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A/n: The prolouge may be short, but it's just to see the story started that's all!

No one's POV

We see a young girl walking outside in the dead of night, with tears running down her eyes.

???: So Fumiko, you finally came here, didn't you?

The girl, now identified as Fumiko, turns around to see a bunch of 10-11 year old kids, and one of the teachers being right there as well.

Fumiko: What do you want from me Hideo...?

Hideo then smiles and shows her a video of her brother having sex with a woman twice his age.

Hideo: My sister's a really good editor. She hates your brother just as much as I hate you. He's a pain in her ass, as she asked him out, and he said no.

Fumiko: That's why you're bullying me?! Because of something my Onii-chan did? And you hate him as well Mr. Kamoshida?!

Hideo then smiles as the others start stating their reasons.

Kamoshida: That bastard had some nerve to stand up to me! He's going to pay one way or another!

As the others start stating their reasons, and with the girls, especially Flare, saying that she would rape him, this breaks Fumiko.

Fumiko: SHUT UP!

Hideo: Hey. *cold tone* Stop talking. You're weak. And your brother isn't here to save you this time.

As Fumiko falls down on her knees, she remembers that whenever she cried, and had a bully issue, her older brother was there to help her. But since he went away to study abroad in America, Fumiko realized why it was happening now.

Fumiko: *tearing up* Please... delete that video...

Hideo then smiles as he says one thing.

Hideo: Cross this busy intersection, without using the crosswalks, and I'll consider deleting the video.

Fumiko: But... Won't I die...?

Hideo: Don't worry. You won't die if you go now. Go ahead. Run.

Fumiko then gulps and runs into the traffic, but right as she does, she trips over a pebble, making her fall. As she tries to get up, a truck notices her and stops right before it happens. The truck driver gets out and looks at her.

Truck Driver: Hey kid, are you-

However, before the truck driver can finish his sentence, multiple cars, coming in at insane speeds, crash into the truck, making it flip up and having the vehicles crash into both the driver and Fumiko, killing them instantly.

Kamoshida: Holy shit...

Flare: Hey Yumiko... did she actually die?!

Yumiko: Yeah... What the hell are we going do?!

As the students look at Kamoshida, he has a more shocked look.

Kamoshida: Hey don't look at me! My life will be over if I get found out! Malty, you can cover it up right?!

Malty: Y-Yeah...! I should be able to...!

Kamoshida: Then let's get the hell out of here!

As everyone runs away, Hideo is the only one who stays, with a sadistic smile on his face.

Hideo: What a shame... I was hoping to have some "fun" with her, kill her myself, and then send that video to her brother~.


It's been at least 2 days since the death of Fumiko, we see a train station and we see Y/n coming out of it.

Y/n: Ah, it feels good to be home!

???: Y/n!

Y/n then turns to the voice and sees that it's his mom, Yuri.

Y/n: Mom!

Y/n then runs over and hugs his mother.

Yuri: It's so good to see you back home! How was America?

Y/n: Really nice! Tried some new things and got you some things!

Yuri: That's great! I'll help with your bags!

As Yuri starts grabbing some of Y/n's things, he says one thing.

Y/n: I can't wait to see Fumiko! I bet she missed me a lot!

Yuri stops as he says this, and Y/n looks around to notice that Fumiko isn't around.

Y/n: Now that I'm mentioning her, I haven't seen her. She's normally the first one to greet me.

As Y/n keeps looking around, Yuri starts tearing up and collapses onto the ground, crying.

Y/n: Mom?! What's going on?!

Yuri: Y/n... did you not hear from them...?

Y/n: Hear from who?! What are you talking about?!

Yuri: *crying* Fumiko... she's dead...

This one sentence makes Y/n drop all of his things.

Y/n: *Image Below* Wh-What...?


After Yuri took her son to visit Fumiko's grave, and telling him what happened, he stayed in Fumiko's room, not leaving the room for a second.

Yuri: Y/n... I know you're sad by this, but you need to remember this has been found as a suicide. You didn't fail-

Y/n: No... I failed as an older brother... I'm meant to protect my sister.

As a moment of silence arises, Yuri says one thing.

Yuri: Well.. when you're ready, dinner's ready...

As Yuri shuts the door, Y/n notices a notebook that say Diary on it.

Y/n: That's... Fumiko's Diary...

Y/n goes over to the Diary and opens it, reading the contents. His eyes go dark, as he reads each of the gruesome things that they've done, such as frame Fumiko for things, make her eat bugs, physically punch her in the face and every where else. However, there was one thing that sent Y/n into a rage unlike anything he's ever felt.


I want to die.

It hurts so much.

Mr. Kamoshida, my gym teacher, did something within my lower body, and made blood start coming out of one of them. He even recorded it saying, "No one will ever date you now."

Soon, everyone start distancing myself from me, as Malty said I was "a delinquent who has a love for her own brother, and even sold her body for money." I want to tell this to my brother, but I don't want to hurt him.

Flare said she would get rid of the rumor, but only if I wrote that I would kill myself a certain amount of times.

I don't care what happens to me, I won't let my brother be hurt by these demons who are said to be humans!


Y/n then closes the diary and says one thing.

Y/n: They're all demons...!

Y/n then looks into Fumiko's computer, and learns the names of all of them, and even sees recordings of Fumiko being forced to do so many horrendous things, and how Kamoshida would cover it up as "teaching".

Y/n then stands up and walks outside, making his mother shocked, but also happy, and as the two eat, Y/n starts thinking to himself.

Y/n: Revenge against them isn't going to be enough. THEY NEED TO DIE! AND I WON'T STOP UNTIL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM ARE DEAD BY MY HANDS!

*7 year time-skip*

We now see a bunch of high school students talking with each other.

Male High School Student 1: Hey, have you seen the new school nurse yet?

Male High School Student 2: Yeah, I mean, which male hasn't seen her?

Female High School Student 1: What are you talking about?

Male High School Student 1: The New School Nurse! The one known as Yuzuriha Takahashi!

The scene then changes to show the young Yuzuriha, who is actually Y/n after a long amount of sex reassignment surgery.

Male High School Student: She's know as the beauty of the nurse's office! The Angel of Daisen Kita High!

To Be Continued...

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