The Princess & the Pea | Ghorror

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|| Written by BabyGhost  ||

It was a dark and stormy night, in Scrantondail. Ricky and his parents, the king, Chris, and queen, Ash, were about to have a nice family dinner when all of a sudden all the lights turned off.

"Great, a power outage. Just what we needed." Ricky's mother said as she threw her arms up.

"I'll go down and start the generator mom, just stay here and start diner with dad." He smiled at his parents, and excused himself from the table.

Just as Ricky left the room there was a soft knock on the door. The king and queen both hesitantly walked up to the door and opened it, revealing a dark shadowed figure.

Just as the figure stepped closer to the couple in the dark, the lights came back on, unmasking a horrid face. His hair was in knots, his makeup was smeared everywhere, and his clothes were all wet and tattered.

"What the hell?" The queen yelled.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" The king put an arm around his wife's waist and pulled her back.

"P-please, I need help." The stranger spoke with deep breaths. "My carriage got stuck in the storm, and I had to walk all the way here to find help."

"Who are you?" The king repeated in a demanding voice.

"I'm Devin. Prince of Californiyay." He bowed his head, showing a small trace of blood running down his back. "But please, call me Ghost."

"Oh my, come in, come in. Let us clean you up." Queen Ash reached out her hand and pulled him inside, escaping the pouring rain.

The queen directed one of the workers to help Ghost get settled and fixed up, while she had another set up his room.

They all quickly made there ways back to the dinning room where they found Ricky playing around with the fork and spoon, drumming a small beat onto the table.

"Ricky, please, don't dent the silver." His father spoke. Ricky stopped and placed the silverware back on the table.

"Who was at the door?" Ricky asked.

"Me." Ghost's small voice peeped. Ricky's head turned around and lost his breath at the sight in front of him.

"H-hi." Ricky stumbled.

"Hello." Ghost's hair was pulled back and off his face, his makeup was painted on perfectly on his pure white skin, and he was wearing a tight for fitting dress, showing off all his curves.

"please come sit and eat with us." The queen gestured to the seat across from Ricky.

"Thank you." He smiled and happily took the seat. "I apologize for just showing up out of the blue and disturbing your family meal-"

"It's okay." Ricky interrupted. "Uh, I mean it's not like there won't be any other meals without family." He laughed awkwardly.

As dinner went on, Ricky and Ghost  both kept conversation. Ricky's eyes never left Ghost as the two spoke. He felt a small tingly feeling in his body, and his heart fluttered every time Ghost laughed.

"Would you excuse me." His mother excused herself from the huge dining table and walked up to the room where Ghost was going to sleep later that night. She opened the door to sew mattress, upon mattres piled high.

"Ma'am, why do you order in 69 mattresses all piled high?" Asked the worker.

"He says that he's the prince of Californiyay." Her voice got quieter as she spoke. "Ricky is now of age to take over the throne and lead the kingdom. If this Ghost, truly is the Prince he speaks of, Then we may have a potential match." She explained.

"How do you know Prince Ricky would like him?"

"I just know. I am his mother after all." She smirked and walked over to where all the beds were stacked. She lifted up the fist mattress and placed a small pea in the middle.

"There, A royal's skin is very sensitive and delicate. If he's a prince, he shall feel the small lump of the pea." She smiled to herself and the two left the room.

While the queen was executing her plan, the two princes' were talking and getting to know one another. Ricky felt himself slowly falling father in love with Ghost with every word he spoke. They told each other stories of their past, and things they enjoyed, before they knew it, it was almost the 2 in the morning.

"Looks like time flies when you have fun." They both walked to where Ghost's room. "I'll see you in the morning." Ricky grabbed Ghost's had and gently placed a kiss on top of his hand.

"Goodnight." Ghost blushed.

"Goodnight beautiful." Ricky opened the door for Ghost and his jaw dropped when he saw the tower of mattresses. Ghost laughed and shooed him off.

He used the latter, that was on the side of the bed, to climb up to the last one and crawled into the blankets. Just as he was about to sleep he felt a small bump on his back. He shrugged it off thinking it would go away, but it stayed stabling his back all night.

The next morning Ghost slowly got out of bed, feeling the soreness of his back. He managed to find his way into the same dinning room he was in last night, and was greeted by the king, queen and Ricky fighting over something.

"How'd you sleep last night hun?" The queen asked with a smirk.

"It was awful," The queen's smiled got wider at the response. "The blankets were really warming though, thank you. But my back is really sore from a bump that was in my mattress."

Just as Ghost was about to fall asleep standing up, he heard Ricky clap his hands.

"Congratulations Ghosty." Ghost turned around and tilted his head in confusion. "You pasted my mother's test."

"What test?"

"She told me that she placed a pea under all those mattresses last night to test if you really were a prince of not. She told me this morning, if I knew I would've let you sleep in my room, instead of having a restless night." Ricky told Ghost.

"But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is the fact tat you truly are a prince, and really you both," The queen gestured to the two. "Like each other."

"Well he's beautiful, funny, and really smart." Ricky smiled and walked over to Ghost, where he wrapped his arm around Ghost's small, slim torso.

Ghost blushed and tried to hide. "And you're very handsome and adorable."

"Get a room!" King Chris yelled as he laughed and threw a waffle at the two.

"Let them be Chris." Queen Ash jokingly slapped his arm. "I think we may have found the right person for Ricky."

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