Myth and Whisper

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When Legend awoke alone when she was a newborn, it was because hours before her two sister's had feared the small newborn wasn't alive and fled with her parents to elsewhere (essentially abandoning Legend). While the parents are now lost to history, the two siblings are also lost to time.

While they are alive, it's hard to tell them apart from others in the wild. However, a few wild power pearls have a line that leads back to them and their chosen other. Legend has no other, and lives a solitary life taking care of gemlings that happen upon her lair. Therefore, her only 'gemlings' are just those she raised and they strive to keep the legends alive while no one seems to know Myth (blue) and Whisper (yellow) at all. Legend doesn't even know she has siblings..

Myth and Whisper can't fight well. Encounters result in fleeing before you can talk to them...If you can actually even get that close.

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