Xillia 2; Text Messages

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Setting: Tales of Xillia 2

Note: i had a hard time doing leia's messages especially when i knew that she spams them lololol

It was a very busy day in Elympios when Alvin received a message from the one and only Leia Rolando. As expected, he was met with a bunch of emoticons throughout the text and he couldn't even make out what she's telling him at this point.

'This Leia... Is she sending me some sort of hidden codes or something?' He thought to himself and groaned under his breath as he read the message.

Leia: bright \(^o^)/ and (~.o)/ sunny day to you (>o<) alvin~!!! \o/ \o/ let's do our best! \o/ \o/

This message just made the grown man let out a chuckle to himself, his business partner Yurgen noticed this and spoke to him.

"You seem very happy. Is that your girlfriend, Alvin?"

"Hah, hell no. It's Leia, my friend. She sent me a message with a bunch of emoticons," Alvin replied with a silly grin. He then looked back at his phone and replied to Leia.

Alvin: you should definitely stop spamming emoticons, can't understand them.

As Alvin sent the message, it wasn't even until a minute that Leia replied back to him.

Leia: it's fun!! >:T you don't understand emoticons are super (owo) duper (•u•) cute!! \(>0<)/

Alvin could only sigh and replied back to her.

Alvin: they're an eyesore, not gonna lie.

Leia: >:[ fine fine whatever you say, alvin >:T killjoy (ò_ó)

Alvin: so how's your news reports? want me to come fetch you for a help or something?

Leia: i'm good ^^ u don't need to help me heehee~

Alvin: aw? even if i'll treat you on your favorite restaurant later on near your place?

Leia: :0000 no way you will? (O_O)

Leia: wait no this might be a scam! >^<)/

Alvin: c'mon im not the old al that you guys know, i'm good and got some gald in here.

Leia: aaaa you beat me to it >:0 alright then! ^o^ i can't wait for the mabo curry~!!

"Well, are we done for today, Yurgen?" Alvin asked as he put his phone back to his coat pocket.

"Yep, are you going somewhere?" Yurgen replied.

"Gonna meet up with some friend of mine, see ya!"


Leia and Alvin then spent their day together by helping Leia with her report, and after that, they ate together on the restaurant.

It was a good day well spent, Alvin and Leia both thought.

While Alvin was walking home alone, he felt his phone vibrate. It was a text message from Leia and he immediately opened it.

Leia: thank you >///< that mabo curry tasted good ^o^

Alvin: ur welcome, leia.

Leia: hey hey o//o ummm >< is it okay that next time we go out o_o it's a date? (.///. )

That message threw Alvin off guard and he stared at the message with wide eyes and he blushed hardly.

Alvin: yea

Leia: yayyy~!!! >o<

The brunette just chuckled to himself and let out a sigh.

'Seriously Leia, I can't say no to you.'



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