Ch. 10

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*Lily's POV*

I raised an eyebrow at Wilford's reaction as I reviewed over the case.

I hadn't ever heard of the 'Land Down Under' but by Wilford's reaction, it must be quite the place to be. Apparently our victim now is a 27 year old Jone Heisner, a man who seemed to hold his own and mostly spent time in the 'Land Down Under.' There also seemed to be no gap of time to where he wasn't under surveillance or in a crowd so, getting to him would be a little difficult.

I reviewed over the case more and found that the 'Land Down Under' was actually a club of sorts, where 'Women glow and men plunder...' 'Why does that remind me of a song?' Anyway, maybe I could play dress up here and distract the man long enough.

As I was about to review over what the man enjoys, I heard the other men begin discussing. "Alright, so here's what we can do:" Dark began, "We can have people go through underneath the area to secure us a means of escape while the others make way into the club and begin to target the person from the balcony upstairs. We need to make sure we have a good eye on where he is at every point so whenever he is alone in a second, we can utilize that time to take him out."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "And how long could this take?"

He looked over to me, confused. "Could take a few hours as he is mainly around people. We don't really know if we would be even able to get him tonight or would have to-"

"Why don't we do this:" I interrupted, making him pause. I picked up the tablet reviewing what the man enjoys to see on a lady. "See, he has an interest in a particular set of woman and, I imagine, when he sees one he deems to be 'a beauty,' he generally lets his guard down and won't want his henchmen to interrupt whatever 'affairs' he's having with these women. I could go in there highlighting a number of these..." I looked over some of the less pleasing things "...fantasies of his and have him alone in a room, long enough for me to end him and then exit out of there. It should be easy enough for me to-"

"-That is out of the question." Wilford interrupted, his voice sounding...stern.

I tilted my head at this. "Why? It seems a lot more simpler than the way-"

"It doesn't matter if it's simple!" he exasperated. "You would be put in danger and to be in that-"

"That...might actually work," Google commented lowly.

Wilford stared at his brother in astonishment. "You don't mean to say-"

"Wilford, the less time we spend in that horrid place the better chance we have at actually coming out with less casualties," Dark intercepted, seeing Google's point.

"But what if something goes wrong? What if he doesn't even fall for her-"

"You did didn't you~?" I commented flirtingly, talking like I was the night I met him.

His cheeks flared lightly. He was about to refute my statement but didn't get the chance as Dark commented, "Oh yeah, he fell for you pretty hard."

Wilford glared at Dark. "Dark, don't-"

"He called both of us soon after he left the mall," Google continued, not fazed. "We thought it was just going to be him talking about his damn clothes shopping but he then began going on about 'meeting the one' at the store. Dark and I didn't have the same film over our eyes though so we found it quite suspicious."

Dark chuckled. "But he droned about you all the way over to the bar. He talked about how you were so beautiful, you enjoyed his jokes, you dressed up for him, and how you were also the cutest little-"

Wilford dived for Dark and tackled him to the ground, covering his mouth. By now, Wilford's face was fully heated in embarrassment. "S-Stop. R-Really, w-we've b-been past this..."

I don't think I've ever seen Wilford this flustered. It brought a small smile to my lips as I shrugged. "But yeah, I should be able to pull of the job with ease."

"Good, then it's settled," Google relayed. Wilford still seemed to have something on his mind though as he let Dark up.


*Wilford's POV*

I waited outside for Lily to come back out. I didn't like this plan at all. Not one bit. It shouldn't matter that she 'could' do it but that what is being asked is completely immoral! I mean, asking a lady to dress herself up in a way to kill is-

I heard the door open and I looked to see Lily wearing-oh god what is she wearing?!

She had a black leather booty shorts with a red v-lined tank top showing a black bra underneath, matching the skirt with a tank black leather jacket. She had on black heels as well and some makeup that made her look like she was going to be rolling out with a gang of harley boys...and her hair was straightened. She truly looked like a model and...I felt my cheeks heat up as she entered the car. I covered the more heated part of my face with my hand and looked away, trying to calm myself. I felt like a beast compared to the beauty sitting next to me. But she was showing too much skin!

"Something wrong Wilford?" I heard her ask.

I murmured something under my breath as I took off the coat I was planning to wear to the club and handed it to her, still looking away. "A lady like you shouldn't be showing that much skin..."

Although I couldn't see it, I felt her eyes were on me. But, I felt the coat being taken and I sighed and looked back over to see she at least covered her legs. I smiled lightly as Dark and Google got into the back seats. Then, we took off.

We dropped off Dark and Google at the entrance of the sewers and then made our way over to the front where the lines were already growing. "Why are we waiting back here again?" Lily asked boredly.

"Well, we don't have passes to get into the club so we need to go in with everyone else!" I reminded her. Silly her, thinking there was a different wa- "Hey! Where are you-" I began to trail behind her as she made her way to the front, disrobing the coat I gave her and earning a few stares from bystanders who, in return, I gave a few glares. She flipped her hair like a model and began strutting in a way that would make any sane man mad.

She approached the bouncer with a flare in her wake. "Hello there~" she greeted flirtingly.

The bouncer seemed unmoved. "Name?"

She chuckled lightly before saying, "Vivi Heights darling~"

He began to scan over the list but as he did this, she reached over the red barrier and pulled on his tie to have his attention.

"Listen: you may find my name on that list and you may not. You may have the ability to turn me away or..." She got closer to his ear to where I couldn't hear and I saw his face begin to break its frozen form to a blazing red. She backed away and giggled lightly as she offered him a wink.

Without another thought, he opened the barrier and she stepped inside.

I was about to follow her whenever the man closed it again, glaring at me. "What are you doing? Get to the back of the line!"

"Back of the-I'm with her!" I claimed.

He chuckled. "With her? A dork like you in...pinstripe clothing? And a top hat? Where did they pull you out of, the 19th century?" A variety of laughs were scattered throughout the line.


"No you listen here." A couple of other giants joined him. "If you don't get your ass to the back of the line, you're going to have a bad time." The men beside him cracked their knuckles accordingly, as if I didn't understand.

I growled and muttered, "I don't have time for this-" and then took off. There had to be another way to get in. I'm not exactly sure why Lily went and abandoned me though, I mean, come on! At least claim me to be your dance partner or something!


*Lily's POV*

I felt...slightly bad for abandoning him like that. Slightly. I knew with the addition of him there the bouncer would've believed me a whole lot less of 'future activities' with him and then it would take us a whole lot longer to get by. And I couldn't waste time.

I looked over the profile again before scanning the area. Then I spotted the man in a far off corner being guarded by a couple of bouncers and currently chatting with some possy. 'Not for long...' I thought quietly to myself.

I looked around and observed there were a number of elevated blocks on the side with long pipes emitting from them up to the ceiling. A few drunk ladies were using them here and there, probably trying to entertain their friends. And I use the term 'trying' to be nice.

I shook my head and looked around till I found an empty podium, lights shedding upwards to give the star of the show a bit more of a fashionable aura and to draw attention for others. I grinned and made my way over to it.

I stepped onto the stage with my short black heels and checked to see if the pole was sturdy. Yup. I looked over to the man who was still chatting away. 'Ladies and gentlemen, prepared to be amazed by what took years to make: a star assassin!'


*Wilford's POV*

I finally made my way to the rooftop of the place and I began hearing my watch go off. I answered, "What??"

"Are you two inside yet?" Google asked.

"Well, Lily is but I'm getting there-"

"Wait, why aren't you inside yet???" Dark asked.

"Well...she...she forgot about me but I'm almost inside! I'll let you two know in a bit!"

"Wait wh-"

I hung up before they could ask anything else. I needed to get in there!

I walked around till I found the door that connected the roof to the building below and found it was locked. 'Figures.' I pulled out my gun and shot the lock through. Then, I walked inside.

I headed down the stairs till I reached another door; one that was open. I opened it and found myself near the balcony up above the club. I looked in front of me to find a man with his arms folded and looking down to the club, a gun on his side.

Quietly, I made my way over till I could grab him. I grabbed him and took him down, him struggling as I began choking him. He tried to hurl me off but I kept strong on him till he began getting weaker and weaker till he moved no longer. I pushed him off to the side and looked around for others but none were there, which was fine by me.

I got up and began looking around the club, trying to find her when-I spotted her. There she was beginning to step onto a podium, her skin beginning to glow in the light that shined up at her glory. I saw many begin to eye her as she wrapped her hand around the pole next to her. 'What...what is she...'

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