forty five

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Lonely God
••• Marlboro Nights •••

I woke up alone.

Lloyd must've slipped out sometime while I was asleep, leaving his side of the bed cold and in extension, me. I stared at the crease of the pillow where he had slept.

Yesterday was... something. Yesterday was crazy. Lloyd tore off Axon's shoulder with his teeth. And the way his face contorted... it was inhuman.
I dropped my face into my pillow with a loaded sigh before pulling myself up and shoving on a hoody to keep my body as warm as it had been in bed. I strolled into the kitchen and flicked on the kettle for my morning coffee.
"You wanna talk about what happened yesterday?" Mum asked, placing her laptop to the side as she stared at me. I exhaled slowly, shaking my head.
"Not really," I replied quietly. "I kind of just want to forget about it."
"Well, you can't," mum said and I sent her a confused look. "We've got twelve people in that living room cleaning up after you all. You're lucky that your father has a high status that this can be kept under wraps."

My gaze dropped to the ground.
"But, more importantly," mum sighed as she stood, walking over to me and placing her hands on my shoulders. "You're going to have to let yourself accept what happened. Or else it will drag behind you for the rest of your life. You love him?"
"Of course," I nodded.
"Then you can't ignore this," mum murmured, squeezing my shoulders affectionately. "This is something you need to talk through with him. Make sure you're on the same page. I wasn't there for when it happened, but I can guess how terrifying it would've been. I'm sorry you and Lloyd had to go through that."
"It was horrifying," I whispered. "I- I get that Lloyd's... different. Because of his heritage, but th- but that was something else. He didn't look human, I-"
"Don't work yourself up, sweetheart," mum hummed, rubbing my shoulders. "I'm so proud of you for helping him. I doubt that Lloyd would've been able to settle as much as he did if it weren't for you."

My eyes jumped to hers. She smiled sadly, pecking my forehead in a way only a mother could do.
"Thanks for letting him stay last night," I whispered as I stepped into a smothering hug, heart thrumming like a little kid. I clenched my eyes shut and dug my face into her chest.
"I could hardly send him away," mum mumbled, patting the back of my hair. "Is he still asleep?"
I shook my head. "He left. He must've gone home."
"Probably for the best," mum sighed. "You two do have to mentally prepare yourselves for school. Speaking of, you should get ready."
I pulled away and searched her face.
"How much do you know about Simon?" I asked.
"Everything. Nya and Kai filled me in. Sweet kids," mum shook her head. "Rose isn't handling it too well. She thought she had a child for the past nineteen years. It's done hell to her mental state."
"Poor Rose," I whispered. Mum's smile was small as she patted my cheek.
"She'll be okay," she promised. "Rose is a tough bastard. She got very interested in how you know the ninja, though. I had to fib a bit."
"Thanks," I smiled. "I'll go get ready."

I changed into my clothes for the day blankly, brain running amuck with thoughts. Would Lloyd be at school today? Could he handle that as well as what had happened the day before? What about the others?
He left without saying goodbye. Did he work out that I was still scared? Not of him, per say, but of what he did? We hardly worked anything out last night other than reassuring Lloyd that I'd stay by him. Maybe it's hitting him far more harder than he let on. It wouldn't be the first time he bottled something up.
My eyes slid shut at that. How much was Lloyd bottling in? And how much was it stuff that I didn't even know about?
Lloyd, how do I help you?

"Are you taking the bus or am I dropping you off?" Mum asked as I returned to the kitchen, all set and ready for the day ahead. I pulled out my phone as it buzzed.

im outside
Sent 8.14am

"Neither," replied, smiling softly at my phone before tucking it away. "I'm catching a ride with Lloyd."
Mum blinked in surprise, sending me a wide-eyed look.
"Alone? In a car?" she said, raising her brows.
"Mum, we're going to school-"
"Who suggested it?"
"Lloyd," I replied uneasily, shifting my bag over my shoulders.
"Good for him," mum said. "I'm surprised he's letting himself be alone with you. He must really trust himself not to hurt you."
I shrugged, eyes dropping to the floor.
"Have a good first day, sweetie," mum said. I shot her a small smile.

Lloyd was on his phone with the engine running, parked on the curb outside my house. I slid into shotgun inside the old, beat-up car, dropping my bag at my feet.
"Hey, sunshine," he murmured, putting the phone in a section on the door.
"Hey, greenie," I replied, eyes jumping to his. He stared at my face, car engine thrumming. I stared back at him as silence stretched on before leaning forward.
"You know," I said quietly, a small smile on my face. "If you want a kiss, you can just take one."
Lloyd grinned crookedly, tongue darting out to lick his dry bottom lip before shaking his head in amusement, pulling the car out onto the road.
"Hey," I whined. "Generally that means you kiss me."
"If you want one, just take it," Lloyd shrugged. My face scrunched into a pout.
"You're driving!"
"Oh, noooo," he said, pulling out of my street. "So sad."
I huffed, crossing my arms and glaring out of the window childishly.
"Bully," I muttered and he chuckled loosely, hand dropping down to squeeze my thigh affectionately.

I slapped his hand.
"Stop. Thigh privileges are revoked."
It remained. A grin curled across his lips. I raised my hand to slap his again and it slipped away just as I smacked my own thigh.
"Ow!" I yelped and he laughed, turning a corner. "Lloyd, you ass!"
His hand fell to my thigh again. I dropped my head back with a groan.
"I can't win with you," I complained.
"Nope," Lloyd grinned as the car slowed to let a bunch of young school kids cross the crossing. His thumb rubbed circles against my skin. "What's your timetable like?"
I pulled out my phone and recited the classes I had for each day.
"We've got a few of the same," he smiled happily. "I'll save you a seat. Beside me."
"I'm positively swooning," I commented dryly. But my heart still did a jump, anyway. I sobered, sending him a concerned look as the car took off again. "How are you doing?"

Lloyd remained impassive but his thumb faltered in its rhythm. He swallowed.
"Fine," he said after a short, tense silence.
"Can we... talk about it?" I asked quietly and he sent me a short look, eyes unreadable, before they jumped back to the road.
"Not right now," he murmured lowly, shifting in his seat. I clasped my hand over the back of his, threading my fingers between his own.
"Okay," I said quietly, clutching him with a comforting tightness. "When you're ready, then."
He nodded, eyes hooded with an expression I couldn't pick out as he drove. We turned into the student car park, hundreds of students already milling around - dawdling to the building, leaning against cars, playing music, catching up. Lloyd pulled into a free park.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, slipping his hand from mine to pull on the handbrake and turn off the car.

"It's school, Lloyd," I sighed, picking my bag up from the ground. "I don't exactly have a choice."
Lloyd caught my chin and turned me to face him. His eyes looked apprehensive.
"You know what I mean."
My gaze softened and I leant forward into a kiss. He sighed into it, eyes fluttering shut.
"You, me. Team," I said, poking his chest when he sat back a smidge. He swallowed, warm breath brushing against his cheek. "It still stands. It will always stand."
"What did I do to deserve you?" Lloyd shook his head in awe. I smiled gently, pressing a second, quicker kiss to his nose.
"You should seriously take a proper look in the mirror sometime," I said, brows raised with a soft expression on my face. "You might be amazed at who stares back. I know I am, every time you look at me-"

"Okay," Lloyd said, unbuckling his seatbelt. "That's enough cheese for one morning."
"I was in the middle of a heartfelt speech, you meanie," I frowned. Lloyd rolled his eyes, returning to his usual playful attitude as he stepped out of the car. I followed his lead, swinging my bag over my shoulder. After he locked the car and pushed his keys into his pocket, he held out a hand for me to take. I immediately took it with a giddy grin, ignoring the stares that found us.
"Where are the others?" I asked as we walked out of the car park. A half silence had fallen across the crowd. The muttering grew in volume and it just hit me just how outcasted Lloyd truly was. I tightened my hand over his and he smiled softly at my unspoken reassurance.
"Probably already inside," he replied, narrowed green eyes raking the scene before he smirked and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. My heart fluttered in surprise at his bold action. I discreetly sent a look to the crowd of students and noticed the shock on their slacked faces.

They were wondering what the fuck happened during Lloyd's summer.

"I like this side of you," I mused. He glanced at me and raised a brow, silently asking me to elaborate. "The smug bastard vibe. You're giving everyone a middle finger to their faces without actually giving a middle finger to them."
Lloyd snorted. Our hands swung between us as we made our way into the building. I let Lloyd lead me as I took in the sights, the posters on the wall, the cliques huddled together, the loud yelps and laughs as people caught up with one another.
The ninja (without Cole) and Naomi were crowded together, half of them leaning against the tin lockers that lined the wall. A sense of relief seemed to pass over the group when Lloyd and I approached, hand-in-hand.
Nya pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey!" she grinned, rocking us from side-to-side. "Howsit going?"
"Well, I haven't smashed anyone's head in yet," I said nonchalantly. She hummed, frowning as she pulled back.
"That bad?"
"A lot of people are staring," I mumbled. She smiled sympathetically. Lloyd refused to let my hand go. "I hate being the new kid. Everyone stares at the new kid."
The shifted blame from the true reason as to why people were staring was easy to pick up on. Still, nobody said a word about it.
Naomi pulled me into a hug next and I awkwardly had to pat her back with one arm.
"My parents took my phone off of me for talking to Cole last night. Can you believe it?" Naomi scoffed. "It's only the first day!"
"Aw, man," I frowned sympathetically. "That sucks."
"I know," Naomi sighed as she stepped away. "I can't even tell them that the only reason why I was texting him so much was because he was worried about-"

She abruptly cut herself off. I raised my brows slightly, waiting. Naomi cleared her thought.
"You," she said with a nervous swallow. "He was worried about you. New school and everything."
I nodded slowly, not believing her for a second. But I knew Naomi. If it was something that I truly needed to know, she'd tell me.
"Right," I replied, shrugging. "Of course."
Naomi bit her lip. She could tell that I knew she was lying, but I changed the topic before we could dwell on it any longer.
"Do we have any classes together?" I asked and she sighed, a genuine smile returning to her face. We compared timetables and cheered when we found we had English together.
A mop of brown hair and a familiar letterman jacket caught my eye. I turned my head just as Chen raised his hand and waved, a real, actual smile on his lips. I blinked in surprise before returning it, chest growing with warmth. I guess the best way to defeat your enemy truly is to make them your friend.

Lloyd tightened his hand on mine and he gently guided me back into his bubble, wrapping his arms around me. I didn't need to see his face to notice the glare he sent at the back of Chen's head. I rolled my eyes in amusement.
That, or the best way to make your boyfriend jealous is to make your enemy your friend.
"Okay," I hummed, patting his arm before untangling myself from his hold. His hand grabbed mine before it could slip away. "I need to go to reception so I can get a map n' stuff. I'll see you in class."
"I'll go with you," Lloyd offered, eyes begging. I snickered. "I can be your tour guide."
"Alright," I easily relented with a smile. "Show me the way then, tour guide."
Lloyd led me to reception and I busied myself with memorising my schedule that I had saved to my phone so the stares wouldn't psych me out. Lloyd had to deal with this for years and I could barely handle twenty minutes.
I really am a coward.

We stopped at the desk and the receptionist turned to me with a smile, probably able to smell the stench of a new student a mile away. His gaze jumped to Lloyd and it fell into a subtle scowl.
It wasn't subtle enough as a fierce wave of rage crashed through me. My hand tightened in his hand while my eye twitched. Ah, there it is. There's my furious confidence.
"Lloyd Garmadon," he said dryly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
"Mr. Jameson," Lloyd greeted, voice fake-pleasant. It may be able to fool anyone else, but it certainly didn't fool me. "How was your summer?"
"Fine," Mr. Jameson replied curtly before shifting his narrowed eyes to me. He slapped a map and a few other slips of paper onto the bench in front of me. He sent me a tight smile, obviously forced. "Have a good year."

"And he's a grown man?" I asked quietly as we slipped out of reception. "I was more mature when I was four."
Lloyd laughed but the humour didn't reach his eyes. I frowned, pulling him to a stop.
"Hey," I said softly and cupped his cheek, demanding his attention in the middle of the bustling hallway. His green eyes found mine. He was all ears. "If anybody says anything, I'll kick their ass."
That did the trick. He snorted, sending me an amused glance.
"With your terrible form?" he raised his eyebrows. "Unlikely."
I mockingly gasped, lightly slapping his arm with the hand that was just holding his face.
"I do kick ass, thank you very much!" I exclaimed, insulted. Lloyd grinned, shaking his head. I huffed and crossed my arms, sticking my nose in the air. "Like you could do any better."
He scoffed, sending me a confused look, knitting his eyebrows together. His lips curled into a curt, amused grin.
"Did you think before you said that or was it impulsive?" he asked cockily.
"All impulse, baby," I grinned. "Always is with you."
Lloyd rolled his eyes.
"Let's just get you to class," he said, grabbing my hand once more to lead me through the hallway.

"I will," I promised as we walked to wherever Lloyd was leading me. "This is not an empty threat. Point me in the direction of your bullies and I'll beat them up, no cap."
"First day at school and you're absolutely going to get detention," he mumbled warningly.
"You're worth it."
"And you're cheesy," he noted, making me grin. "Seriously, though, please stay out of trouble. Don't let them get to you."
"I should be saying that to you, not the other way round," I grumbled, pulling up beside him to latch onto his arm.
"For me?" he asked, ignoring my previous comment. I heavily sighed before reluctantly nodding. "I need you to say it."

"Fine," I stressed, looking him in the eyes. "I promise that I'll behave and won't get detention."



Sent 11.01am

Sent 11.01am

A L R E A D Y??????
Sent 11.01am


Sent 11.02am

stay where u are
Sent 11.02am

I stopped at the entrance to the cafeteria for morning break, shoving my phone into my pocket.
"You're insufferable," Lloyd said in exasperation as he appeared before me not a second later, making me jump in surprise. Ninja, I swear... "I can't believe you've already gotten detention and it hasn't even been a day. That must be some kind of record."
I shrugged as he pulled me inside, guiding us to a table that already held the rest of the team.
"I'm confident in saying that it was much deserved," I said as we took a seat at the table. Lloyd announced my sentence to the rest of the table with a weary voice and Nya choked on the water she was sipping, barking a loud laugh.

"What did you DO?!" she yelled hysterically. A grin curled on my lips while Lloyd stared at my growing pride sullenly.
"I may have called the teacher a pretentious asshole," I shrugged a shoulder. "Nothing bad."
"'Nothing bad,'" Lloyd echoed in disbelief.
"Mad respect," Jay nodded. Nya snorted. Kai fist bumped me.
Lloyd sighed dramatically at his friend's encouragement before sliding his untouched lunch tray towards me.
"I'll go get another."
He walked off before I could disagree.
"So, what'd they say?" Nya asked, inclining forward, pushing her tray aside.
"Nothing that hasn't been said before," I grumbled, picking at the burger that Lloyd had chose. "Y'know. Spawn. Talking about his dad. Teacher did nothing so I called him out. Then I left. Needless to say, I won't be attending History from now on."
"How are you feeling about this?" Zane asked as Lloyd dropped a lunch tray next to me. He sat down, body pressed tight against mine despite the space the bench provided.

"I'm fine," I shook my head, pulling my legs up to sit cross-legged. My knee rested over Lloyd's thigh. Kai sent me a pointed look. "I'm angry."
"No kidding," Nya said. "Where's Naomi?"
"With Aaliyah and the others," I replied. "I'll hang out with them at lunch."
"What do you have to do for detention?" Kay asked. I shrugged.
"Probably sit in a room for an hour to 'think about what I've done,'" I said with a roll of my eyes. Lloyd grasped my hand as the others began to talk about the advanced physical education class (something my father forced me to also take).
"Why are you being so touchy touchy today?" I hummed as Lloyd dropped his chin on my shoulder. It didn't feel like showing off.
He remained silent, tensing slightly at my query. I glanced up at him.
"Oh," I whispered to myself as it clicked - Lloyd was clearly feeling vulnerable about yesterday's incident. Maybe physical contact with me helped ground him, much like how I hugged him when I had my panic attack before he got possessed. I draped a leg over his thigh before curling my foot around his calf, half sitting on his lap. I leant in closer to drop my face against his arm.
"Better?" I asked, staring up at Lloyd. He pressed a kiss against my forehead.
"Yeah," he murmured.

All too soon, it was time for the next class. At least it was English, which means that Naomi would be with me.
"You know, you don't have to walk me to class," I said, bumping against Lloyd's side as we dawdled down the hall. The others had already spilt off to their respective classes. Lloyd's was across the other side of the school from mine.
"Do you know where your class is?" he asked with a piqued eyebrow. I went to answer, but no sound came out of my open mouth.
"Oh," I said finally, lamely.
"That's what a thought, you moron."
I gasped. He chuckled at me, grabbing my arm before I could take another step.
"We're here," Lloyd noted, cocking his head to the side, gesturing to a closed door. I frowned, the experience that morning not soothing my nerves in the slightest. "You'll be fine. You're impossible not to adore."
My gaze shot to his. Soft, gushing. I beamed.
"Aw, Lloyd!"
"And if anybody's rude to you, you can always pull the Military dad card."
"Oh, shut up," I seethed, punching his stomach. He wheezed, clutching his mortal wound as if I had stabbed him.
"Good arm," he choked out teasingly, pretending to perish. "Tell my story!"

I rolled my eyes.
"I'll tell the story of a dumbass."
"Ouch, only adding salt to the wound," he hissed in pain playfully. "Good luck, sweetheart."
"Thanks, Blondie," I smiled giddily before grabbing his cheeks and pulling him down into a quick kiss. "I'll see you later."
Lloyd smiled.
"See ya..." he said slowly, hand sluggishly trailing down my cheek. The seconds ticked by.
"Oh, my god, go to class."
"No more insulting people, okay?" Lloyd insisted as he started walking backwards down the hall. "Promise me! You have to promise me."
"Okay, Lloyd," I said amusedly with raised eyebrows and a hand on the door handle.
"Promise me or it doesn't count!" he called, halfway down the hall already. Yes. A lot of people were staring, but Lloyd didn't seem bothered by the judging glares. My face flushed with embarrassment.
"Jeez, okay, I promise," I replied. Lloyd raised a thumb's up before disappearing around the corner. I sighed with a smile and shook my head, entering the classroom. I made a beeline for the free spot next to Naomi, was was patting the seat excitedly.

The teacher soon arrived and dove straight into what the process for this class for the year was. I took notes, figuring out which topic we were studying when and wrapping my head around it. Man. English's gonna be boring.
"Any questions?" the teacher, whose name I'd already forgotten, asked. A single hand shot up.
"This is for the new girl at the back," said a voice as I doodled in the margin. A tiny ninja. I coloured his eyes in green. "Is it true you're really dating Lloyd Garmadon?"
I sighed, knowing that this was exactly how I first got detention. Beside me, Naomi stiffened.

Here we go again.


Catching up with the others was good... but also weird.

Half of them didn't speak to me, a result of my romantic company. It didn't bother me, though. Not really. They were generally the people that I didn't really talk to, anyway.
Claire was surprisingly welcoming as I arrived with Naomi, wanting to know all the juicy gossip of my actions that earned me detention on the first day. The table laughed at the maggot remark and I felt myself ease back into the group, grinning readily and engaging in conversations while we ate our mediocre cafeteria lunch.

Half of the time, though, I'd glance over the room at the table where the five ninja sat. Jay and Kai, resident dumbies, were making a tower out of mashed potatoes while Nya cheered them on. Zane was reading a book calmly. Lloyd was catching my gaze, cheeks flushed im bashfulness as if we shouldn't have been glancing at each other.
Each time I found his green eyes, my heart would leap in my chest.
Half way through lunch, a hand tussled my hair as they passed, I turned around in surprise before playfully scowling and Chen, who was grinning. Friend? Seems more like I'd acquired another brother.
"What was that?" laughed Aaliyah as she sat across the table from me. "You're friends with Chen? Doesn't he despise Lloyd?"
I smiled. "They're on good terms, now."
No, they aren't. Every time Chen's close to me, Lloyd gets jealous.

Even now, I could feel his livid glare. I wondered if his eyes were red. It was amusing.

Soon, lunch came to an end and the student body was heading off to the last class of the day. Aaliyah graciously showed me the way to class before darting off to get to her own in time, and I entered, taking a spot at a free table. The smell of paint and ink sat in the air. Art pieces hung on the walls. The wooden floor was splotchy with split paint.
A girl took a seat across the table from me, offering a kind smile. I grinned back, dropping my bag onto the ground.
"You must be new," she concluded with a smile before putting her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Leila."
"Y/n," I greeted before wincing. "Is it that obvious?"
"A little," Leila giggled, adjusting her hoody. Another boy sat beside her and another girl took the remaining seat next to me. I bit my lip. Where was Lloyd?

Speak of the devil and he may appear. Lloyd entered the room before faltering at my full table. I shrugged helplessly and he subtly sighed, taking an empty table at the back of the room.
"Can't believe he's in this class," the girl beside me sneered, her narrowed eyes following Lloyd as he took a seat by himself. I shifted, sliding out of my seat when Leila grabbed my hand.
"I'm sure you already know this, but that's Lloyd Garmadon," she spat under her breath. "Son of Lord Garmadon."
I raised my brows in mock surprise.
"You don't say," I hummed. "And uh... what's wrong with Lloyd Garmadon?"
The boy beside Leila sent me an incredulous look.
"Are you kidding me?" he asked dubiously. "He's Lord Garmadon's son. What isn't wrong with him?"
I frowned, brow pulled tight.
"Is that all?" I asked, tilting my head. "Is that the only reason?"

"Well, yeah," Leila snorted. "The guy's a menace. That's enough reason, isn't it?"
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. This year at Ninjago High School is gonna be a fucking riot.
"Well, nice chatting," I muttered, grabbing my bag. "Bye."
I slipped from the seat before they could reply and walked over to join Lloyd. I could feel their surprised stares watching as I left.
"Well, I tried to make new friends but everyone at this stupid school are dumb," I sighed dramatically, dropping my bag at my feet. "'How does it feel to be surrounded by idiots?' Well, sir, frankly; it sucks."
Lloyd laughed under his breath, joy in his gaze as I settled on my seat next to him, shuffling it closer until our arms brushed and a static electricity bounced in our proximity.
"We only have to survive a year," Lloyd murmured, dropping his head to whisper against mine. "Then we're home free."
"Damn," I breathed. "I'm going to lose braincells."
"What braincells?" Lloyd asked and I gasped, slapping his arm.
"You did not."
"I did," he grinned against my forehead before pulling away when the teacher arrived and started handing out our year plans.

Class finished quickly and suddenly it was the end of the day. Lloyd walked me to the room which was going to be my home in solitude for the next hour and a half.
"I'll pick you up after," he told, pressing a kiss to my lips. "My little devious sun."
I grinned.
"I get it from my mum," I mused before slipping inside the room and taking a seat by the window. Another kid sat at the back, listening to music too loud. The teacher at the front didn't even care, too engrossed in his bPad.
It was a long, boring hour and a half while I discreetly texted my mother about what happened. She wasn't exactly pleased to hear that I got detention on the first day.
Four-thirty finally hit and we were free to go. The empty school was vastly different from when it was bustling with students. The echoing taps of my footsteps bounced against the lockers. The silence was almost nice, if it wasn't bordering on creepy.

And freedom. The sun was warm, the air was clear, the sky was blue. And waiting for me in the car park, Lloyd sat on the hood of his beat-up old vehicle with Kashu in his lap. One leg propped up, the other dangling as he fussed over the puppy. He glowed gold in the summer sun and I felt my cheeks burn and chest grow warmer with adoration as he smiled at the dog.
Lloyd's green eyes raised to mine and he brightened even more, a shining, golden sun on the hood of his car. He lifted Kashu, making the puppy wave his paw at me.

I giggled, shaking my head in amusement before starting down the footsteps, making my way towards the man who was undeniably the love of my life.

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