Chapter 58

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3rd Person's POV

All turn towards the source of the voice to see Mr Tej SIngh Oberoi stand with Anika and Gauri. He is looking at Saumya with anger.

Tej (angry) - No Saumya, Bhavya won't go to the guest room...

Saumya gets shocked and gets ready to answer him when the next sentence shocks her.

Tej (angry) - She deserves the storeroom... I think you should send her there.

Pinky (shocked) - You... why are you back? Leave!

She tries to drag Tej when both Anika and Gauri hold her hands to stop her.

Gauri (angry) - Don't touch my dad... I will not spare you... and just like Anika di... I will slap you as well... and trust me, my hands aren't as soft as Anika di's.

Anika (angry) - If you even try to touch him then it will be your last day at this house... you know what Saumya, make sure that both Pinky and Bhavya stay in the storeroom.

Pinky (shocked) - You! B...

Before she could say a word she got a slap from Anika again.

Anika (angry) - This slap is from @Vidya1111111... who said you deserved it ... and wanted me to slap you again for her, also how dare you even bad mouth me... this is now my house and if you even try to show that you are the queen of this house then we will torture you... I promise that this torture won't be good... I am not the same Anika... I have changed.

Jhanvi (shocked) - Why is he here?

Saumya (angry) - Because... he has proven to me and my sisters that he isn't selfish like yous... he wasn't having an affair with Svetlana in the first place... he was trying to gather information about their revenge plan... and Ms Oberoi, I promise you that he has not at all touched Svetlana... he is yours... next, when I came as a villain... he knew immediately that I was lying as he knew that I was saying the truth... he could see it... and he supported me to take 'revenge' from you all... after I was 'exposed,' he covered all my expenses to go Mumbai... though he only bought me plane tickets... that did mean a lot to me... no one knows that Tej Singh Oberoi was the one that has been in contact with me ever since I left this house... Papa cares a lot about bade baal vaale bhaiya, bade bhaiya and Priyanka... but he didn't show it as Svetlana would figure out his plan. But since Svetlana is in jail, it's time for my papa to return... and time for all the evil people (eyeing Bhavya) to leave.

Soon all disperse into their rooms, Shivika goes to their old room, Rikara to their old and Rumya to Rudra's room, leaving only Pinky, Tej and Jhanvi there. (Dadi is not at home right now as she has gone to someplace with Shakti.) Jhanvi looks towards Tej and comes towards him to talk but Tej leaves the house while Pinky leaves the place as well embarrassed and thinking I will have my revenge

Rumya's Room

As Bhavya's stuff is coming down with the help of the workers, Rudra looks at Saumya with anger and then turns away from her not before muttering the word disgusting. As soon as the worker's leave, Rudra runs up to Saumya and hugs her taking Saumya by surprise but doesn't hug him back, soon Rudra realises what he is doing and leaves the hug immediately.

Rudra (happy) - Sumo, my Sumo you were the best... you should become an actress.. The way ...

Saumya (coldly) - Mr Oberoi, as part of the deal... I will give you the divorce papers in 3 months and from that point onwards, you and I are free... I am only doing this drama for my brothers and sisters... I don't want to help you at all... to be honest, I don't care about you at all.

Rudra for some reason starts to feel very guilty and hurt, why is he feeling like this? As Rudra is thinking all this Saumya leaves the room to make a phone call and Rudra follows her to get some answers.

Saumya - Hello... guess who is in Delhi... yes... yes, we will meet soon Reyaan... I have to go... but yeh... I will meet you soon... see you ... bye

Rudra (angry) - Why is this Reyaan still friends with you? Is he your fiance? How...

Saumya (cold) - We share no relationship... (Saumya comes closer to him so that she can whisper) and our marriage won't last long... (moves away)... so please learn to mind your own business.

Bhavya (angry) - RUDY! What are you doing near her? Can you please help me with this... um... stuff... if I move my luggage then my nails will chip... I don't want my perfect nails to break

Rudra (fake upset) - Sorry Bhavya, but you will have to do it yourself as Sumo... I mean Saumya won't let me help you.

Saumya (smirking) - Why would I want my husband to help you? What relationship do you both hold? To be honest, you are only his mistress... and I know how to keep my husband away from you... now do the work yourself... or get out of my house.

Bhavya (whining) - Why does Pinky ... have to stay with me?

Saumya (smirking) - You and Ms Pinky Oberoi are so alike, both have so much attitude... and also you both value money over relationships. If I didn't know you so well then I would have guessed that Ms Pinky Oberoi is related to you,

Bhavya stomps away angrily due to Saumya's insults and also due to Rudy not standing up for her, however, she stands near one of the polls the listen to their conversation.

Rudra (angry) - Why did you insult my wife?

Saumya (smirking) - Why didn't you stop me when I was insulting her? I am your wife now Rudra Singh Oberoi and you need to get used to that.

Soon Bhavya sees Rudra forcefully dragging Saumya into the room where in reality Rudra wasn't being forceful but he directed Saumya through his eyes to go their room.

Note: Tej is a positive character in my story however neither Rudra, Om nor Priyanka have forgiven him as they feel he is lying.

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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