Repunzel | Ghorror

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|| Written by BabyGhost6 ||

There once lived a couple, who lived in a small house, in a small village, in the middle of the woods. No one lived near them, except for one, a witch. Now, she wasn't any ordinary witch, she wasn't mean, she wasn't ugly, she didn't even cast evil spells. She only needed to show her face, and people fall madly in love. With her special gift, she uses the men to get what she wanted. After she's done using them, they just simply disappear.

The witch lived by herself making it lonely most of the time for her. Like I said, she wasn't ugly, she was actually very beautiful, on the outside at least. Her hair was long and dark.

Every morning she would go outside and tend to her radish garden just right if her house. Her radishes were the reddest in the whole village, they were irresistible to the human eye, especially to a pregnant woman.

This was just bad news for the couple that lived right next door, for the wife was expecting a child. Every waking moment she would look out her window and stare in awe at her garden. She knew that she wasn't to take any, but one day she had to have some.

"Rob!" She yelled from her living room window that faced the which's garden.

"Yes honey?" The husband walked into the room to see his wife sitting in her rocking chair facing the window like every other day.

"I need you to steal some of those radishes." She pointed outside.

"Sharri, you know we can't do that, she'll cast a spell on us." He tired to reason with her.

"No! I'm pregnant and I'm hungry! I'm sick and tired of her mocking me with those red radishes, I want one now!" She threw a fit, leaving Rob in a tight situation. Should he please his wife by getting her one of the witch's radishes, and go through what ever punishment comes there way. Or let her be unhappy and angry.

Rob, a mam who always wanted to please his wife and keep her happy, set out to steal a radish. It was just mere of noon when he jumped his fence, and climbed over to his neighbors.

He knew the witch was in the village around this time so he had time to gather what he needed. Just as he was pulling out a single radish, the sky turned a dark color, and wind started to blow leaves everywhere. Out of nowhere the witch pooped out from behind the man.

"What do you think you're doing with my radishes." The witch's voice boomed.

"I-I'm sorry," the man fell to his knees. "My wife is pregnant and s-she wanted a radish, I told her we shouldn't, b-but she insisted she needed one."

"Get up." The skies started to clear up and the wind was settling down. "What's your name?"

"R-Rob Zombie. My wife's name is Sharri moon."

"Go on, take the radish." She eyed him as he bent down to pick it up.

"Thank you, miss.. Uh,"

"Jessica, call me Jessica." She smiled a small sinister smile.

"Thank you." Just as he turned his back she grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back.

"Under one condition of course. If, and when your wife gives birth to a baby boy, you must give him to me, as a payment of stealing my radishes, and braking into my garden."

The man ran home to tell his wife everything that happened. She didn't even react to what he was saying. She was hypnotized by the radish that she'd do anything for it at this point.

Months later the wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and as discussed the man brought over the boy to the which's house. Just as the man left the front yard of the house, everything behind him banished into thin air.

Nothing left but a single radish and a note was in the spot of where the house used to be. The note read: I pity the mortal kind, here's a radish that you and your wife traded for a life.

*18 years later*

"Jeasica! Where did you put my hairspray?" Rickpunzel yelled from the other end of a one roomed tower. Yes, a tower. The which placed him there all those years ago when the couple gave him to her.

"It's with the rest of your hair products!" She yelled back.

"It's not there!" Just as Rickpunzel said that, Jessica popped up with the hairspray in her hand. "Thanks."

"So I was wondering..." Rickpunzel started.

"Just say it." She snit.

"I'm turning 18 tomorrow,"

"No you can't leave the tower." The witch cut him off. "You're mine, and I tell you if you can or can't do things. And this is something you can't do."

"But, please? I just want to feel the sunshine, and the breeze touch my skin. I want to touch the grass, and trees. I want to live!" Rickpunzel said as he pranced around his room.

"No, you are not leaving." Rickpunzel sighed knowing he couldn't change her mind. "I already let you dress like that." She moved her eyes up and down at his apparel.

"What? Do you not like my dress? You were the one to by it." The witch brushed it off and didn't answer.

"Now, be a good boy and and give me a quick kiss before I leave." Rickpunzel walked back to her and gave her a gentle and short kiss on her lips.

Now, even though the witch raise Rickpunzel almost like a son, she couldn't resist herself to make him her lover as well. Everything he does, is monitored by the witch. And he hated that.

Rickpunzel threw down his long hair out the window and allowed the witch to climb her way down to the ground. He started to pull his hair back into the tower by grabbing it and walking backwards, till it was all in.

Once he finished, he ran back his window and looked out onto the town. The people were all dancing and laughing, while he was stuck up in his boring tower. Just as he was about to shut the window, he heard a voice calling from the ground.

"Hello!" Rickpunzel looked down and saw a very handsome man waving up. "Why is a beauty like you, up there?" The man asked.

"Why, this is where I live." Rickpunzel replied back.

"May I come up?" The man asked.

"Well, the witch never said I can't do that." He whispered to himself. "I suppose you may." He replied back.

"H-How do you get-" before he could finish Rickpunzel threw down his hair, and told him to climb up. The man had no trouble climbing up and in no time they were face to face.

The man had shoulder length dark ravin hair. His skin was pale, and he had black eyeshadow decorating his almost grey eyes.

"What do you call yourself?" The man asked.

"R-Rickpunzel." He stumbled upon his words for he was transfixed with the man standing in front of him.

"Why would someone be locked up in this castle alone?" My name is Ghost by the way." Ghost bowed his head and kissed The top of the other's hand.

"I can't leave."

"Why not?" Ghost asked Rickpunzel in curiosity.

"Jessica doesn't want to share me." He shrugged.

"I presume Jessica is your girlfriend?"

"Something like that. She's my Mistress. She takes care of me, but all I want is to leave this tower." Rickpunzel sighed and looked out his window to admire the sun setting.

"Why don't you come with me?" Ghost kept his eyes glued to Rickpunzel, memorizing every feature on his face.

"She wouldn't allow me to, and if I were to go, I would betray her, and her wishes." Rickpunzel looked back.

Ghost stepped closer to Rickpunzel making them inches away. "Please, come with me back to my castle."

"Y-You're a prince?"

"The prince of Scrantondail to be exact. I was in search of my princess, and I think I have." He smiled at Rickpunzel.

"I would love to go. But my hair would just get in the w-" Without a second wasted Ghost pulled out his dagger and cut Rickpunzel's hair clean. What was once longer than the eye can see, was now resting gently at the top of his shoulder blades.

"My hair..." Rickpunzel whispered. A sudden gust of wind blew into the tower, and the witch showed up.

"How dare you?" She was fuming in rage. Her once smooth light skin, was now shaggy and rotting. "How dare you do that to what's mine!"

"He's not yours, he is his own person." Ghost stepped forward. "And he is coming with me to my castle where he will live with me."

"No, he's not going anywhere." The witch lunged at Ghost, but he was quick to react. He grabbed her by her shoulder and pushed her back.

As the two started to tackle one another, Rickpunzel was using his only hair to tie a quick rope down for an easy escape for his newly found lover.

"Let me take Rickpunzel to his happiness." Ghost yelled at the witch.

"Rickpunzel is happy here with me, he doesn't need to go anywhere else!" She yelled back.

"No." The two fighting turned their attention to Rickpunzel. "I am not happy here. I never was and I never will be! If you do truly love me Jessica, let me be happy."

A tear slowly fell down Jessica's wrinkly skin as she let go of Ghost. "Go, leave. BUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!"

The two slid down the rope of hair as the witch started to throw things in the tower. Ghost helped Rickpunzel onto his horse and the two rode their way to the castle.

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