Dark Brownbird Pearl

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A six-wing Power Pearl made by altering the code and 'genes' of a plain Dark Brown Pearl many many many years ago. When she was still a gemling, an experiment was carried out on her that meant injecting the small Pearl with the highly unstable data of 'Avian Gems' and artificially boosting her gems projection just enough to transform her into something new as she got older. The process wasn't painless, and occasionally a gene had to be added in to stabilize her as she grew. It was during this process that she started to become hostile and prone to violent outbursts that one day proved fatal when she killed the one who was supplying the stable gene. 

When they fell, she was old enough to be a hazard....And the Diamonds set to restraining her by force. By then a new Diamond was coming to get her. An Avian Gem known as Dark Brown Diamond. It was with her teachings that DB Pearl became more of a soldier than a servant. By nature, she was already strong and would lash out with her talons instead of relying on her gems charge. She was geared towards using her strength to attack only using her powers and abilities as a last resort. And for many years she obeyed her Diamond without question. Soon plans came to create another Diamond, but Dark Brown had to retreat from her base after a surprise attack.

When DB Diamond returned, she learned Tan was ruling freely. So she tried to take back over. She was shattered, and her Pearl lost the one she saw as her mother. Devastated, DB Pearl lashed out at Tan but was blasted and lost two wings and one leg. Tan took her in as her own, but DB Pearl still wasn't happy. She had no one left to love, and by now she couldn't recall what she once was. She forgot her past...And forgot who she really was.

But through a new friendship, she soon learned what she truly was and gained her true love. Though an evil trick shrunk her to the size of a Peridot she's still a strong Gem to fight.

Has all the powers of a Power Pearl, but also a hidden ability.

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