Chunin Exams part One

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Ino a woke in the arms of her lovely blonde boyfriend. She wiggled her way out of bed. She made her way to the shower to start the day.

When she got out made her way over to her dresser and put on fresh clothes. When she was done she looked in the mirror.

She had purple shorts on her normal purple shirt. White arm warmers and her legs were bandaged up from her knee to her shorts. Then she bandaged from the end of her rid cage to her hips. Then tied her headband to her waist like a belt. Ino then fixed her hair like she always does.

After getting her self she got things ready for the boy she loved. Getting out a par of black pants then a black tight long sleeve shirt and his new cloak which is black with orange flames on it.

Then she slowly worked he way back on the bed and sat down slowly on his hips so not to wake him. Then Ino leaned down and start to kiss his neck. When Naruto started to wake up she she licked his face.

"Come on sleepy head time to get up today's the big day and I don't want be late" Ino said sweetly.

"Five more mins" Naruto whimpered threw the blanks as he pulled them up over his face. Then turned to his side making Ino fall off the bed.

"Naruto get up now or else" Ino demanded.

"Make me" he whispered.

"Okay but you asked for it" Ino said. Then got back on the bed and drop kick him out of bed.

Naruto flew off the bed and hit the wall 4 feet across the room.

Kushina came in to there room hearing the thud against the wall.

"What's going on in here" Kushina asked.

"Naruto wouldn't get out bed so I made him" Ino smiled.

"Oh Minato was the same way I used to have to beat him senseless. Ino you remind me so much of myself a happy to call you my daughter " Kushina laughed.

Ino ran at Kushina unloading a hug on her future mother inlaw. She then turned around to look at Naruto and smiled. Naruto just shook his head and went to shower.

A short time later Ino, Naruto, Shikamaru stood in front of the ninja academy just 8 months ago to the day they had graduated. They were put together a fangirl a lazy genius and the dead last.

Over time they over came it Ino no longer a fan girl took her training seriously and engaged.

Naruto was dead last now Asuma thought he was the strongest in the graduating year. He was smarter too. He had love for the first time in his life and not willing to let it go.

Shikamaru well he was still lazy but he would always protect his teammates. He grew up with Ino. She was like his sister but he would never tell her that. Naruto had become his best friend. Something he wouldn't trade for the world.

There they stood side by side. They looked in to each other smiling till Naruto yelled out. "LET'S DO IT".

The walked in side and started to make there way to the 3rd floor.

When Naruto thinks the made the third floor they see other people trying to get in the room. Ino grabbed Naruto and Shikamaru.

"Guy this isn't the 3rd floor its a genjutsu. There trying to weed out the weak" Ino whispered.

The boys both nodded and the continued there way up to the 3rd floor.

When they made it to there testing room. Asuma was standing by waiting for them.

"Asuma sensei why are you here" Ino asked.

"Oh I'm just here to tell you that no madder what happens you have made me proud. Now go in there and kick some ass and make me some money" Asuma proudly said.

"How are we making you money" Naruto said.

"Because I'm beating on you guys with the other jounin sensei's" Asuma said as he flickered away.

"Dam it he still hasn't shown me how to do that" Naruto said.

"Come on Naruto we have other things to worry about other that a trouble some jutsu" Shikamaru said as he pulled him in side.

When they went in the testing room about half the seats were full. Then Naruto saw Kurenai sensei and walked over to her.

"Hi Kurenai sensei I just want to say thank you for what you tried to do for me for checking up on me once in a while" Naruto smiled.

"Your welcome Naruto and good luck will talk later after the exams okay im dieing to see your mother again" Kurenai smiled as she walked away.

He then went over to where his teammates were siting. Siting in front of them was team 8. Kiba turned around.

"I guess they let anybody in here if they dead last is here" Kiba laughed.

Naruto just looked at him a shakes his head as Kiba keeps up with his insults.

"Naruto you really think you can be chunin is laughable. How you were made genin I don't know. Your jutsu's were just as pathetic" Kiba spoke.

"Kiba shut up your to trouble some for your own good. And just so you know Naruto is the strongest person on our team. He would walk over you dog brain" Shikamaru said.

"Now that's laughable next thing your going to tell me is that he is dating Ino" Kiba laughed.

"I am dating him. Naruto is a strong and kind man. Your just jealous and that you smell like dog piss so no girls will go near you" Ino said as she was pissed.

Kiba turned around and shut his mouth. He didn't say anything he was mad at what Ino said to him.

Hinata heard what everything and didn't say anything. She thought to herself." enjoy him now Ino but that boy is mine and there is nothing you can do to stop me" .

Just then the doors opened and smoke filled the front of the classroom.

"My name is Ibiki Morino I am the proctor for the first stage of the exam. Now everyone get and take a number for your siting arrangements." everyone did as they were told.

"Now that you are sitting where we want. These are the rules for the test you have 80 mins to answer the  question. The only way you pass is to answer the question correctly. You may not talk to anyone. You can not mark you other than you answer. You may only talk to me once the 80 mins are up. Now turn your paper of and figure it out. Are there any questions. " Ibiki said as he hit the button for the timer.

A few people asked him a question but were thrown out of the room with there team mates.

Naruto flipped over his paper to see a blank page with a 1. In the right hand corner. He started to panic a little.

Ino saw this from her sit and saw Shikamaru in his thinking pose.

She was sitting all the way in the back in the middle. Shikamaru was in the front right corner. Well Naruto was in the middle of class but all the way to the left.

Ino thought to her self "okay we need to say calm Shikamaru can think us threw this. We can't talk to one another but I can connect us to think together."

Ino started to mediate focusing on her mind reading ability's till she locked on Naruto and Shikamaru's mind. Then she ran threw some hand signs under the table (mind link jutsu).

"Hey can you guys here me" Ino said.

Naruto looked around not sure what's going on.

"Naruto relax im speaking in your mind no one can hear me but you and Shikamaru. She thought.

"Oh okay I thought I was going crazy. So you guys have any idea of how to pass this" Naruto thought.

"I mit have it but ill wait to see what happens in the next 70 mins or so. Lets keep are eyes open and watch everyone" Shikamaru said.

Over the next hour they watched and saw team after team kicked out and failed. Finally the timer hit 1 min left.

"The answer is No " Shikamaru thought.

"Are you sure " Ino thought.

"Ino trust him he is one of the smartest people we know" Naruto said.

So they all wrote no on there paper and waited the final few seconds.

"Okay now out of the one of you that are left let's see who pasted"  Ibiki said.

He walked up to each person and told them pas or fail. He got to Shikamaru first " you pass" .

After everyone was checked 20 teams remained. 

"Congratulations you all pass im sure your wondering what was up with the test. All I'm going to say is you have to look underneath the underneath".

Then the glass shattered and a women bust in the room throwing up a banner with her kuni it read.

(Proctor of the second exam the lovely and single Anko Mitarashi)

She was wearing a orange miniskirt with a mesh body suit with a brown trench coat.

"Its show time maggots head to training ground 44 you have one hour to get there" Anko said.

Everyone got up and left. Outside team ten was having a little meeting.

"Shikamaru why was the right answer no" Ino asked.

Well after everything he said and there being no question on the paper. I thought about all he said and the last thing he said was any questions. That being the question the answer is no because we weren't aloud to asks questions. Look underneath the underneath" he said.

That's why your the smart one Shikamaru" Naruto said.

"Then what am I" Ino said.

"The sexy cute mind reader who I love" Naruto smiled.

"Aww you I love you too" Ino said.

"Troublesome blondes. Lets go before to training ground 44 before we fail" Shikamaru said.

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