Chunin Exams part 2

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Team Ten made there way over to the forest of death other wise known of training ground 44.

A few minutes later Anko the second proctor appeared.

"Alright maggots listen up am only going to say this once. Take these release forms and fill them out. Once that is done. Please hand it to one of the chunin. Then they will hand you a scroll it will be either a heaven or earth scroll.

Your task is to get both scrolls and make it to the tower in 5 day. Killing is legal in this exam. If you lose a teammate you fail. Those of you who don't make it to the tower in 5 days fail. And you are not to look at the scrolls till you reach the tower. Now pick a gate and good luck" Anko said.

Team ten turned in there papers and is at there gate when Anko comes over.

"Okay here is you earth scroll the gates will open in ten mins. Good luck me and neko are rooting for ya" Anko said as she winked and walked away.

"Naruto do you know who that was" Ino asked.

"Yeah I think that was Hebi " Naruto replied.

"Who's Hebi" Shikamaru asked.

"One of my Anbu guardians from when I was a kid" Naruto replied.

"So what's the plan Shikamaru" Ino asked.

I think are best course of action is to get a scroll quick and get to the tower as fast as we can" Shikamaru said.

They looked and nodded to each other. A few min later the horn went off a few hours later they had stop to take a break.

"Its harder to find people then I thought" Naruto said.

Just then they herd laughing. When 3 mist ninjas jumped down from a tree.

"Oh look what we have here a little rookie team all alone" one of them said.

"Look at the blonde she looks fun I want to play with her" another said.

This is troublesome just give us your scroll and leave" Shikamaru said.

"We not leaving till we have killed you and had some fun with your blonde haired teammate" the creep said.

"Sorry a don't swing that way" Naruto said.

"Why you little... You die first " as he rushes at Naruto.

(Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu) Naruto yelled.

100 Naruto's rushed the team and beat them to a bloody pulp.

"Naruto why didn't you let us help" Ino asked.

"Well i have more chakra then almost any one else. I have a lot to go around you guys don't. So I want you to keep your strength for the next exam" Naruto said.

"That's really smart" Ino teased.

"Oh would you look at that a heaven scroll let's move to the tower" Shikamaru said.

They all made there way to the tower but Naruto left one clone of him self.

The creep mist ninja was starting to wake up when he realized he was tied to a tree.

"I have one bone left to pick with you and I'm going to hurt you really really badly. This is what you get for threaten my Ino with rape" Naruto/clone said.

He charged a blue ball of chakra in his hand.

"Please stop i'm sorry" the creep said.

"I'm sorry to.... Now scream for me. (Rasengan)" Naruto yells and slams the ball of chakra in to him groin.

The creep screams bloody murder. Then drops and he's out cold. Then the clone pops.


As Team Ten is making there way to the tower. They here a loud scream from back where they were coming from.

"What do you think that was " Ino asked.

Naruto who just got the memories of his clone smirked. " Just some guy getting what he deserves".


They had ran most of the night to make the tower by sunrise.

"Yes we made it" the all celebrated. They walked inside the tower and pulled out both scrolls and started to read them.

"Crap its a summoning scroll" Shikamaru said.

They throw the scrolls on the ground. Smoke started to come out of them. When the smoke was gone it was just Asuma standing there.

"Asuma sensei " they said in unison.

"Yep and I want to say you guys are killing it. I just made a bunch of money on you guys. And you are the first leaf team to make it to the tower. I'm so proud of you guys" Asuma said.

"So what happens now" Ino asked.

"Now you relax for the next few days in the tower and wait for the 3rd exam. So relax or train a bit and ill see you guys in 3 days" Asuma said as he flickered away.

"Dam it just show me how to do that" Naruto yelled.

"Troublesome I'm going to bed" Shikamaru said.

"I'm going to train a little" Naruto said.

"I think that's a great idea Shikamaru" Ino said as she drags Naruto with her to there teams bunk.

Three day later all passing teams were lined up in front of the Hokage and all the jounin sensei's. Also was the other proctors.

Naruto looked around seven teams pasted the second exam. There were 20 genin waiting for the 3rd exam.

Naruto looked around to see the other teams. He saw team 8 ,team 9 ,the sand team. He was surprised to see team 7 with a very pale kid as there new teammate. A team from the sound village. The he saw a team with two members and they were from the leaf as well.

The Hokage spoke "congratulations to all the passing teams but there are to many of you so we are going to have a preliminary round before the third  round.

You will all face off one on one to have a better final exam for everyone to see. I shall pass everything over to the proctor of your next exam Yugao Uzuki".

"Hello I am your proctor for the 3rd exam. In your fights my word is law. When I say stop you stop. Ill call the match and step in if i see fit. Now the first match is." looking up the screen for it so say which fights would happen. " Naruto Senju vs Kiba Inuzuka. Everyone else go up to the balcony and wait your turn" Yugao said.

Everyone start to make there way up to the balcony when Ino pecked Naruto on the lips. She start to walk away when she said " for luck".

Naruto then looked at the Yugao. Who smiled at him. Then he looked at Kiba who was staring a hole through him.

Up on the balcony team ten was next to team eight.

"Naruto is so going to walk over Kiba " Ino said.

"I am afraid your wrong as much as I want to see Naruto win Kiba is very strong" Kurenai said.

"How about a bet then Kurenai" Asuma said.

"What's the bet" Kurenai said.

"If Naruto wins you have to go on a date with me. If Kiba wins I'll quit smoking because I know how much you hate it" Asuma said.

"Deal I cant wait to throw away all your cigarettes away" Kurenai smirked.

Asuma thought to him self "That kid better win because if i lose this bet he's going to pay".

"Your going down dead last. I'm going to show everyone what a joke you are" Kiba growled.

"Will see who the joke is Kiba. Just don't go crying to momma when I spank you" Naruto said.

(Man beast clone)  Kiba said as Akamaru turned in to a clone of Kiba.

(All fours jutsu) the clone kiba jumped on his back both on all fours.

"This is it for you dead last. I'm taking you down in one shot( Fang over Fang).

Naruto stood the quietly and waited. He had his hand behind his back forming to chakra balls one in each hand.

As the Kiba's circled him one came from the left the other for the right. Naruto extended both hands as the Kiba and Akamaru hit the balls of chakra Naruto yelled out (Rasengan).

Sending both Kiba and Akamaru in to wall on each side of the tower. Akamaru was okay he ran over to Kiba but Kiba was out cold and stuck in the wall.

Yugao walked over to Kiba he was and saw the state he was in. "Kiba is unable to fight the winner is Naruto Senju.

Asuma just starts whistling and puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it. He blows a little smoke right at Kurenai and laughs.

"Ill see you on saturday at 7" Asuma smirks. Kurenai shakes her hear " I cant believe he won so easily".

"Way to go baby your the best thats why I love you" Ino shouted.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru said.

Naruto blushed blood red at Ino's comments. He then made his way up to his team. As the screen gave the next fight.

"The next is Tenten vs Kin" Yugao said.

The two girl ninjas made there way down to the stage.

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