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huí yì xiàng shuō shū de rén

Memories are like a story teller
Hồi ức giống như một người kể chuyện xưa


yòng chōng mǎn xiāng yīn de kǒu wěn

Who speaks in a familiar local accent  
Dùng giọng nói chan chứa âm điệu quê hương

跳过水坑 绕过小村

tiào guò shuǐ kēng rào guò xiǎo cūn

I jump over the puddle and wind around the small village

 Nhảy qua vũng nước, lượn quanh thôn nhỏ


děng xiàng yù de yuán fèn

As I wait for the chance of encounter

 Chờ đợi duyên phận để gặp gỡ


nǐ yòng ní niē zuò chéng

You mould a castle with mud

 Người dùng bùn đắp lên một tòa thành


shuō jiāng lái yào qǔ wǒ jìn mén

And say you’ll marry me in the future

 Nói rằng tương lai muốn cưới tôi vào cửa

转多少身  过几次门

zhuǎn duō shǎo shēn , guò jǐ cì mén

I’ve turned around many times and walked through several doors  

 Xoay người bao lần, bao lần bước qua cửa, phí hoài tuổi xuân


xū zhì qīng chūn

As I cast away my youth

小小的誓言 还不稳

xiǎo xiǎo de shì yán  hái bú wěn

A very small promise is not concrete enough

 Lời thề ngày bé thơ  lúc còn chưa đủ chắc chắn

小小的泪水 还在撑

xiǎo xiǎo de lèi shuǐ  hái zài chēng

I am still holding back my tiny tear drops

 Dòng lệ nhỏ vẫn còn kìm nén

稚嫩的唇  在说离分

zhì nèn de chún   zài shuōfèn

Those innocent lips are saying goodbye
Đôi môi non nớt đang nói lời ly biệt

小小的感动 雨纷纷

xiǎo xiǎo de gǎn dòng  yǔ fēn fēn

The rain falls as I feel a little moved

小小的别扭 惹人疼

xiǎo xiǎo de bié niǔ  rě rén téng

A small tantrum affects fondness from others

小小的人 还不会吻

xiǎo xiǎo de rén  hái bú huì wěn

A small child does not know how to kiss yet


wǒ de xīn lǐ cóng cǐ zhù le yī gè rén

From thereon, someone had occupied a place in my heart


céng jīng mó yàng xiǎo xiǎo de wǒ men

There was a time when we still looked very little


nà nián nǐ bān xiǎo xiǎo de bǎn dèng

That year you shifted a small wooden stool


wéi xì rù mí wǒ yě yī lù gēn

Absorbed in the game, I followed you along


wǒ zài zhǎo nà gè gù shì lǐ de rén

I am looking for that person in the story


nǐ shì bú néng quē shǎo de bù fèn

You are an irreplaceable part of it 


nǐ zài shù xià xiǎo xiǎo de dǎ dǔn

As you took a short nap under a tree

小小的我 傻傻等

xiǎo xiǎo de wǒ  shǎ shǎ děng

Little me waited by your side foolishlyContinues 


wǒ de xīn lǐ cóng cǐ zhù le rén

From thereon, someone had occupied a place in my heart


céng jīngyàng xiǎo xiǎo de wǒ men

There was a time when we still looked very little


dāng chū xué rén shuō ài niàn běn

Those times we loved to mimic others by playing make-believe


quē de nǐ  yīn què bú zhǔn

Toothless you used to pronounce your words wrongly



wǒ zài zhǎo shì lǐ de rén

I am looking for that person in the story


nǐ shìnéng quē shǎo de bù fèn

You are an irreplaceable part of it


xiǎo xiǎo de shǒu qiān xiǎo xiǎo de rén

A small hand holds on to a little person


shǒu zhe xiǎo xiǎo de yǒng héng

Hanging on to this tiny eternity

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
