious bald man.
"You know how to deal with the ones who don't listen right?" Gabriel smirked and moved his thumb on his neck in a gesture of 'killing'. The bald man smiled evily ,"Yes, we remove them from our path...permanently! 😈"


Hania 's POV: ( 2021)

OH GOD! Am I gonna die? Here? And by these Street dogs? No... I had to run faster. I cried like a baby in the lonely street with my bag flying along. I lost my grip and dropped my bag, but it wasn't a concern at the moment, but my life was . "I swear I'll establish a animal control unit when I become the PM! " Finally, my house was in sight and so were some men. A few of the people instantly scared them away as I stepped in the house.

My mom got super worried by the look on my face, "What the hell happened Hania?! And dont you dare lie. "
I cried and cried as some words blurted out,  "Aahhhh! Mama! The stupid driver's stupid punctured, so we had to walk the rest of the way.... And... And" I started crying again."
" And what Hania? Tell me already! I'm gonna have a heart attack "
"Those street dogs! Those 3 hungry monsters attacked me and chased me all the way here. "
"ufff... Stop being a child now. You got me real worried. I thought it was something serious. Wait... Where's your bag? " .I took a long breath and replied " I... I dropped it on the way". Mama frowned, "Astaghfirullah... What am I gonna do with you hani ?"
My laughing brother got an angry stare from me. Mama turned to him: "Go Usman. Bring back this baby's bag " . I just made a face. Just then my three years younger sister dua came from inside saying, " mama! Aapi awoke up Ahmad by all her noise ! ". Mama ran in the room throwing glares at me. I turned to her "wow! Such a great way to console your elder sister dua!".
" Why... What happened? "she smirked clearly knowing what happened, so i simply rolled my eyes and went in my room to change. So much for a new session start. It was my first day of college. And not only did the college went boring but I also almost ended up being dog food. My brother brought my bag back, I cleaned it and washed up. While I was checking on my mobile usman came in and kept looking at me until I asked him what he was doing here,
"Aapi!  You know everyone was making fun of you outside "said usman then ran out laughing. Omg...that was so embarrassing  , "hey...Wait... What? Hey you... Tell me what they said!" I chased him to the kitchen where mama was setting up the table. I instead started helping mama. Soon baba arrived as well. Usually he got home by 8pm but due to the pandemic last year, things were still a bit strict. I greeted him and later at the table asked him
" So, baba, how was the day? "
" Hmm...not too good beta. Not many costumers show up . It's a very hard time for everyone"
"That's okay! InshaAllah (Meaning if God wills ) ,everything will be better. "I said .
He nodded, "Insha Allah ". Baba clearly looked tired. So I massaged his back and then did my homework. But my little annoying siblings Ofcourse kept teasing me of the recent event. Dua even secretly made a video of me crying . Agh! What a day! As I layed in the bed at night, I couldn't stop thinking of the future. Baba had a huge burden on himself, bearing all alone. I was the eldest. If anything went wrong I'll be the next person for the responsibility. Am I worth it though? Will I be able to handle it? No...perhaps...I can never. I prayed to Allah to protect my parents and slept. Who knew what drastic mysteries lied ahead for me... With that I drifted off to sleep.

Ibrahim's POV :

I ran to catch to the loaded car and finally caught up. I got up the suzuki to my way home. The day went well actually. I was appointed as prefect (till the official elections, that is) on the very first day. And the rest went well too. I checked my pocket for money but found them empty. Oh right! I forgot. I gave what little I had to my friend to get a ride home, good thing the driver was someone I knew. Suddenly, my eyes fell on a man in the car. He was completely covered in a shawl, even though it wasn't cold. Luckily, I saw his tricky hands, slipping in the pockets of a man next to him. Oh my God! A thief! I instantly, pointed at him and loudly announced,
"That man is a thief! He's stealing from your pockets! " I couldn't get in to the man due to the crowd so I simply watched. The thief got all hiked up as he took out a small knife. And warned "don't any of you dare do anything. Or you'll be stabbed. I'm getting off the next time this ride stops! ". I saw his face now. He was a boy of my age, such a pity. As the ride stopped. He started to wave the knife around, waving at everyone. An old man burst out in tears, "please stop! Don't take my money! That's my all pension. How will we go through this month?
The boy looked concerned for a moment "ah...well. I don't care... Anyways... You are probably lying " the poor man started crying even harder. The thief turned around, threw the little bag of money back at the old man and started to get off. So, he wasn't a bad guy after all. Still, that aside he did steal  . Another man stood up just then,
"But please then give mine back too" ."I'm sorry ! I gotta eat to live too" the thief said back.

As he passed beside me to get his foot off the huge step, I instantly put my leg in front. He crashed down by the face, as "oops " slipped from my mouth. I got off as well and kicked his knife away. When I Picked him up by his collars everyone along the driver had gotten off. His nose was bleeding and his fore head was bruised too. A lot of people had gathered. Man, this was going be one memorable day. "Give them all back! " I yelled at him while taking off my mask . "Ok" his voice shivered. A man said "Come on everyone! Let's punish him first and then call the police ". His face grew pale instantly,
"No, please no. Don't! "he said, as his lifeless hands dropped all his bounty, I heard his little whisper
"What will my little siblings do then? We have nobody else. " tears were flooding down his cheeks.  A man picked up the things and gave them to their rightful owners while I kept staring at him. He was so miserable, and... I... I WILL HELP HIM! I cleared my throat to say much up ahead

"Please don't call the police everyone. We will only be destroying his future and his family's too. Just look at him he's too young to be punished for the rest of his life. He deserves a second chance. I will now take care of him and will make sure that he never steals again. Is that ok? "
The boy looked with grateful eyes at me. The same old man from before stepped forward and said
" Boy! Don't ruin yourself along him. Such people have no future. He needs to be punished. And we need to do what's right ".
Was that man seriously saying this after what this boy did? " Sir! How can you say that? He just moments ago took pity on you and gave your money back. You know why? Because he understands your pain. He's going through the same. Why should we ruin a life when we can save one. And especially when he's still human? ." Everyone slowly walked away. Some voices could be heard like:
" that boy's right! ",
" maybe they are involved together ",
" such a good boy ",
"Haha...I used to be just as brave as him when I was young."
I sighed, then looked at the boy

"ok then! You are coming with me. "

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