Chunin Exams Part 3

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After Tenten beat Kin. The board stared circling names. Till it ended with two. Ino Yamanaka vs Hinata Huuga.

Hinata smiled as she was going to put this blonde bimbo who stolen her man on her place and Naruto would finally see her as the love of his life. She walked slowly down the stairs to the fighting area.

Ino turned to Naruto and smiled. "Wish me luck " as she kissed him. She started to make her way down the stairs but Naruto smacked his on the butt. "You don't need luck babe because I believe in you. Believe it" Naruto said.

Ino hurried down stairs with a big blush on her face. She smiled at her fellow heiress "Lets have a good match Hinata".

Hinata got in to her fighting stance. "Don't talk to me about having a good match you hussie" Hinata yelled out in anger.

"Hinata we are friends how dare you talk to me like that I've always been nice to you" Ino yelled back.

Hinata activated her (byakugan). You were my friend till you stolen the boy I love he deserves better than you. You blonde haired slut. How did you make him love you do you use one of your mind tricks when you found out who his family was or did you just open your legs" Hinata spat.

This pissed Ino off more than ever. "How dare you say that to me. I love Naruto with all my heart. I did even before we knew who his family was you jealous bitch. The Huuga princess didn't get what she wants oh well. Because if Naruto loved you, you would have been with him and not me but he doesn't love you he loves me" Ino yelled back getting in her own fighting stance.

"This is troublesome very troublesome" Shikamaru said.

"I don't get why this is happening" Naruto said.

"What don't you get Hinata likes you and is pissed about you being with Ino" Asuma said.

"I know that.... but I had talked to Hinata before me and Ino got together.

The day before graduating the academy. Hinata and Naruto were sitting on the swings.

"Na-Naruto th-there's something ... I want to ask you" Hinata asked.

"Ask away Hinata you know you can ask me anything" Naruto said.

Hinata played with her fingers. "Wi-will you go out wi-with m-me" the shy girl asked.

"Like grab reman or something else because I can always use some ramen" Naruto laughed.

"Li-like a da-date" Hinata asked.

"Im sorry Hinata but I can't I don't like you like that. Your a great friend but I don't see you like that but i think you will find someone who does like you like that believe it" the boy said.

Hinata just ran away crying leave Naruto just sitting there not really knowing what to do.
(End of flashback)

Naruto stood there just shocked thinking " its all come to this."

Tsunade who had been behind the Hokage was starting to sweat a bit. "Come on Ino you can do this. Both me and Kushina have been training you. Stand up to this girl who is trying to take what's yours" .

"Ready fight" Yugao said.

Both girls moved toward one another. Hinata tried to palm. Strike Ino in the gut but Ino blocked it by hitting Hinata's elbow.

Ino tried to follow up with a kick but Hinata moved out of the way. The continued for a few mins before both jumped back.

"I know you don't even love him he is just a thing to you because that Uchiha is gone now your trying to steal him from me" Hinata yelled.

"I do love him you don't know what your talking about" Ino yelled back.

"Don't know what I'm talking about that's a good one slut. What are you willing to do to prove you love him because I'm willing to kill for him" Hinata started to smile.

Ino was shocked at that statement and she low her guard and Hinata used (8 trigrams 32 palms) as Ino flew back in pain.

Ino was down having trouble moving with a lot of chakra points turned off. Ino was trying to get up.

"Now ill kill you and he will be all mine. You will be nothing but a bad memory." Hinata yelled.

Ino started to cry as she thought about Naruto.

Yugao stepped in front of Hinata. This match is ov... She didn't finish because. Hinata hit her in the gut nocking Yugao out with a palm strike.

Hinata stepped over Yugao's unconscious body. "Any last words before you die" Hinata said.

"Naruto I love " Ino cried. As Hinata approached her.

Hinata aimed right for the heart. As she pushed her hand forward to hit Ino.

Tsunade went to move forward when she saw it all happen right before her eyes as she started to cry.

Shikamaru saw what just happened and he fell to his knees. He had just lost a teammate.

Asuma cigarette dropped out of his mouth as everything happened so fast he didn't have time react.

The Hokage couldn't believe his eyes.

Kurenai started to cry "how could you do that.... I loved you and you do that to me.... You know how I felt" as she was in full tears.

Anko was on her knees crying. "No oh god no.... Why"

Just out side of the temple Kushina was waling in hoping she see her son fight she was running behind because some perv was spying on the women's hot spring as she had given them the beating of a life time.

She walked to where she could see the fight that was going on now. When she looked over she screamed. As she saw Hinata palm strike Naruto in the heart.

He had substituted himself with Ino trying to stop the fight.

Ino had popped back up were Asuma and Shikamaru were. She had back on her feet when she saw Naruto had taken the strike for her.

She jumped back down to him crying screaming.
"Nono why?" she hobbled over to him.

He was on his last breathe "cuz I love.... He didn't finished his last words. Ino rapped him up in her arms crying " NO PLEASE YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME I LOVE YOU TO MUCH NARUTO PLEASE NARUTO" she screamed.


Tsunade and Kushina were at her side that second. Tsunade went right to work trying to heal him. But his heart was so damaged.

"We need to get him to the hospital now" Tsunade yelled.

They flickered away. So did the Hokage, Asuma who grabbed Shikamaru to take with him. And Anko who grabbed Yugao to take her as well.

Hinata could believe her eyes that Naruto had done that. She killed him why she thought.

"I can't go on knowing I did this. I killed the boy I love" she pulled a kuni out of her holder on her hip and stabbed her in the heart killing her self.

Neji had come down to her. " Hinata why have you done this. Why kill your self."

"So I can stay with him in the next life and try to make right at what i just did" Hinata said as she took her last breathe.

Shizune was running the hospital today well lady Tsunade was at the Chunin exams for the prelims.

She was busy with her rounds when she herd at the crying around the corner.

She turn and what she saw shocked her. Tsunade was screaming at nurses and doctors.

"Shizune get the Surgical room and team ready on the double." Tsunade yelled.

The doctors took Naruto in to the room on a stretcher. Tsunade went to move to the room they had just brought Naruto in to. She loked back for just a second to she Kushina in tears  holding Ino crying in tears hugging Kushina.

"Tsunade wait" lord 3rd said as he flickered in.

"What I don't have a lot of time" Tsunade said.

"If Naruto is to survive he will need a new heart which you know. But there are only two people in the village who match his blood and tissue type. One is you and the other is me. Im an old fool Naruto needs you so ill do it.

Im long over due for it. Ill finally see my wife again it has been to long. Don't worry about the village I had things in line if something were to happen to me" the Hokage said.

Tsunade nodded and the both made there way to the Surgical room.

Two hours later Tsunade left the room and made her way to the waiting room.

When she made it to the waiting room she saw Kushina, Ino ,Shikamaru, Asuma. Along with Anko Yugao Kurenai and Kakashi.

Everyone looked up at her waiting to hear the news. Tsunade took a deep breathe " his going to make it his body is he responding well to the transplant" .

Everyone was happy that he would make it. Asuma stepped out to think about his father. He did fight with his father but he still loved him. But his father went out the way he wanted saving someone. That's what Asuma thought.

Ino and Kushina cried tears of joy. So did Anko Kurenai and Yugao. Shikamaru just thanked god that he still had his troublesome best friend.
Kakashi sat back happy he didn't loose his sensei's son well ready his little orange book. Everyone was so worried about Naruto no one paid him any attention.


A few hours later a figure sat in the Hokage chair wondering as to why he had been chosen to be the next Hokage. He took a deep breathe and summoned his Anbu.

"Call the counsel for a meeting make sure all Jounin and chunin are there as well" The figure said.

The Anbu nodded and ran off to tell everyone.

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