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Okay, so I was tagged by bloomatdusk... There y'all go...

1. What are you most self-conscious about?
I guess my expressions and my hair. Maybe because these are the two things I see in others first.

2. What is the most embarrassing picture of you?
There is actually a series of pictures which my cousin brother and sister shot. In the first one, I was laughing maniacally and in the second, I was making a very weird face. And they both circulated that picture in our family group. 😓😂

3. What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month?
If I was to become a guy for a month, then I would befriend a guy like Samuel Henry Cahill or Caleb Romero Henderson or Tyler Miller or any of he Wattpad guys and would earn his trust and shit, so that when I get into my female role again, we could have a bit chance of being together... But idk if it would work😂🤷‍♀️

4. What is something you have stolen?
I don't remember. Maybe chocolates?

5. What is the most childish thing you still do?
Everything I do is childish... 😂

6. Have you ever let someone else take the blame for something you did?
No. I cannot live with that guilt.

7. What do most of your friends think about you that is totally untrue?
I am not sure. But I think that some do think that I'm very intelligent and all, when I'm not even a bit intelligent... 😂

8. Who here would you like to make out with?
No one can do... 😂

9. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
No. I've been single all through the 18 years of my life... Fml

10. What lie have you told that hurt someone?
I cannot lie for the (non-existent) love of my life... 😂

11. What is the meanest you've been to someone that didn't deserve it?

12. What is something that people think you would never do but you have?
I'm so not revealing this here... 😂

13. What is the worst encounter you had with a police officer?
Never had one.

14. Tell me about your most awkward date.
A good way to remind me that I've been single throughout.

15. What is the silliest thing that you have an emotional attachment to?
I and my friends used to exchange pencils when we were kids. I still have those pencils.

16. What is your deepest darkest fear?
There are two. First one is losing my close ones. Second is the fear of not finding someone for myself. Call it chilish or foolish, but yeah, I do fear that.

17. Tell me about your first kiss.
I guess I will need a guy for that first... 😂

18. Where is the strangest place you've peed?
I don't remember.

19. Who is the person you most regret kissing?
Need to kiss for that first... 😂

20. Have you ever capped your pants ever since you were a child?
For as long as I remember, no.

21. What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
My dad once caught me dancing weirdly like a mad woman, and he was like, this is so not my daughter. 😂

22. What secret about yourself did you tell someone in confidence and then they told it to a lot of other people?
I have pretty loyal friends.

23. When was the most inappropriate time you farted?
In the examination hall. And then I pretended as if I was not the culprit. 😂

24. What is the scariest dream you've ever had?
I and my parents being in a train which met with an accident and caught fire.

25. Why did you breakup with your last boyfriend or girlfriend?
Never had one in the first place.

26. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
Making an Instagram ID in 12th...😂

27. When was the last time you peed in bed?
Umm...when I was a kid?

28. What is the grossest thing that has come out of your body?

29. What terrible thing have you done that you lied to cover up?
Using Instagram in front of my mom and then telling her that it was some stupid advertisement... 😂

30. Who have you loved that didn't love you back?
Never felt that kind of love for someone (I'm just excluding shawn)

31. What is something that you've never told anyone?
Why should I tell? 😂😏

32. What is the most disgusting habit you have?
Playing with my hair every damn time.

33. What is the cruelest joke you played on someone?
Never done that.

34. What is the most embarrassing thing you've put on social media?
I do have all social media accounts, but I rarely post on them. So yeah, I have never posted something like that on social media.

35. What bad thing have you done that no one else found out about?
Never have been that notorious... 😂

Okay, so that's it.
And my tags are:

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