8. {Elton}

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Tonight, was the night. The night Elton had been waiting for. The world was going to love him, and this you knew from the beginning. He was your best friend and had been since you both were tots. He's so incredibly talented. But to say he was nervous, was an understatement.

"(Y/N)! For the love of all things music, please talk some sense into Elton. He's hiding in the bloody bathroom!!" Your eyes widened from Ray's sudden yell of annoyance, knowing already why he was hiding. They rambled on about who was at the bar ready for the show tonight. And that about did Elton in.

"Elt...? You alright in there love?" Your eyes met with the worried ones of Bernie, seeing that he was lost for words. No one was getting him out of that stall. Or so they thought.

"I can't play for that bloody lot!! I'll make a fool of myself!!" Your eyes widened from the mere panic in his voice. Out of the two of you, he's the most outgoing and willing to go out and grab life by the balls. But tonight? It would seem the roles were reversed.

"We did not come here, just for you to freeze up in a bathroom stall. So get your diva ass out here now!! Unless you would like me to crawl up under this door and drag you out by your platforms!" Bernie and Ray looked on at you in surprise from your take charge tone, seeing the no nonsense in your look. You loved Elton dearly. But you were not about to let him sit out on something major as this. And that exact moment, was when he emerged from the stall as if nothing had happened in the first place.

"Well come on then...."

You watched him walk away, passing Bernie and Ray without a single glance. And you burst into laughter.

"Is this our life now Bernie? Raising a child?" He grinned in humor, just as Elton himself peered over at you two with the most humorous look imaginable.

"Well excuse me ladies. I have a moment of panic and suddenly I'm a diva. Psh...." You rolled your eyes with a laugh, before blowing a good luck kiss to your best friend. A great start to an iconic night.

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