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Lance sat on the cliff as it was his turn tonight, his foot bouncing in the air as he waited for kinkade to come. It was all he could look forward to now with a small grin on his face.

He could see the lights in the distance and smiled brightly as he woke up cosmo and the wolf lifted his head and recognized the vehicle and perked his ears up happily.

"Come on buddy," lance touched the wolf and teleported down on the ground as he walked forward with cosmo by his side. The vehicle slowed down to a stop, and turned off.
Kinkade got out and waved smiling a little as lance jogged over excitedly.

"Hey," kinkade jumped down.

"What's new in the civilized world?" Lance giggled softly.

"Training and boring stuff, I don't get to go into the real civilized world, just a soldier one," kinkade smirked grabbing his bag and closed the door behind him. They walked to the back of the truck and kinkade opened the trunk for them to sit in instead of on top of the truck. It was colder than usual tonight.

"How's the cave?" Kinkade asked as he handed lance a water.

"Hunk, Allura, Pidge and I got a new game, sneaking in each other's tent without getting caught by shiro," lance snorted as he opened the water.

"Pidge and I are winning, Allura got caught by Keith, she accidentally went in the wrong tent," he smirked deviously and took a few sips from the bottle.

"How's Ron?" Lance smiled brightly at kinkade.

"Veronica is good, she did tell me some interesting things about you," kinkade smirked back as lance looked confused but then horrified.

"What happened in New Jersey was not my fault! I didn't know it was weed!" Lance cried out covering his face embarrassed.

"What? No," kinkade was taken back in surprise.

"Summer camp?" Lance peaked.


"Christmas?" He gasped.


"First year of middle school?!" Lance cried out.

"No! Lance it wasn't something bad," kinkade laughed awkwardly and reached in his bag. "It just gave me an idea for a gift for you,"

"If it's a Polly pocket I'm never coming back," Lance glared with a huff but kinkade pulled out a baggy with a few different pill bottles.

"She told me about your medication, I assumed you don't have anymore," he handed lance the bag and lance checked the labels with wide eyes.

"Xanax, Prozac?" Lance pursed his lips a little as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I-I can't take these," lance shook his head handing them back. "They make me drowsy and I can't take anything away from how I am now just because war and I don't know how I'll react now,"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you," Kinkade gasped putting them away embarrassed he even brought it up.

"No no it's really sweet, you were only trying to help," lance touched his hand gently to ease his concerns.

"When the war is done I wanted to go back to my doctor to see what meds I should go back on anyways, I just rather make sure it's right, it's not your fault Ryan," he smiled softly as kinkades wide eyes were still full of guilt.

"I'll keep the Xanax, I still get panic attacks often enough," lance grabbed one of the bottles but looked at it still a little hesitant.

"You okay?" Kinkade asked gently.

"Yea I'm fine man, it's just been a while since I've gotten earth medication, it's weird being back on earth still," lance slipped them in his pocket and looked back at the other boy.

"I can imagine... is space as big as everyone thinks it is?" Kinkade asked curiously as the tension was leaving.

"Dude it's so much bigger, different universes and so many other species out there, there's other realities too, it's crazy," lance smiled back.

"You think when the wars over we'll be able to travel further into space?" He asked as lance looked up at the sky.

"Absolutely, there's some friends I miss too, I can't wait to go back when the wars over," lance beamed up at the moonlight. Kinkade was impressed by that thought, to have relationships with other species on other planets or galaxies, it was incredible.

"That must be amazing, I'm jealous of your opportunity," Kinkade chuckled back.

"Yea but it basically comes with a price of risking our life for every planet, every battle," lance told him simply with a shrug.

"Yea I can imagine, your very brave," Kinkade looked at lance as the Cuban kept his eyes up.

"Nah, I'm terrified all the time, I've died once and almost died before," lance looked back at him with a shrug again.


"It's not a big deal man," lance laughed. "It's happened to all of us,"

"All of you have died and came back?" Kinkade asked in shock.

"Well I mean no except Shiro, or I don't think anyone but Allura knows..."


The Cuban burst out laughing as kinkades jaw was hanging as lance smiled at him giggling still.

"Shh you can't tell them now," he cackled. "It's really not a big deal, I'm fine now,"

"What if you didn't come back? That's terrifying lance," kinkade told him wide eyes seeing it still didn't bother the Cuban.

"I get to go as a hero, I rather have it be me than Allura, i couldn't have let her get hurt..." lance smiled softly looking down as he held his hands in his lap.

Kinkade watched him seeing the soft blush on his cheeks.

"You like her don't you?"

Lance tensed up at the question but for some reason he hesitated to answer. He did like her, he had the biggest crush on the alien princess, she was so kind and beautiful. But she liked Lotor before... she gets annoyed with lance and ignores his attempts. He never wanted to make Allura uncomfortable with his flirts but she never seemed happy when he did. Lance knew she cared about him, maybe, but probably just as a teammate, would she even be his friend?

"I don't think so anymore," lance sighed.

"I know she doesn't like me so it's time to move on," he smiled back at kinkade but the other boy saw the pain in his smile.

"Her lost, she doesn't know what she's missing," kinkade offered a gentle smile back.

"Well before I was competing with an actual prince who was half altean, and he was like seven or something feet tall, I don't blame her, to bad he turned out to be crazy," lance shrugged it off as he snorted shaking his head.

"Seriously?" Kinkade asked shocked again.

"Yea, he was also the prince of the galra, kind of a douche sometimes so like obviously something was off about him," he nodded smirking.

"Is he with you guys now?" The darker boy asked curiously.

"Uh.. no, we got in a pretty big battle with him and he.. he died, that's why we've been gone for three years," lance explained to him making a small face of confusion.

"I still don't completely understand it, something bout the time and quintessences, lotor kinda fucked us over with that one," he groaned.

"I do feel bad for leaving him to die in there, no one deserves to die like that," he whispered pulling his knees to his chest looking down as he rested his chin on his knees.

They stayed silent for a while as it was a comfortable silence, kinkade could tell lance wasn't happy about taking a life but it was basically part of the job. To save the universe you have to do whatever it takes to make sure everyone was protected.

"Come on," kinkade pushed himself up and to his feet as lance seemed surprised a little.

"For what?" Lance asked.

"You got your weapon on you?" He asked smirking.

"Um yea? Why?" Lance asked standing up as he grabbed his bayard still not knowing what he was up too.

"Let's spare a little, pass the time by," kinkade smiled brightly at him as lance giggled a little nodding, a flash of blue and he suddenly had his blaster in hand.

"Alright let's see how much garrisons have been slacking," Lance smirked at the challenge as kinkade grabbed his own gun.

"Or upgraded, you've been gone for a while mcclain," he chuckled as they got away from the truck to have space.

"Please I'm older than you technically, I'm suppose to be like 21 in earth years," the Cuban teased but screamed when kinkade tripped him and put his foot on Lances chest as the boy was on his back with wide eyes. Seeing the barrel of his gun pointed at him.

"But your still 18 and I'm 19 so I'm older," kinkade smirked down at him.

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