A.N. Important...

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Hey everyone, really quick-I had already posted this over on One Shots about a week ago so, if you've already read it over there then it's basically the same. I'm very grateful for all the messages I've been receiving though-thank you all sooo much. I'm very grateful : )


Hey guys!...so....I have a couple of things I need to say...It's your choice to listen but...I need to let y'all know.

This is basically gonna talk about progress on the future book and future plans and...well...if you want to know what's going on then this is also the place to be.

So...I've been a writer ever since I was in middle school-joined this whole fanfiction thing in 7th grade with some advice from a friend. But...I've only been able to really write and produce fanfiction.

It's nice-don't get me wrong, if I could, I would sit here for hours on end and just write fanfiction!...But...that's not a reality I'm currently faced with.

I'm in college right now. In about 2 or 3 years I'll be out and in the real world looking for a job...A-And then this would just have to stop...

Life would catch up to me.

Life would grab me and tell me, NO MORE.


Life is going to tell me I can't....

And you know...with my history I'd probably believe it and...all of this...all of these stories would just...end. For good...

I...I really, Really do not want that to happen. I don't want to get to a point where I listen to my boyfriend and think this is all stupid and for nothing. I don't want to get to that point where I throw everything I love out the window because someone says that I can't do this-That this is all for nothing-That none of this matters-That I'm...bound for repeat.

It scares the shit out of me.

But...It doesn't only scare me.


It angers me to a point where I want to yell and call it out.

To tell it that it doesn't rule my life.

It angers me to the point that I am willing to throw everything away to get it away from me.

That I'm willing to grab whatever the hell I need to to get away.

To...To finally do something about it before it takes over.

....Guys....I don't want to give this up. I don't. I want this to continue-I want to connect with more of y'all-I want to keep writing for y'all-I want to be there and make you smile, laugh, cry, anything, I WANT TO BE HERE!

...And....with that...I-I'm going to be attempting something that makes my blood run cold even trying to think about. Something...something that I could never convince myself before that I could ever do because...well...I kept making excuses.

I can't write.

No one would read it.

It's a stupid idea.

I'm only good with manipulating other characters.

I'm not meant to write.

I'm just a stupid woman who doesn't have anything going for her.

Why put time into something that won't work?


For those who saw my video on why I left DeviantArt, do you remember why I said I left? Or, at least, stopped writing?


I'm...I'm starting to actually think it was because I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing. Here I was, writing all of these plots and twists and...and I think I remember hearing about how it didn't really matter. How, because they weren't my characters it would never amount to anything...and...I think that got me.


I...I know that this is more than just me writing and you guys reading just to read something. I know you guys come for entertainment and...and just something a bit different...I feel it and I see it. I read your comments, I talk to y'all....y'all are humans...y'all...y'all understand and put up with me and my weirdness and there is no way I can ever, ever repay any of you for that...


Now, I'm going to ask for something...

...Remember that book I'm supposed to be writing? The Dark X Reader one?...Well...it's not even to the third chapter because I've been thinking about this for so long. And it's supposed to come out by August, even July maybe!...

Well...*breathes* I-I'm gonna ask for more time...

I want-no, need to pursue whatever this dream is of mine to my fullest and if I let it slip now, I fear that I won't ever have the strength to pick it back up again. I need to make this book-and I'm going to. I'm going to go through a whole series of books and then be able to keep writing! I'm going to be a crazy author that people won't be able to understand and that is completely fine! I-I want to be able to write fanfiction whenever the hell I want and be able to because I have some sort of income coming in. I want to be here. I need to be here. I need to be here with you guys and the only way I'm going to be able to do so is if I just go for it.

I need to go for it.

Before my mind becomes cluttered.

Before I let myself go.

Before I...I give up again...

So...I'm going to be delaying that Dark X Reader book by a few months to a year. In the meantime, I will still be doing one shots. I mean, I need to have something to relax my brain a bit or exercise it haha...


Big books are gonna take a little while longer. But....I feel like it's gonna be worth it.

Who knows-maybe at one point you'll see my name on a book! Haha...that'd be weiiiird! But...I'm going to go for it. I'm not gonna let life tell me what I can or can't do anymore.

I know I can do this.

So...I know this turned into a rant. My apologies on that but...I've just been growing this strong feeling and today, today my mind said-enough.

So, thank you all for reading. Feel free to ask any questions if there are any and...have a good day : )

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