From Shield to Sword.

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Concentrating for a moment, Nerozika found herself shifting from the endless's chambers, to a forest on the out-skirts of some human kingdom.

"This must be the this is the human realms" she said to herself as she breathed in a breath of the forest air and inspected both herself again and then the surrounding areas before taking her first few steps across the forest as she felt her shield appear beside her as she glanced at it before she started to walk forward in the direction of the kingdom.

It wasn't long before she sensed movement beside her and shot her head to the right and for a second prepared herself in-case she had to fight or defend herself-not that she imagined anyone could hurt her here anyway.

However she relaxed when she saw the source of the noise was just a small animal, it was small and had four tiny legs, and a large busy tail, it seemed to be making something in it's tree, and she spied what seemed to be tiny objects.

Curious she tilted her head and took a few steps towards the tree.

She noticed how her footsteps basically made no noise, but it didn't, matter as she stepped on a stick and the creatures tail shot up, it then seemed to notice her finally and scrambled into it's nest seemingly afraid.

"oh-sorry..I didn't mean to scare you-" she started but a voice cut her off

"Don't bother Nero, it's called a squirrel, a basic life form found on this realm, it can't understand a word you say unless someone uses magic" said the Endless from before in her head.

Nerozika blinked then felt stupid for a second, the Endless seemed to acknowledge this and chuckled.

"Don't worry your full strength will appear here shortly." it said

Nerozika huffed. "I know I know"

With that over-with she resumed her march towards the kingdom.

At first she wasn't certain if she was on the right track, but overtime she begun to feel the souls and aura's of those within it, including one that made her feel disgusted-so many mix and matched souls-and with that she knew without a doubt that she was on the right track.

Along the way she explored the surroundings a bit, from falling down a water fall, to stepping into an Ants next-none of it hurt her of course, but it did miffle her a bit.

But the worst insult to injury was when she feel into a mud pit when she was looking the other way.

She huffed and pouted before washing off in a nearby lake, and she swore she could hear the Endless laughing from their realm.

Eventually she felt more confident and powerful, and finding that she had gained increased awareness and agility such as when she jumped down the side of a small cliff and hopped off small rocks on the side of the hill and didn't once lose her balance, and jumping across a ten foot body of water and not getting wet in the process.

She looked over and saw that the castle was huge and must of contained many within it's walls.

It seemed to have a smaller outer gate with a few humans patrolling it's walls.

"Welp..seems like I'm here now-should I go introduce myself?" she asked

The Endless replied.

"I won't interfere with how you handle this-but keep in mind there are slaves and innocents within those walls-so watch your and don't disintegrate the ENTIRE castle" 

"hmph. you know me I would never!" Nerozika replied in a Dramatic tone

" comment" it replied

Nerozika didn't reply as she watched a wagon being carried by horses approach the gate and she spied a group of individuals wrapped up in cloaks on the back of the wagon- she focused closer and noted the broken expression they were wearing on their faces as she knelt down and watched as the wagon rolled past the gate.

"well now...guess I should go say hi" she said to herself as she stood up and slid down the hill and came to a stop, rolling a bit for good measure.

After standing up and dusting herself off she walked to the gate, before she got an idea.

The guards were a bit bored that had just sent in today's first batch of captured workers from the nearby villages and were expecting three or four more groups to come through later today.

It was boring until they spied a lone figure with a large floating pink/purple disk shaped object below her and she seemed to be floating lazily towards them.

"what is this..?" asked one guard in front of the gate as he held up his hand to stop.

There were five guards in total, three in front of the Gate including the captain, and two archers up in the pair of watchtowers beside the gate acting as sentries.

They didn't know who this was and what to think of it, as the captain of the five guards walked forward to the strange lady on some form of hovering disk and said.

"Who are you..and what are you doing here?" he asked hesitantly.

To further unnerve them the girl before them merely smiled and said.

"Just paying a certain war-lord a visit, to you know...kindly remove him from play" she said glancing around

"y-you what now?" asked the captain

"I'm gonna kill your leader-so please move" replied Nerozika keeping her smile

"You dare lay a hand on him!?" he said and grabbed her arm and tried to pull her to the ground

But to his surprise she didn't even budge.

"didn't you know it's rude to touch a women without her permission in such a manner?" replied Nerozika cheekily, then her eye's glowed blue.

The captain who was just standing before them suddenly found himself lifted into the air by some unknown force and slammed into the cobblestone wall, hard enough that the wall caved in slighty.

"Now become the wall" she replied as the remaining four guards gasped.

"Witch!" said the guard to the left and swung his spear and stabbed her in the neck.

Only for the spear made of wood and Iron to shatter on impact.

"wow. so rudeeee" she huffed before energy formed around her hand and with a swipe of her hand the energy sizzled and removed the guards head from his body as she got off her shield and stood to her full height, even though she was shorter then the guards by a good margin, she smiled with no fear to speak of.

The third guard swung his sword in a last ditch attack.

Nerozika being the cocky thing she is chuckled as she casually caught the sword with her right open hand, before slowly clenching her first and bending the metal sword before it broke in half.

The sword didn't even draw her blood as she gently grasped the broken tip and flung it back to the guard, which promptly sliced his neck open, and she walked by before an arrow bounced off her arm and shoulder as she glanced up and snapped her fingers.

Her shield suddenly moved at breakneck speed and smashed into the tower to her right, tearing it apart and smashing it to pieces, before it stopped and suddenly pointed itself towards the tower on the left as the guard rushed to escape the tower as it fired a small beam of energy from it's pointed bottom.

The result was the tower being split in half before combusting into splinters.

Her shield returned to her side as she looked around.

"well that was fun..time to keep going I guess" she said and walked up to the wooden gate in front of her.

With a subtle push she easily swung the door open and began to make her way to the inner castle gate at a steady pace.

A few of the guards in-charge or making sure those captured were doing their jobs and work as they yelled at them.

"Hurry up-do you wanna sleep on the floor with no food again!?" they said as they raised their whips, but stopped as a faint knocking sound was heard at the large metal gate at the front of the courtyard.

One of the guards walked over and opened a small panel, but appeared confused and said "who's there?"

There was a few moments of silence before a whirling sound began to make itself known.

Suddenly a shower of sparks made itself known as a large yet thin object spinning at a immense speed drilled it's way through the gate before bursting through the gate, and shot back through the gate, going through the Iron like paper before a rough hole for a regular sized human to make it's way through exploded out as if someone sent a gust of wind through it.

A white haired, very pale female figure walked through the hole casually as if nothing had happened as she said.

"Alright, so which one of you wants to die first?, or be a gentlemen and point me in the direction of the one you call your leader?" she asked as she gazed across the courtyard narrowing her eyes at the workers watching her fearfully.

In response the guard did nothing except yell out a cry and charge her.

"hmm, not big on talking huh?" she said as she crossed her arms and as the first batch got within five feet of her, her eyes flashed blow for a second as suddenly a pulse wave, erupted from her.

The result was devastating as the first batch was disintegrated on impact, reducing them to mere bones in an instant as her shield flipped itself up and slammed into a pair of guards with spears, decapitating them in an instant, she felt movement behind her as a guard swung an axe at her head, even though she had no reason to do so, she ducked under it, before slicing his stomach with a swing of her energy, and moved on as the energy began to absorb his life force and he collapsed dead.

A few guards fired flaming arrows at her but her shield intercepted them before it released a beam of energy that turned the few guards to ash.

One of the guards with a whip swung his whip at full force, in response she caught it with her left hand and pulled, dragging the guard to the ground and he was suddenly airborne as she yanked him off to the side and into the stone wall.

Eventually after a few more minutes, all the guards of the courtyard had been killed and she approached the workers and before they could react, she sliced off the chains in one quick motion and the workings gasped and begun to rub their sore wrists before they begun to cheer, Nerozika noticed a few had tears of joy in their face as embarrassment flushed her face as she sheepishly rubbed her head.

"thank you.." said an older women

She nodded and glanced behind her.

"The gates open before this one as well-stay safe" she said as the groups begun to make their way out of the castle gates.

"well, that's one down-time to hunt down the rest" she said to herself half-expecting the Endless to answer her, but no such subject was given.

Suddenly a bell begun to sound as Nerozika figured it was some form of Alarm.

"Time to go make an entrance then" she said as doors and smaller gates opened.

A dozen foot soldiers rushed out, clad in metal armor and weapons like before, but she noticed that a few seemed to be moving large and heavy objects out the door-they seemed to be metal tubes on wheels.

A few of them aimed muskets at her and one said.

"Get on your knee's and surrender now!" 

Nerozika tilted her head

"on your knee's now!" said the captain and he fired his rifle

The iron ball fired from the musket shattered against Nerozika's skin as the rest of the soldiers present fired their rifles and arrows.

All fired shots bounced off her as she smiled as their faces showed disbelief,  as the cannons fired.

Time seemed to slow down for her as she smirked and caught one of the cannonballs with her left hand, her feet and balance hardly affected by the force involved as the second cannon-shot smashed against her and turned to dust, while the third flew right by her face and impacted the wall behind her.

Crushing the first shot she smiled and said "my turn"

Her shield snapped in-front of her as it's orb glowed and begun to release energy and before the guards could move, Axiom fired a beam of void-energy shredding through their ranks and distorting the space around the area of impact as a charred line was all that remained of the ranks of guards that opposed her.

A shadow passed over her as a large ballooned craft floated over her and it's bottom opened up and dropped a large amount of magma onto her position.

The Magma was hot. very hot as she narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger above her and shot out a cracking beam of energy that shot straight through the craft and blew it into fiery splinters.

And with that out of the way she focused her eye's to the front of the castle itself, sending her senses into the castle she searched around detecting some guards and workers before finally locating their "king" on his throne and seemed to be giving order.

Blinking back to normal she made her way forward and phase-shifted through the front door, taking note of the minimal amount of people within the immediate area, she calmly walked through the lobby taking in her surroundings.

After a few more steps she felt her right foot press onto an unstable piece of floor and heard a faint "click".

"Huh?" she said as a panel opened up in front of her and spewed out a large ball of fire.

Reacting in an instant she swatted the fireball to the side as it exploded against the wall, and immediately three figures popped up, two with large crossbows and the third seemed to be an older man with a book in his clutches.

The two guards fired heavy arrows, while the wizard fired a bolt of energy.

Reacting faster then the eye could blink, she caught the two heavy arrows in her hands and held them in a X position around her neck, before grinning and flipping them around throwing them back at her aggressors, hitting both of them in the neck.

The energy bolt smashed into her chest and for a breath moment caused her to stumble slightly, but she stood her ground and summoning her smashed the man into the wall.

Leaping up the stairs in a single bound she blinked and picked up the aura of a man rushing to what she could only assume to be the throne room.

She found herself giving herself a small smile, a wicked glean in her eye's as a purple aura surrounded her and she vanished.

(initially this was only supposed to be a 2 part story, but I'm actually gonna turn this into a three part story)

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